1,172 research outputs found

    The Economic Ferocity of Policy

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    Each day, as the Dow Jones rises and falls, Congress similarly passes and fails legislation. These two seemingly continuous cycles intersect to the point that the two structures appear affixed. For centuries, this has posed an age-old question: is it policy that influences the economic system or is it the economic system itself that molds policy decision-making? Renowned economist Adam Smith is famous for his works detailing the autonomous nature of the economic system. Smith views policy as only a small roadblock in the master strategy of the economic flow of life. The Great Depression and the 2008 Recession, however, paint a vastly different picture of the relationship between policy and the economy. Policy, as observed at the local level through zoning, the state level through taxes, the federal level through spending programs, and the international level through trade policies, immediately and forcibly manipulates economic systems to the chagrin of the invisible hand. It is the actions of the political structure that set the scene for unprecedented economic gain or devastating recessional collapse

    Connecting the Disconnects: Human Rights and Global Citizenship

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    This paper explores the concepts of human rights and global citizenship in a discussion of theory and practice. It highlights some of the disjunctions that exist separately between the theoretical concepts and the methodological practice of human rights work and global citizenship education. In unpacking the disjunctions that exist respectively between these two concepts, a powerful connection surfaces as a hypothetical working solution to fill in the gaps. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the important connections, both theoretically and practically, so as to highlight the interwoven nuances of responsibility, global consciousness, and active engagement of both human rights work and global citizenship education

    Bridging the Gap Between Manner and Matter : The Friction of Reticence and Resistance in Sylvia Townsend Warner\u27s Intimate Poems

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    This thesis works to question the peculiar relationship between form and subject in the intimate poems of the undeservedly forgotten voice of Sylvia Townsend Warner. We will engage with feminist, lesbian, and modernist criticism to help explain why a writer placed so richly in the prime of modernism and with a revolutionary Communist spirit sometimes depicts in her verse a conservative, domestically repressed female speaker who is often silenced, subdued, and controlled by her female lover—and why Warner choses to construct these subjects using more formal poetic strategies. Sylvia Townsend Warner is an important figure to examine, as there is rich discourse to be had about how women writers - and especially lesbian writers - of the time were still so often confined to a particular literary space, both in mode and matter, and how they worked to challenge that space. In the three chapters of this thesis, we explore how Warner employs strategies of subtle coding in order to form an open dialogue about lesbian love—creating poems riddled with heterosexual play, gender blurring, overt power dynamics, the inversion of Romantic tropes, and discourse on the creation of poetry, all which speak to the double-bound nature of the lesbian existence in the early twentieth century


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    Riset ini dilaksanakan dengan maksud dan tujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan sosial ekonomi terhadap probabilitas dalam memiliki asuransi kecelakaan kerja nelayan tradisional dan probabilitas keinginan nelayan membayar premi asuransi kecelakaan kerja. Riset ini dilaksanakan pada 10 Tempat Pelelangan Ikan di Kabupaten Pangandaran, Jawa Barat dengan Tahun 2021. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode inferensial. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode accidental sampling dengan jumlah sebanyak 100 responden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara terstruktur, dan teknik dokumentasi. Hasil riset didapat berdasarkan analisis regresi logistik biner dengan variabel independen yaitu Umur (X1), Pendidikan (X2), Pengalaman (X3), Sehat (X4), Merokok (X5), Pendapatan (X6), Jumlah Tanggungan (X7), terhadap probabilitas responden memiliki asuransi kecelakaan kerja dan terhadap probabilitas responden memiliki keinginan membayar asuransi kecelakaan kerja. Hasil koefisien determinansi menunjukkan bahwa variabel independen berpengaruh 22,1% terhadap probabilitas nelayan memiliki asuransi kecelakaan kerja dan variabel independen berpengaruh sebesar 14,5% terhadap probabilitas responden memiliki keinginan membayar premi asuransi. Berdasarkan Uji Wald yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa p-value variabel Pengalaman (X3) memiliki nilai sebesar 5,009 menunjukkan bahwa Varibel Pengalaman berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap probabilitas responden memiliki asuransi kecelakaan kerja. Nilai p-value Jumlah Tanggungan (X7) memiliki nilai sebesar 9,058 hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa Jumlah Tanggungan Keluarga berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap probabilitas keinginan responden membayar premi asuransi kecelakaan kerj

