556 research outputs found

    Compartmentalization of integrin α6β4 signaling in lipid rafts

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    Integrin α6β4 signaling proceeds through Src family kinase (SFK)–mediated phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic tail of β4, recruitment of Shc, and activation of Ras and phosphoinositide-3 kinase. Upon cessation of signaling, α6β4 mediates assembly of hemidesmosomes. Here, we report that part of α6β4 is incorporated in lipid rafts. Metabolic labeling in combination with mutagenesis indicates that one or more cysteine in the membrane-proximal segment of β4 tail is palmitoylated. Mutation of these cysteines suppresses incorporation of α6β4 in lipid rafts, but does not affect α6β4-mediated adhesion or assembly of hemidesmosomes. The fraction of α6β4 localized to rafts associates with a palmitoylated SFK, whereas the remainder does not. Ligation of palmitoylation-defective α6β4 does not activate SFK signaling to extracellular signal–regulated kinase and fails to promote keratinocyte proliferation in response to EGF. Thus, compartmentalization in lipid rafts is necessary to couple the α6β4 integrin to a palmitoylated SFK and promote EGF-dependent mitogenesis

    GPR160 de-orphanization reveals critical roles in neuropathic pain in rodents

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    Treating neuropathic pain is challenging and novel non-opioid based medicines are needed. Using unbiased receptomics, transcriptomic analyses, immunofluorescence and in situ hybridization, we found the expression of the orphan GPCR (oGPCR) Gpr160 and GPR160 increased in the rodent dorsal horn of the spinal cord (DH-SC) following traumatic nerve injury. Genetic and immunopharmacological approaches demonstrated that GPR160 inhibition in the spinal cord prevented and reversed neuropathic pain in male and female rodents without altering normal pain response. GPR160 inhibition in the spinal cord attenuated sensory processing in the thalamus, a key relay in the sensory discriminative pathways of pain. We also identified cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide (CARTp) as a GPR160 ligand. Inhibiting endogenous CARTp signaling in spinal cord attenuated neuropathic pain, whereas exogenous intrathecal (i.th.) CARTp evoked painful hypersensitivity through GPR160-dependent ERK and cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB). Our findings de-orphanize GPR160, identify it as a determinant of neuropathic pain and potential therapeutic target, and provide insights to its signaling pathways. CARTp is involved in many diseases including depression, reward and addiction, de-orphanization of GPR160 is a major step forward understanding the role of CARTp signaling in health and disease

    Neurofibromatosis 2011: a report of the Children's Tumor Foundation annual meeting.

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    The 2011 annual meeting of the Children's Tumor Foundation, the annual gathering of the neurofibromatosis (NF) research and clinical communities, was attended by 330 participants who discussed integration of new signaling pathways into NF research, the appreciation for NF mutations in sporadic cancers, and an expanding pre-clinical and clinical agenda. NF1, NF2, and schwannomatosis collectively affect approximately 100,000 persons in US, and result from mutations in different genes. Benign tumors of NF1 (neurofibroma and optic pathway glioma) and NF2 (schwannoma, ependymoma, and meningioma) and schwannomatosis (schwannoma) can cause significant morbidity, and there are no proven drug treatments for any form of NF. Each disorder is associated with additional manifestations causing morbidity. The research presentations described in this review covered basic science, preclinical testing, and results from clinical trials, and demonstrate the remarkable strides being taken toward understanding of and progress toward treatments for these disorders based on the close interaction among scientists and clinicians

    The epidemiology of Varicella Zoster Virus infection in Italy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The epidemiological importance of varicella and zoster and the availability of an efficacious and safe vaccine have led to an important international debate regarding the suitability of mass vaccination. The objective of the study was to describe the epidemiology of varicella and zoster in Italy and to determine whether there have been changes with respect to observations provided by an analogous study conducted 8 years ago, in order to define the most appropriate vaccination strategy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A number of data sources were evaluated, a cross-sectional population-based seroprevalence study was conducted on samples collected in 2004, and the results were compared with data obtained in 1996.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The data from active and passive surveillance systems confirm that varicella is a widespread infectious disease which mainly affects children. VZV seroprevalence did not substantially differ from that found in the previous study. The sero-epidemiological profile in Italy is different from that in other European countries. In particular, the percentage of susceptible adolescents is at least nearly twice as high as in other European countries and in the age group 20–39 yrs, approximately 9% of individuals are susceptible to VZV.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of this study can contribute to evaluating the options for varicella vaccination. It is possible that in a few years, in all Italian Regions, there will exist the conditions necessary for implementing a mass vaccination campaign and that the large-scale availability of MMRV tetravalent vaccines will facilitate mass vaccination.</p

