10 research outputs found

    An Investigation into the Implementation of Call in Government Colleges of District Hyderabad: A Study on English Teachers’ Perceptions

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    In the modern world technology has prevailed and now it is unstoppable to prevail more in the near future. As technology effected in every walk of life so does in education. Therefore, education is continuously transforming in all around the world through electronical resources and with the help of technological gadgets, tools, and other devices, the spread of has become easy enough that even lay men have some sort of comprehension to understand some English. Education is being flourished in well to do countries around the world by implementing computers in their education system. The technological or electronic based tool CALL known Computer Assisted Language Learning is not new in the world but in Pakistan to some extent it is. Even though many local researchers have already done much work dealing CALL and its aspects even then there is a huge vacuum to work on and make educational authorities aware about the end results of integrating technology if applied in our education system particularly in Higher Secondary Education. However, according to education policy 2017 by Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training Government of Pakistan, it is required to include Information Communication Technology to meet the needs of variety of learners through information technology because the explosion of information is increasing a large scale therefore it is needed to get access of knowledge and make learning easy. Moreover, via increasing the access of technology the cost of education could come down and could meet the challenges of illiteracy and poverty. In this connection, the aim of the study is to investigate the perceptions of English teacher about the application and obstacles to the implementation of CALL and the related strategies which may be adopted to inculcate by inspecting the current capacity of the use of Computer Assisted Language Learning in the government colleges of Hyderabad Division. Concerning this, the study was conducted at government Boys and Girls colleges of Hyderabad by collecting data from English teachers through quantitative survey questionnaire. This research work finally analyzes that majority of the teachers are in favor to have change in education and implementing technology sure to be fruitful to bring out the potential of the students. This way learners will be well equipped to survive in the society positively and constructively. Keywords:Computer, Perception, Implementation, Higher Secondary Education, Communication, Technology, Education system, Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/11-8-05 Publication date: April 30th 2021

    Nocebo: Three cases

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    Nocebo effect is due to negative expectations of the treatment. It is belief which strongly influences the outcome of disease. Three cases presented here, have an irrational response to scientific medical procedures due to lack of trust. Agnosis leads to faith in superstitions

    Pseudo-neoplastic Lesions of Prostate and the Diagnostic Deception

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    Introduction: Many pseudo-neoplastic lesions of the prostate gland are recognized. Histologically these lesions mimic the adenocarcinoma of prostate. Pseudo-neoplastic lesions comprise of different glandular and non-glandular or solid patterns. Largely emphasized on the epithelial origin but some stromal and solid lesions are also important. In developing countries, the routine Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain is most commonly used to stain the histological tissue sections. The other stains and molecular studies are not frequently used. The pseudoneoplastic lesions are so obscure and deceptive that sometimes it become very difficult to recognize. The diagnostic facilities both in government and private sector should have at least the facility of immunohistochemical staging to avoid misinterpretations. Methodology: This retrospective study performed at Muhammad Medical College Mirpurkhas Sindh. 192 specimens of radical prostatectomy (RP) and transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) received between January 2015 to December 2017 were retrieved for review. All retrieved blocks processed as per standard histopathological techniques. Fresh tissue sections taken and stained with H&E. Results: All tissue sections reviewed to observe the glandular patterns, their architectural morphology, cytological changes and inflammatory process. The lesions were distinguished on epithelial origin and glandular patterns. Cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia were 169 (88 %), adenosis 06 (3.12 %), reactive hyperplasia 06 (3.12 %), Post atrophic hyperplasia 05 (2.6 %), benign stromal proliferation 02 (1 %) and prostate carcinoma 04 (2%). Conclusion: Many pseudoneoplastic lesions of the prostate are the mimicker of adenocarcinoma. On H&E stains it sometimes become difficult to differentiate the lesions. The histomorphological diagnosis of these lesions should be facilitated at least by immunohistochemical stains at diagnostic tcenters.t   Keywords: Immunohistochemistry, Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP), Radical prostatectomy (RP). Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E)

    Analysis of Helicobacter pylori gastritis according to Sydney classification.

