936 research outputs found

    Global environment and factors affecting the salary of the CEO (chief executive officer) of a goods producing firm: an Econometric modeling approach using STATA

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    The flattening of the world thanks to the cluster of profound socio-economic and politico-cultural changes has created unprecedented challenges for organizational leadership and management. The fast evolving global world of ours where challenges have to be continually met requires timely decision taken by CEOs’ (Chief Executive Officers) who shape and give direction to world politics and economic order. In the light of this we have studied the decisions taken by CEOs’ of goods producing firms’ and their decisions on firm’s productivity and profitability which in turn depend to a great deal on CEOs’ salary structure. Better salary leads to influx of people from all over the world often leading to brain drain situation in developing countries. Globalization has created social disparities in the present economic system that are molded by the increasing polarization of work between people working in high paid knowledge sectors and others working in low paid sectors. Prior research has suggested that in a global environment capitalists benefit from other capitalists who pay higher salaries from the expansion of income. The salary data of 177 CEOs’ (Chief Executive Officers) for the year 1990 – published in the Business Week of June 6, 1991 has been analyzed to determine and correlate the effects of sales, market value (mktval), profit and CEOs’ tenure (ceoten) on the CEOs’ salary. The performance of goods producing firms where the CEOs’ served has been found to be strongly correlated with their salary intakes. The basic purpose of this research and study is to analyze the deciding factor in the salaries of top executives. The CEOs’ are the policy makers in all government and non-governmental organizations and their decision-taking greatly influences the performances of their institution. CEOs’ performance with respect to their salaries and other variables mentioned above is found to be the deciding factor as regards policy execution matters in goods producing firm’s performances.Econometric model; multicollinearity; STATA10; elasticity; employment tenure and market value

    Sustainable Supply Chain Finance Process in Delivering Financing for SMEs: The Case of Indonesia

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    Abstract— SMEs play an important role in economic development in every country. However, the growths of SMEs are hampered because of their difficulties in accessing external capital. In this context, the application of the concept of sustainable supply chain in the operation strategy of SMEs seems to be a very important function. This supply chain also covers all three aspects of sustainable development: business, environmental, and social. This study aims at investigating the experience of supply chain management in evaluating the worthiness of SMEs to improve operation. Qualitative method is adopted in this research because this method is appropriate to investigate the experience. Data will be collected by conducting in-depth interview to SC managers in Central Java. Data obtained from interview then analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to describe and explain the experience of SC managers in evaluating and delivering financing for SMEs. This research found that there are three major themes emerging from the analysis.  Those themes are 1) financing evaluation process, obstacles to accessing Islamic financing faced by SMEs, and decision making

    Need For Leadership: Empirical Evidence From Pakistan

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    Abundant research has been carried out throughout the years to explore the moderator effect of situational variables in leadership literature around the globe. However, this area is the most neglected area among the behavioral scientists of Pakistan. Therefore, the present study seeks to find out the moderator effect of need for leadership in relation with leadership characteristics on subordinates’ behavioral outcomes using the need for leadership framework of de Vries (1997) in Pakistani work settings. As a result, the practical implications of the findings are discussed

    Prevalence of Nemathelminthes in Cart Pulling Camels

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    Background: Camels are multipurpose animals, raised for the source of animal protein and transportation. Pakistan is also a major camel raising country and its population is one million. Parasitic disease cause impaired camel production, although the camels are less affected by the parasites, but some helminths affect them.Methods: The present study aimed to determine camels’ gastrointestinal helminths (nemathelminthes) in Sakrand, Sindh. The study was carried out in a total 100 dromedaries. The samples were collected and processed through the direct smear and floatation techniques.Results: The overall data showed a high infestation of nemathelminthes (62%) with the presence of following parasites; Trichostrongylus, Moniezia, Ostertagia, Haemonchus, Marshallagia, Trichuris, Toxocara, Ascaria, Escaria.Conclusion: To conclude nemathelminthes are major problem in camels under traditional husbandry. Regarding the high prevalence of infection use of parasitic control programmes are essential to improve camel health and productivity because camels play an important role in human lives by helping in transportation, work and provide production

    Antioxidants from Natural Sources

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    Antioxidants are the defense system of the body against the damage of reactive oxygen species, which is normally produced during the various physiological processes in the body. There are various sources of these antioxidants like endogenous antioxidant present in the body and exogenous food source. In recent decades, alternate of synthetic food antioxidants by natural ones has fostered interest on vegetable sources and the screening of inexpensive raw materials particularly from the agriculture for identifying new antioxidants. Polyphenols are the significant plant compounds with antioxidant activity, though not the only ones. Some but not only restricted to biological properties such as anticarcinogenicity, antimutagenicity, antiallergenicity, and antiaging activity have been reported for natural and synthetic antioxidants. Among the sources of natural antioxidants, the most important are those coming from routinely consuming vegetables and fruits; however, antioxidant from other plant and agriculture waste should not be ignored

    Faith Conversions in Pakistan: Projections and Interpretations

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    This paper evaluates the definition of ‘forced conversion’ as presented in various reports—mostly published by different non-governmental organizations (NGOs)—about Pakistan and its projection through social as well as print media outlets. Taking insights from the writings of Lewis R. Rambo, Nathaniel Roberts and Katy Sian, the paper compares the narrative in Pakistan with the studies undertaken in the West on conversion and its politics. It analyzes the political perspectives and their sources used to conceive the meaning of proclaimed forced conversion based on the age and maturity of alleged victims and perceived vulnerability. By presenting social media activism as the case study, this paper interrogates the narrative that relies on ambiguous definitions explicated in legislative bills on ‘forced conversion’ and the NGO reports. It argues that the narrative reflected in proposed bills, reports, and social media reinforces the role of patriarchy and caste as the social forces. The paper concludes that this narrative is politically motivated and does not take into account multiple push and pull factors that lead to religious conversion while defining the term. </p
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