172 research outputs found

    Microcontroller Based Portable Measurement System for GaN and SiC Devices Characterization

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    The aim of this work is to design and implement an embedded system capable to characterize some relevant figures of merit of Gallium Nitride and Silicon Carbide transistors in a wide range of frequencies. In particular, the designed system is focused on measuring the parameters involved in both the power loss phenomena and the reliability of the device during switching operations. Both the employment of a low-cost microcontroller unit and the equivalent-time sampling technique contributed to make the measurement system flexible, affordable and capable of enhanced sampling performance. As a result, different GaN and SiC devices were compared, in order to characterize the behavior of the measured quantities with respect to the switching frequency

    Artificial dielectric optical structures: A challenge for nanofabrication

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    Diffractive optical components can be made using multiple level kinoforms or single level artificial dielectric structures. The latter require the fabrication of pillars of equal depth but differing width and spacing. As a demonstration device, the diffractive optic equivalent of a wedge has been made in GaAs for use at 1.15 μm. The need for all pillars to have the same height was met by using a selective etch and a very thin etch-stop layer on AlGaAs. The experimental diffraction efficiency was 87.8%, among the best ever obtained and close to the theoretical maximum of 97.6%. © 1998 American Vacuum Society

    A distributed analysis of vibration signals for leakage detection in Water Distribution Networks

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    It is well known that Water Distribution Networks (WDNs) are very inefficient and, in Italy, 40% of water is lost during distribution. In this paper, we present a solution for detecting leakages in WDNs, based on three main components: i) an innovative sensing element to be deployed at the sensor nodes, which analyses vibrations in the acoustic range for classifying external noise sources, induced by water leakages, by means of suitable machine learning techniques; ii) an Internet of Things (IoT) system of sensors, deployed at the junctions of the WDNs, for comparing the measurements collected at different critical points of the network; iii) a machine learning algorithm for processing the data. After the definition of the WDN structure, we introduce some numerical simulation tools suitable for studying our system and modeling the proposed sensing solution. Given the geometry, physical properties (pipe lengths, diameters, roughness, reservoir shapes and levels, pump and valve characteristic curves) and nodal demands, the simulation tool is able to compute leakages in pipes or nodes over time. In parallel, we simulate our IoT system coupled to the WDN, by logging partial information about the WDN status, which corresponds to the demand readings at the edge nodes or at some junction nodes, together with the (optional) measurements of the deployed sensing elements. On the basis of this data, we analyze the possibility of identifying the leakages in the network, even without knowing the exact or complete topology of the WDN. Our solution exploits different machine learning techniques devised to indirectly retrieve topological information, by correlating the balance of the flows as the water demand varies over time


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    The goal of the research recently started is to create efficient EMI filters compact that allow to obtain converters with low dimensions and economically competitive


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    In molti dei campi di impiego dei convertitori elettronici di potenza (aeronautico, aerospaziale, automotive, etc.) è richiesta la realizzazione di sistemi di conversione che, in relazione a stringenti vincoli di progetto, presentino, a parità di potenza, dimensioni sempre più compatte e pesi ridotti. In tale ottica, l’ottimizzazione della densità di potenza (power density) del convertitore diventa un obiettivo essenzial

    Las fallas y pliegues recientes y activos de la parte centro-oriental de las Zonas Internas de la Cordillera Bética