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    Introduction: Since H. Pylori has been isolated in stomach and duodenum, there were individual methodologies to explain the grading according to colonization and density of microorganism. In 1990 Sydney system of classification was proposed at the 9th world congress of gastroenterology in Sydney Australia, based on topo-graphical, morphological and etiological findings. This classification revised in 1994 and updated by experts in Houston Texas. H. Pylori is major cause of chronic gastri-tis results in gastric and peptic ulcer. It also causes MALT lymphoma and malignan-cy. For histopathological examination four specimens, two from antrum and two from corpus are recommended.Objective: To evaluate the Sydney system of classification and grading for H. Pylori in local population.Methodology: 287 cases of biopsies received at the department of pathology Mu-hammad Medical College, Mirpurkhas Sindh Pakistan, during the period of January 2017 to December 2018 were revised. Sections stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin; Alcian blue and periodic acid Schiff to define H. Pylori and associated pathological changes. The microscopical findings classified according to upgraded Sydney pattern.Results: Out of 287 cases of gastric biopsies 23 (8.0%) were positive for H. Pylori. chronic inflammation present in 168 (58.5%). Neutrophilic activity found in 58 (18.1%). Atrophy without metaplasia observed in 31 (10.8%). Intestinal metaplasia present in 1 (0.3%) cases.Conclusion: Sydney system of grading is best to evaluate chronic gastritis and relia-ble indicator of H. Pylori microorganism. Keywords: Chronic gastritis, Gastric carcinoma. H. Pylori

    Bilateral multiple giant juvenile fibroadenomas of breast.

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    A case of adolescent girl, with bilateral giant fibroadenomas. On history first appeared as small nodules at the age of eleven years and attempt mass of 1855 grams by seven nodules of various sizes measuring, largest 15 x 14 x 10 cm and smallest 1.5 x 1.5 x 1 in dimensions. Although these developed insidiously over the period of seven years, patient ignored the lesion as well the increased in size. Soon after marriage, her husband realizes that the lesions needs consultation and brought her to Combined Military Hospital Chhor Umerkot

    In Celiac disease: Type 3a, 3b and grade BI is more frequent on Marsh Modified (Oberhuber) / Corraza classification.

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    Introduction: Histopathological alterations in celiac disease (CD)are villous atrophy, intraepithelial lymphocyte infiltration and crypt hyperplasia. It is caused by gluten in genetically predisposed persons. Duodenum and proximal part of jejunum are most commonly involved. Various classifications are used to define histopathological features of CD, but it is easier to define on Marsh modified (Oberhuber) Corraza classification. Objective: The object of study is to differentiate histopathogical feature of celiac disease on Marsh modified (Oberhuber) and Corraza classifications Methodology: This retrospective study of 66 cases of CD carried out at Muhammad Medical college Mirpurkhas Sindh Pakistan between January 2016 to December 2017. Fresh slides prepared and dually observed. All observations denoted and systemized on Marsh modified (Oberhuber) Corraza classification. There are many mimics of CD, they should be excluded for the proper approach to diagnosis.  Conclusion:  Histopathogical finding are helpful in CD if they are carefully classified. Typing and grading system of Marsh modified Corraza classification is easier to define and is supportive to observe the features in diagnosis and prognosis of disease.   Key words:  Celiac disease, Intraepithelial lymphocytes, villous atrophy. Histopathology, serolog

    Incidentally detected asymptomatic HBV positive subjects with slightly raised liver alanine amino transferase (alt).