    The Sonographic Progression of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease into Non-Alcoholic Cirrhosis of the Liver

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    Cirrhosis is quickly becoming a prevalent disease in the United States alone and affects 1 in every 400 Americans. Cirrhosis occurs when the liver\u27s fibrous bands are no longer fibrous in response to the liver being scarred and no longer being able to filter toxins from the blood. Ultrasound is a key tool along with blood tests that allows cirrhosis to definitively be detected and diagnosed in patients. Cirrhosis can be either non-alcoholic or alcoholic depending on the patient’s history and there are distinct differences in appearance of the liver sonographically as well as symptoms and treatment of this disease as it progresses. It is essential to determine sonographic findings of the progression of the normal liver to cirrhosis of the liver and to comprehend the difference between treating alcoholic and non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. It is also crucial to understand the diagnosis, disease process, complications, symptoms, prognosis, and reversal of cirrhosis of the liver in order to both recognize this disease and be able to care for anyone with this disease. Keywords: liver, cirrhosis, fatty infiltration, sonography, non-alcoholic, elastographyhttps://digitalcommons.misericordia.edu/research_posters2020/1080/thumbnail.jp

    Promoting Social and Emotional Competency in Toddlers

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    The lack of social and emotional competence in preschoolers needs to be emphasized and more structured in the classroom, as they are not prepared to handle kindergarten readiness within this development. This project will consist of teaching preschoolers emotional and social competence by means of activities that focus on promoting emotion recognition and social supportive skills with their peers. This lesson plan will take place over a 2-days at the Child Care Center located at California State University, Monterey Bay, Seaside, CA

    Genetic Relationship between SARS-CoV-2 and Other Coronaviruses

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    News coverage about the COVID-19 pandemic has often compared SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes this disease, to other coronaviruses that have made the species jump to humans, such as SARS-CoV of the 2003 SARS outbreak, MERS-CoV of the 2012 MERS outbreak, and the coronaviruses that cause the flu and common cold. Though the comparison of SARS-CoV-2 to the common cold has been weaponized for political reasons, it is important for the study of SARS-CoV-2 and the coronavirus classification, the development of an effective arsenal against this virus and the global pandemic, and the effective implementation of public health measures. In order to tackle these broad areas of research, the genetic makeup of SARS-CoV-2 must be analyzed and compared to that of other human coronaviruses. Research about SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 has been conducted extremely rapidly, with the demand for new and groundbreaking information growing more and more each day as we aim to end the global pandemic. The research that has been conducted approaches the virus and the pandemic from many different angles and fields, such as epidemiology, medicine, economics, psychology, and much more; however, there is an enormous information gap in the medicine, biochemistry, and genetics of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. In this research endeavor, I will determine how genetically related SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, and other coronaviruses are, and how these variations effect observed differences in epidemiology, symptoms, and severity, among others


