28 research outputs found

    Knowledge management and technology transfer. How to promote the innovations (the case of Italy and Romania)

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    Paper examines the ways in which the results of research are transformed in innovation and in its economic effects. This is also in correlation to the verdict of the European Council (Lisbon 2000) to invest 3.5 of GDP in research. With particular reference to Italy and Romania and in the absence of an automatic transfer of the results of public research in innovation (European paradox), authors analyse the ways deemed most appropriate and effective for enterprises and for public administration so that they can readily get profit from the results of public research and become increasingly competitive in the global marke

    Produzione sostenibile di pelli di grande valore commerciale e di alta qualità: pelli da allevamenti intensivi di Crocodylus niloticus

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    As you know, tanning is one of the first historic made by man on the skins of mammals, reptiles, birds and fish, now mostly reared. The environmental impact of tanning to concentrate the interests of PS on coats of greater value, investing in research and advanced technologies. Tanning centre in the Santa Croce, district of international importance, has arisen the need for crocodile skins, which are a leather of high commercial value. So it is important to study of the industry. The Authors analyze the prospects for the leather crocodile market and production techniques, to highlight sustainability, protection of natural stocks and the quality of the productions

    Algae: an opportunity to obtain products with high value, to contribute to the reduction of environmental pollution and to achieve environmental sustainability

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    In view of the serious problems affecting humanity (energy, hunger, global warming, etc.) and to completion of their previous researches aimed to their mitigation, the authors dwell on the contribution that the cultivation of algae can give. They highlight the significant advantage that the algae can give because of their ability to provide high use value products and high market value, based on recovery and on the storage of anthropogenic CO2. In countries with optimal environmental parameters for the algae cultivation , it would also have the opportunity to market their green certificates. The authors hope a growing interest of the governments in respect of products and industrial processes that can be realized through the use of CO2, including those derived from algae themselves, in order to obtain an economic value through the use of CO2 derived from industr

    The significance of industrial uses of CO2 (processes, products and goods) as instrument for the attenuation of the greenhouse effect and for the obtaining of economic values

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    It is widely believed that climate change on the planet largely depends on discharges of CO2 due to human activities. This is the reason why many countries, including China, have committed themselves, with the Kyoto Protocol, to reducing their discharge of CO2 into the atmosphere. Reducing the discharge of CO2 has therefore become a common objective of the international community, to be pursued primarily through a series of actions aimed at increasing the sustainability of industrial processes. There are various types of actions that have been proposed: they range from reducing the use of fossil fuels, the separation of CO2 prior to its release into the atmosphere, its capture and storage in the oceans or underground, to an increase in the use of renewable energy sources, nuclear energy, etc. The paper, however, pays particular attention to the contribution that CO2 is able to provide both in industrial processes and as a raw material employed in production processes, to obtain products and goods, and ultimately, to the way in which, from a waste product with a high environmental impact (like CO2) it is possible to create economic value. The authors quantify this possibility

    Knowlegde Management, European Paradox and Triple Helix

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    As everybody knows there is no automatic transfer of the results of researches on the economic and social world (business and public administration) despite the high quality of them. That's why the authors suggest the most appropriate and effective modalities to ensure that the results of the research can be absorbed by the economic and social world to become innovations. The aim is to enable companies to become more competitive and to the public administration to become more efficient. Of these perspectives there is increasingly need in Europe (European paradox), but also in China

    Significato di talune produzioni (processi e merci) come strumento per lo stoccaggio della CO2. Necessità di interventi di maggiore peso agli effetti del problema alimentare

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    It is opinion that climate change on the planet is largely dependent on the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and that this effect is related largely to human activities that make CO2. Indeed among the greenhouse gases considered in the Kyoto Protocol (methane, nitrous oxide, etc..) CO2 emissions account for 80% of their total. However, since the anthropogenic contribution is linked in particular to the use of fossil fuels, there are actions that are proposed for the reduction of the gas: increased use of renewable sources, nuclear, energy saving, capture and storage in underground or in deep ocean etc.. The work, however, is limited to considering the possible contribution due to specific processes and products

    Enhancement of CO2 by biological process: an opportunity for the environmental protection and support of production of high added value

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    In view of the serious problems facing mankind (greenhouse effect, hunger, energy etc.) and to completion of previous researches aimed the their mitigation, the authors dwell on the contributions that the cultivation of algae can give. They highlight the significant advantage that the algae provide for their ability to give high-use value products and great value-market, based on the recovery and storage of CO2 emitted from industry. They hope an increased interest of the governments towards the algal products and towards other industrial products and processes that it is possible obtain by the use of CO2 to give economic value to it

    Produzione di biocombustibili dalle alghe, favorire la sostenibilità e salvaguardare le risorse energetiche esauribili

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    After making a brief mention on the contributions that algae, and / or their derivatives, give to the different products groups (food and livestock, extracts, cosmetics, fertilizers, etc.), the authors fix one's attention to analyse the contributions that the algae can offer in terms of renewable and sustainable energy sources. They want a growing interest of governments towards algae cultivation and use, especially designed for energy purposes. In this regard, the authors point out how the production and the energetic use of algae allows various opportunities and benefits. There is, however, the need to improve technologies for the purpose of cost containment in order to encourage competitivenes