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    Introduction: One third of world population (Two billion people) has been infected with hepatitis B virus. It is one of the most common infectious diseases among the world’s leading cause of death. HBV induced chronic liver disease is also an important precursor for the development of hepatocellular carcinoma even in absence of cirrhosis. Many subjects are un aware of viruses that are the cause of hepatitis except when they have been fully involved by the disease and it has become apparent with significant signs and symptoms. Objective: To discuss raised liver Alanine amino transferase (ALT) activity in asymptomatic HBV positive subjects. Methodology: This study was carried out at pathology laboratory Muhammad Medical College Mirpurkhas from January 2015 to July 2016. Total125 hepatitis B positive asymptomatic subjects were selected and screened out as routine laboratory investigations. Results:  Selected asymptomatic subjects showed normal Reference levels for TB, ALK and GGT. While ALT was raised above reference range.Conclusion: To give awareness regarding the appropriate measures to reduce the risk in subjects which are asymptomatic and unaware of liver viruses with slightly raised enzyme activity.  Key Words: HBV, ALT, Hepatiti

    Incidence of Adenomyosis and its association with other benign lesions in Hysterectomy with BSO.

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    Objectives: To determine the incidence of adenomyosis and to assess its association with co– existing benign lesions. Methodology: This prospective cross section study carried out at the Department of Pathology, Muhammad Medical College Mirpurkhas Sindh Pakistan from 1st January 2016 to 31st December 2016. Total 53 cases of hysterectomies with BSO were assessed. All specimens were grossly examined in detail and processed through hematoxylin and eosin stains. All the sections were examined for adenomyosis and its associated co – existing benign lesions. Results: Out of 53 specimens of hysterectomies with BSO, in 39.6% were found adenomyotic foci. The patients mean age was 40 years. Besides adenomyosis alone 14.2%, the associated co – existing benign lesion were ovarian cysts (57.1 %). Endometrial polyps and adenomyomatous Polyps (19 %) and Leiomyomas (9.5 %). Conclusion: Adenomyosis is common in middle aged women. The ovarian cysts are frequent co – existing benign lesions of adenomyosis. Key Words: Adenomyosis, Bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy, Hysterectomy

    Comparison of Immunochromatography test (ICT) with real time polymerase chain reaction (RT – PCR) in detection of HCV.

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    Objectives: To compare ICT rapid test with RT- PCR. Methodology: This study conducted at Pathological Laboratory Muhammad Medical College Hospital during July-August 2016 with collaboration of The Health Foundation District Sanghar at Goth Haji Khair Muhammad Junejo Kandiari Dist: Sanghar Sindh. 400 subjects from whole the population approximately 674 persons of Goth Haji Khair Mohammad Junejo taulka kandiari district Sanghar were selected in between the age of 10 years to 70 years. The purpose was to treat them if they are HCV positive. All the subjects were first screened for Anti – HCV on ICT method, and then all positive cases were confirmed on RT – PCR. Results: This study conducted during the month of July and August 2016. Total 400 asymptomatic subjects from both male and female were screened by ICT method for Anti – HCV. Out of 400 subjects, 142 (35.5%) were positive. The serum of all 142 subjects positive on ICT, sent to Rawalpindi for HCV qualitative test on RT – PCR, HCV detected in 84 (59.16%) cases and 58 (40.84%) cases were negative. The ratio of variation (ICT: RT-PCR) was 1.44. Conclusion:  Rapid ICT method is less sensitive compare to RT – PCR. There is variation of results in between two methods. All positive cases on ICT must be confirmed on RT – PCR. There is false positivity in ICT method.   Key word: ICT (Immunochromatography test) RT – PCR (Real time polymerase chain reaction) RIA (Radio immunoassay) ELISA (Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) EIA (Enzyme immunoassay). &nbsp

    Invite Internet Users to Honeynet Security to Improve VoIP Streaming Services

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    There are group of challenges in VoIP security, VoIP Quality and lots of peoples worked on it e.g., “IPSec security on VoIP”, “VoIP Honeypot architecture”, “cryptography techniques are used to safely transmit the information stream over the network” and many more. Security is a terminology which cannot be a perfect or 100%. For the time being we can be minimizing and protect to the threats but as the technology increases the new threats are also generating day by day. Researchers have applied different patterns, techniques and scenarios to prevent some specific threats and security frameworks for securing VoIP communication. But in this research, we want to analyze the quality of service after applying Honeynet security framework