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    Salah satu tujuan pendaftaran tanah adalah untuk memberikan kepastian hukum dan perlindungan hukum bagi pemegang hak atas tanah agar tidak dapat dengan mudah diganggu oleh pihak lain. Dalam penelitian ini, pada akhir tahun 2013 TNI-AU mengklaim tanah yang berada di Nagari Gadut khususnya yang di wilayah Jorong PSB dan PGRM adalah tanah milik TNI-AU. Padahal masyarakat telah mempunyai sertipikat hak milik atas tanah tersebut. Dasar hukum TNI-AU mengklaim bahwa tanah tersebut milik TNI-AU adalah KSAP nomor 023/P/KSAP/50 Tanggal 25 Mei 1950 memutus¬kan semua lapangan terbang serta bangunan-bangunan serta alat-alat yang berada di lapangan menjadi milik AURI (TNI AU), Surat Edaran Mendagri Nomor H.20/5/7 Tanggal 9 Mei 1950 Tentang Penyelesaian Tanah-tanah yang Dahulu Diambil oleh Pemerintah Jepang, dan Surat Edaran Mendagri Nomor Agr.40/25/13 Tanggal 13 Mei 1953 Tentang Penyelesaian Tanah-tanah yang Dahulu Diambil oleh Pemerintah Jepang Serta Batas Waktu Penyelesaian Persoalan Tanah Tersebut Sampai Akhir Tahun 1953. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Bagaimana proses pendaftaran tanah hak milik pada area bekas rampasan Pemerintah Jepang di Nagari Gadut (2) Bagaimana status tanah pada area bekas rampasan Pemerintah Jepang di Nagari Gadut Kabupaten Agam setelah adanya klaim dari TNI-AU (3) Bagaimana perlindungan hukum bagi pemegang sertipikat hak milik atas tanah pada area bekas rampasan Pemerintah Jepang. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah yuridis empiris dan penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitis. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi dokumen dan wawancara. Teknik pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah editing dan coding. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa, (1) proses pendaftaran tanah pada area bekas rampasan Pemerintah Jepang asal haknya dari konversi. Secara umum pendaftaran tanah yang asal haknya melalui konversi melalui dua tahapan kegiatan yaitu kegiatan di tingkat adat dan kegiatan di tingkat pemerintahan, (2) tanah bekas area rampasan Pemerintah Jepang di Nagari Gadut Kabupaten Agam berada dalam status quo setelah di klaim oleh TNI-AU, (3) selama belum ada putusan yang inkracht oleh pengadilan maka tanah tersebut tetap menjadi milik masyarakat, dan apabila tanah tersebut diperlukan oleh TNI-AU untuk kepentingan umum maka dapat melalui mekanisme pengadaan tanah. Kata kunci : Perlindungan Hukum, Pemblokiran, Sertipikat Hak Milik Legal Protection to Land Certificate Holders of Japan’s Former Occupied Lands in Nagari Gadut of Agam Regency Gemala Giana S.H, 1620122013, Graduate Program of Notary at the Faculty of Law, Andalas University, p. 85, 2019 ABSTRACT One of the purposes of land registration is to provide legal status and legal protection for the certificate holders against another party’s claim. This study focused on investigating the land claim made by the Indonesian Air Force at the end of 2013 upon a land area in the Jorong region of PSB and PGRM. Meanwhile, the community in those areas had had the legal certificate of the land ownership The legal basis of the Air Force claims is KSAP number 023 / P / KSAP / 50 on May 25, 1950 stating that all airfields and buildings, equipments in the field to belong to the Air Force (TNI AU), the letter of the Minister of Home Affairs Number H.20 / 5/7 dated May 9, 1950 concerning the settlement of land colonized by Japan, and letter of Minister of Home Affairs Number Agr.40 / 25/13 May 13, 1953 concerning land settlement colonized by Japan as well as the deadline for resolving the land dispute until the end of 1953. The focus of this study is formulated in these following questions(1) How is the process of registering land ownership in former Japan’s former occupied land in Gadut Nagari (2) Why were the land administration in that area banned by the Agam Regency Land Office (3) What is the legal protection for holders of land ownership certificates in that area. The research method used was empirical juridical and this research was descriptive analytical. Data collection techniques were carried out through document studies and interviews. The data processing technique used was editing and coding. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that, (1) the process of land registration upon the Japan‘s former occupied land were for conversion right. In general, land registration originates from conversion right through two stages of activities in the level of local wisdom and government, (2) the administration banning were done by the Agam Regency Land Office upon the land due to the demand from Indonesia Air Force, (3) the land still belonged to the community as it had had no legal verdict of inkracht from the court and if the land was required by the Air Force for the public interest, it could be through a land acquisition mechanism. Keywords: Legal Protection, Banning, Certificate of Propert

    Extratos de própolis no controle da mancha bacteriana (Xanthomonas gardneri) e da pinta bacteriana (Pseudomonas syringae) em tomateiro