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    The most recent tectonic structures of the central-eastern Internal Zones of the Betic Cordillera (from 3.1ºW to 1.7ºW and to the south of 37.525ºN) include fault and folds developed from the Late Miocene onwards, which are related to N-S/NW-SE directed continental collision and moderate thickening of a crust that is relatively hot at depth. In this setting, E-W to WSW-ENE folds, with locally associated E-W transpressive right-lateral and reverse faults, favoured the emersion of the northern Alborán basin palaeomargin and the progressive intramontane basin disconnection. The NNE-SSW to NE-SW trending regional left-lateral Palomares and Carboneras fault zones are dominant structures in the easternmost part of the cordillera. In addition, NW-SE to WNWESE trending normal and oblique-slip normal faults are widespread. The collision is still active and continues to drive active folds and faults, some probably being the likely source of moderate-sized earthquakes. The Campo de Dalías and surrounding sectors, deformed by active ENE-WSW folds and NW-SE to WNW-ESE oblique-slip normal faults, are probably the sites with the largest concentration of significant earthquakes during recent years. Moderate-magnitude earthquakes (Mw 5.0 to 6.5) have occurred there at fairly regular intervals, in 1804, 1910, and 1994. Toward the east, NW-SE trending normal faults extending from Almería to the Tabernas basin deform the Quaternary rocks with associated moderate seismicity (the 2002 Gergal Mw 4.7 earthquake, and possibly the 1894 Nacimiento earthquake, felt with intensity VII). In the Sorbas-Vera basin, the Palomares fault zone is also responsible for moderate-sized earthquakes (1518 Vera earthquake). In the Almanzora corridor, NW-SE to WNW-ESE trending Lúcar-Somontín faults also could be considered one of the possible source of moderate-magnitude seismicity (1932 Lúcar, Mw 4.8 earthquake felt with intensity VIII). Toward the east, between Albox and Partaloa, several small reverse faults and associated compressive structures deform Quaternary alluvial and fluvial sediments. Although some of these folds reveal a slow and progressive deformation from the Middle Pleistocene onwards, some of these reverse fault segments that deform the western Huércal-Overa basin could host the 1972 NW Partaloa, mbLg 4.8 earthquake, felt with intensity VII.Las estructuras tectónicas más recientes que deforman la parte centro-oriental de las Zonas Internas de Cordillera Bética (entre 3.1º y 1.7ºO y al sur de 37.525ºN) son fallas y pliegues que comenzaron a formarse aproximadamente en el Mioceno superior en un contexto de colisión continental N-S/NO-SE y moderado engrosamiento cortical. En este marco tectónico, pliegues y fallas transpresivas dextras e inversas de direcciones E-O/OSO-ENE favorecieron la emersión del borde norte de la paleocuenca de Alborán y la progresiva desconexión de pequeñas cuencas intramontañosas. Además, comenzaron a formarse las grandes zonas de falla de Palomares y Carboneras, con direcciones NNE-SSO y NE-SO respectivamente y movimientos sinistros, que también han condicionado la evolución de la Cordillera Bética oriental desde el Mioceno superior. Algunas fallas con salto normal/normal-oblicuo y trazas NO-SE/ONO-ESE también se han desarrollado ampliamente en toda la zona de estudio. La colisión, aún activa, permite que algunos pliegues y fallas continúen propagándose en la actualidad, eventualmente causando terremotos con magnitudes moderadas. El Campo de Dalías y los sectores adyacentes, deformados por pliegues activos de direcciones ENE-OSO y fallas NO-SE/ONOESE normales-oblicuas, probablemente representan la zona con mayor concentración de terremotos importantes (Mw 5.0-6.5) con eventos recurrentes en 1804, 1910 y 1994. Al este del Campo de Dalías, una amplia zona de falla normal se extiende en dirección NO-SE desde Almería hasta la cuenca de Tabernas. Esta zona de falla muestra evidencias de funcionamiento durante el Cuaternario y tiene sismicidad moderada asociada a su terminación septentrional (el terremoto de Gergal en 2002 con Mw 4.7; y posiblemente el terremoto de Nacimiento en 1894 con intensidad VII). La zona de falla de Palomares es también responsable de terremotos moderados en la Cuenca de Sorbas-Vera (terremoto de Vera en 1518). En la parte central del corredor del Almanzora, alguno de los segmentos de falla normal que se extienden entre Lúcar y Somontín podría ser responsable del terremoto de Lúcar, en 1932 (Mw 4.8 e intensidad VIII). Al este, entre Albox y Partaloa, se han descrito fallas inversas y pliegues asociados que deforman sedimentos cuaternarios. Aunque algunas de estas estructuras muestran evidencias de funcionamiento lento y progresivo durante el Cuaternario, el terremoto de Partaloa en 1972 (mbLg 4.8 e intensidad VII) pudo ser causado por la actividad de cualquiera de estos segmentos de falla inversa que deforman la parte occidental de la cuenca de Huércal-Overa

    Vibration-based water leakage detection system for public open data platforms

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    Water Distribution Networks are known to lose a consistent percentage of drinkable water due to the presence of leakages. In this paper it is proposed a solution to detect water leaks consisting of: i) a new sensing equipment able to acoustically monitor the external surface of a newly laid underground pipe; ii) a training of several machine learning models able to analyse the data collected by the new sensing equipment; iii) a user dashboard to give the final user the possibility to monitor the pipe’s condition. The research process included the generation of artificial leakages capable to produce a suitable dataset necessary to properly train machine learning models onto

    Analysis of the urban heat island effects on building energy consumption

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    Urban areas usually experience higher temperatures when compared to their rural surroundings. Several studies underlined that specific urban conditions are strictly connected with the Urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon, which consists in the environmental overheating related to anthropic activities. As a matter of fact, urban areas, characterized by massive constructions that reduce local vegetation coverage, are subject to the absorption of a great amount of solar radiation (short wave) which is only partially released into the atmosphere by radiation in the thermal infrared (long wave). On the contrary, green areas and rural environments in general show a reduced UHI effect, that is lower air temperatures, due to evapo-transpiration fluxes. Several studies demonstrate that urban microclimate affects buildings’ energy consumption and calculations based on typical meteorological year could misestimate their actual energy consumption. In this study, two different sets of meteorological data are used for the calculation of the heating and cooling energy needs of an existing university building. The building is modeled using TRNSYS v.17 software. The first set of data was collected by a weather station located in the city center of Modena, while the second set of data was collected by another station, located in the surrounding area of the city, near to the studied building. The influence of the different meteorological situations described by the two weather stations are analyzed and assumed to be representative of the UHI effect. Furthermore, the effects of UHI mitigation strategies on the building energy needs are evaluated and discussed
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