    The epidemiology of mumps in Italy

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    In Italy, although vaccination has been recommended for a number of years, vaccination coverage for mumps is still sub-optimal. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the seroprevalence of mumps antibodies in the Italian population, stratified by age, gender and geographical area. The proportion of individuals positive for mumps antibodies remained stable in the age classes 0-11 months and 1 year (25.4% and 30.8%, respectively) and showed a continuous increase after the second year of life. The percentage of susceptible individuals was higher than 20% in persons 2-14 years of age and exceeded 10% in persons 15-39 years of age. No statistically significant differences were observed by gender or geographical area. Comparison between these results and the data obtained from a 1996 survey showed a statistically significant increase in seroprevalence in the age class 2-4 years. No changes were observed in the other age-groups. The results of this study confirm that the efforts made in recent years to improve vaccination coverage within the second year of life should be strengthened. \ua9 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Counseling in fetal medicine: Congenital cytomegalovirus infection.

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    Although the clinical work-up of CMV in pregnancy has gradually become more accurate, counseling for CMV is still challenging. Despite the potential feasibility of universal prenatal serological screening, its introduction in prenatal diagnosis continues to raise concerns related to its real cost-effectiveness. Contextually, anticipating the confirmation of fetal infection earlier in pregnancy is one of the most pressing issues to reduce the parental psychological burden. Amniocentesis is still the gold standard and recent data have demonstrated that it could be performed before 20 weeks of gestation, provided that at least 8 weeks have elapsed from the presumed date of maternal seroconversion. New approaches, such as chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and virome DNA, even if not yet validated as confirmation of fetal infection, have been studied alternatively to amniocentesis to reduce the time-interval from maternal seroconversion and the amniocentesis results. Risk stratification for sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) and long-term sequelae should be provided according to the prognostic predictors. Nevertheless, in the era of valacyclovir, maternal high-dose therapy, mainly for first trimester infections, can reduce the risk of vertical transmission and increase the likelihood of asymptomatic newborns, but it is still unclear whether valacyclovir continues to exert a beneficial effect on fetuses with positive amniocentesis. This review provides updated evidence-based key counseling points with GRADE recommendations

    The effect of starch-based biomaterials on leukocyte adhesion and activation in vitro

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    Leukocyte adhesion to biomaterials has long been recognised as a key element to determine their inflammatory potential. Results regarding leukocyte adhesion and activation are contradictory in some aspects of the material’s effect in determining these events. It is clear that together with the wettability or hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity, the roughness of a substrate has a major effect on leukocyte adhesion. Both the chemical and physical properties of a material influence the adsorbed proteins layer which in turn determines the adhesion of cells. In this work polymorphonuclear (PMN) cells and a mixed population of monocytes/macrophages and lymphocytes (mononuclear cells) were cultured separately with a range of starch-based materials and composites with hydroxyapatite (HA). A combination of both reflected light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used in order to study the leukocyte morphology. The quantification of the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was used to determine the number of viable cells adhered to the polymers. Cell adhesion and activation was characterised by immunocytochemistry based on the expression of several adhesion molecules, crucial in the progress of an inflammatory response. This work supports previous in vitro studies with PMN and monocytes/macrophages, which demonstrated that there are several properties of the materials that can influence and determine their biological response. From our study, monocytes/macrophages and lymphocytes adhere in similar amounts to more hydrophobic (SPCL) and to moderately hydrophilic (SEVA-C) surfaces and do not preferentially adhere to rougher substrates (SCA). Contrarily, more hydrophilic surfaces (SCA) induced higher PMN adhesion and lower activation. In addition, the hydroxyapatite reinforcement induces changes in cell behaviour for some materials but not for others. The observed response to starch-based biodegradable polymers was not significantly different from the control materials. Thus, the results reported herein indicate the low potential of the starch-based biodegradable polymers to induce inflammation especially the HA reinforced composite materials