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Agrárias. Curso de Agronomia.O tomate é uma das hortaliças de maior importância no Brasil e no mundo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo a avaliação in vitro e in vivo do efeito da própolis de diferentes fontes contra os patógenos Xanthomonas gardneri e Pseudomonas syringae, bactérias causadoras da mancha e da pinta bacteriana na cultura do tomate. As amostras de própolis foram provenientes de Rancho Queimado/SC (RQ) e São Joaquim/SC, coletadas no verão (SJV) ou inverno (SJI). Para verificar o efeito antimicrobiano dos extratos de própolis sobre as bactérias, realizaram-se testes de incorporação em meio de cultura, de difusão em ágar com papel antibiograma e de formação de biofilme bacteriano em microplaca. Em tomateiros, testou-se o efeito do intervalo de tempo (4 dias, 2 dias ou 2 horas) entre tratamento com própolis RQ (2,0 mg.ml-1) e inoculação de X. gardneri ou de P. syringae em plantas da variedade Kada e Santa Clara, respectivamente. Por fim, foi avaliado o efeito de própolis RQ (0; 0,5 e 3,0 mg.ml-1) em explantes de ápices caulinares de tomateiros Kada inoculados com X. gardneri e de explantes da variedade Santa Clara inoculados com P. syringae. Nos testes de incorporação, todas as fontes de própolis e em todas as concentrações (0,1; 0,5 e 1,0 mg.ml-1) foram capazes de inibir o crescimento de X. gardneri, mas para P. syringae apenas as doses mais elevadas (0,5 e 1,0 mg.ml-1) se mostraram eficientes. No teste de difusão em ágar, as três fontes de própolis não apresentaram halos de inibição contra X. gardneri e P. syringae que se comparassem ao do bactericida. Observou-se efeito de dose da própolis RQ sobre X. gardneri, apresentando mais de 99% de inibição da formação do biofilme bacteriano nas maiores doses testadas (1,5 e 3,0 mg.ml-1). Para P. syringae, a inibição foi de 67,8%, menos evidente que para X. gardneri. Em plantas, não foi observado efeito do extrato de própolis RQ (2,0 mg.ml-1) sobre a severidade das bacterioses, independente do intervalo de tempo entre aplicação e inoculação. Em explantes de tomate da variedade Kada, as doses 0,5 e 3,0 mg.ml-1 de própolis RQ reduziram a mancha bacteriana em 37 e 47%. O controle da pinta bacteriana, usando essas mesmas doses, foi de 69 e 75% em explantes de Santa Clara, respectivamente. Com isso, conclui-se que a própolis tem potencial para o controle da mancha e da pinta bacteriana em tomateiros.The tomato is an important crop in Brazil and worldwide. This study had as objective to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo effect of propolis from different sources against pathogens Xanthomonas gardneri and Pseudomonas syringae, bacteria that cause bacterial spot and speck in tomato crop. The propolis samples were from Rancho Queimado/SC (RQ) and São Joaquim/SC, collected in summer (SJV) or winter (SJI). Tests of incorporation in culture medium, agar diffusion method employing filter paper discs and bacterial biofilm formation in microplate were conducted to verify the antimicrobial effect of propolis extracts on the bacteria. In tomato plants, we tested the effect of time interval (4 days, 2 days, or 2 hours) between treatment with RQ propolis (2,0 mg.ml-1) and inoculation with X. gardneri or P. syringae in plants of variety Kada and Santa Clara, respectively. Finally, we evaluated the effect of RQ propolis (0; 0,5 and 3,0 mg.ml-1) in tomato shoot explants of Kada variety inoculated with X. gardneri and explants of Santa Clara variety inoculated with P. syringae. Incorporation tests results demonstrated that all sources of propolis and at all concentrations (0,1; 0,5 e 1,0 mg.ml-1) were able to inhibit X. gardneri the growth, but only higher doses (0,5 and 1,0 mg.ml-1) were efficient against P. syringae. In agar diffusion test the three sources of propolis showed no inhibition halo against X. gardneri and P. syringae which compared the bactericidal. Was observed dose effect of RQ propolis on X. gardneri. Presenting more than 99% inhibition the level of bacterial biofilm formation on the higher doses tested (1,5 e 3,0 mg.ml-1). For P. syringae, inhibition was 67,8%, less evident than for X. gardneri. In plants, there wasn’t effect of RQ propolis extract (2,0 mg.ml-1) on the severity of bacterial diseases, regardless of time interval between application and inoculation. In tomato explants of Kada variety, RQ propolis at 0,5 and 3,0 mg.ml-1 reduced the number of lesions of bacterial spot in 37 and 47%. The control of bacterial speck using those same doses was 69 and 75% in explants of Santa Clara, respectively. Thus, it’s concluded that propolis has potential to control of bacterial spot and speck on tomato plants
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