2,296 research outputs found

    A Novel "Magnetic" Field And Its Dual Non-Commutative Phase Space

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    In this paper we have studied a new form of Non-Commutative (NC) phase space with an operatorial form of noncommutativity. A point particle in this space feels the effect of an interaction with an "{\it{internal}}" magnetic field, that is singular at a specific position θ1\theta^{-1}. By "internal" we mean that the effective magnetic fields depends essentially on the particle properties and modifies the symplectic structure. Here θ\theta is the NC parameter and induces the coupling between the particle and the "internal" magnetic field. The magnetic moment of the particle is computed. Interaction with an {\it{external}} physical magnetic field reveals interesting features induced by the inherent fuzziness of the NC phase space: introduction of non-trivial structures into the charge and mass of the particle and possibility of the particle dynamics collapsing to a Hall type of motion. The dynamics is studied both from Lagrangian and symplectic (Hamiltonian) points of view. The canonical (Darboux) variables are also identified. We briefly comment, that the model presented here, can play interesting role in the context of (recently observed) {\it{real}} space Berry curvature in material systems.Comment: 8 pages LaTex, Matches journal version, PLB 638 (2006)350; One reference added and minor change in text, related to i

    Quantum Gravity Effects in Geodesic Motion and Predictions of Equivalence Principle Violation

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    We show that the Equivalence Principle (EP) is violated by Quantum Gravity (QG) effects. The predicted violations are compared to experimental observations for Gravitational Redshift, Law of Reciprocal Action and Universality of Free Fall. This allows us to derive explicit bounds for β\beta - the QG scale. In our approach, there appears a deviation in the geodesic motion of a particle. This deviation is induced by a non-commutative spacetime, consistent with a Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP). GUP admits the presence of a minimum length scale, that is advocated by QG theories. Remarkably, the GUP induced corrections are quite robust since the bound on β\beta obtained by us, {\it{in General Relativity scenario in an essentially classical setting}} of modified geodesic motion, is closely comparable to similar bounds in recent literature \cite{vag}. The latter are computed in purely {\it{quantum}} physics domain in {\it{flat}} spacetime.Comment: Title changed, Universality of Free Fall expt. added, references added, modified version, to appear in CQ

    The Seiberg-Witten Map in Noncommutative Field Theory: An Alternative Interpretation

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    In this article, an alternative interpretation of the Seiberg-Witten map in non-commutative field theory is provided. We show that the Seiberg-Witten map can be induced in a geometric way, by a field dependent co-ordinate transformation that connects noncommutative and ordinary space-times. Furthermore, in continuation of our earlier works, it has been demonstrated here that the above (field dependent co-ordinate) transformations are present in a gauge fixed version of the relativistic spinning particle model, embedded in the Batalin-Tyutin extended space. We emphasize that the space-time non-commutativity emerges naturally from the particle {\it {spin}} degrees of freedom. Contrary to similarly motivated works, the non-commutativity is not imposed here in an {\it{ad-hoc}} manner.Comment: To appear in the special issue of the journal "Relativity, Gravitation, Cosmology

    Wavepackets and Duality in Noncommutative Planar Quantum Mechanics

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    Effects of noncommutativity are investigated in planar quantum mechanics in the coordinate representation. Generally these issues are addressed by converting to the momentum space. In the first part of the work we show noncommutative effects in a Gaussian wavepacket through the broadening of its width. We also rederive results on *-product of Gaussian wavepackets. In the second part, we construct a "Master" model for a noncommutative harmonic oscillator by embedding it in an extended space. Different gauge choices leading to different forms of noncommutativity, (such as between coordinates only, between momenta only or noncommutativity of a more general kind), can be studied in a unified and systematic manner. Thus the dual nature of these theories are also revealed.Comment: Latex, The first part on wave packets is expanded and rewritten, Results and conclusions are unchange

    Spontaneous Generation of a Crystalline Ground State in a Higher Derivative Theory

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    The possibility of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in momentum space in a generic Lifshitz scalar model - a non-relativistic scalar field theory with higher spatial derivative terms - has been studied. We show that the minimum energy state, the ground state, has a lattice structure, where the translation invariance of the continuum theory is reduced to a discrete translation symmetry. The scale of translation symmetry breaking (or induced lattice spacing) is proportional to the inverse of the momentum of the condensate particle. The crystalline ground state is stable under excitations below a certain critical velocity. The small fluctuations above the ground state can have a phonon like dispersion under suitable choice of parameters. At the beginning we have discussed the effects of next to nearest neighbour interaction terms in a model of linear triatomic molecule depicted by a linear system of three particles of same mass connected by identical springs. This model is relevant since in the continuum limit the next to nearest neighbour interaction terms generate higher (spatial) derivative wave equation, the main topic of this paper.Comment: Paper revised, title changed, change in interpretation of previous results, references added, accepted for publication in Physica

    Anyons in Electromagnetic Field and the BMT Equation

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    The Lagrangian model for anyon, presented in [6], is extended to include interactions with external, homogeneous electromagnetic field. Explicit electric and magnetic moment terms for the anyon are introduced in the Lagrangian. The 2+1-dimensional BMT equation as well as the correct value (2) of the gyromagnetic ratio is rederived, in the Hamiltonian framework.Comment: Latex file, 10 pages, GHC-TH/94-0

    Noncommutativity in Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Matter Theory Simulates Pauli Magnetic Coupling

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    We study interactions between like charges in the noncommutative Maxwell-Chern-Simons electrodynamics {\it{minimally}} coupled to spinors or scalars. We demonstrate that the non-relativistic potential profiles, for only spatial noncommutativity, are nearly identical to the ones generated by a {\it{non-minimal}} Pauli magnetic coupling, originally introduced by Stern \cite{js}. Although the Pauli term has crucial roles in the context of physically relevant objects such as anyons and like-charge bound states (or "Cooper pairs"), its inception \cite{js} (see also \cite{others}) was ad-hoc and phenomenological in nature. On the other hand we recover similar results by extending the minimal model to the noncommutative plane, which has developed in to an important generalization to ordinary spacetime in recent years. No additional input is needed besides the noncommutativity parameter. We prove a novel result that for complex scalar matter sector, the bound states (or "Cooper pairs" can be generated {\it{only}} if the Maxwell-Chern-Simons-scalar theory is embedded in noncommutative spacetime. This is all the more interesting since the Chern-Simons term does not directly contribute a noncommutative correction term in the action.Comment: Revised version, Title changed, No changes in maths. part and conclusions, To appear in Mod.Phys.Lett.

    Poincare Anomaly in Planar Field Theory

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    We show the presence of Poincare anomaly in Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory with an explicit mass term, in 2+1-dimensions.Comment: 7 pages, Late

    Combining The Tunneling And Anomaly Phenomena In Deriving the Gravitational Anomaly

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    In this Letter we have derived the gravitational anomaly leading to the Hawking radiation from a fundamentally different perspective: it emerges due to the {\it{complimentary}} roles played by tunneling and (gravitational) anomaly. We have used the analogy of an early idea \cite{niel1} of visualizing chiral gauge anomaly as an effect of {\it{spectral flow}} of the energy levels, from the negative energy Dirac sea, across zero energy level in presence of gauge interactions. This was extended to conformal anomaly in \cite{fumita}. In the present work, we exploit the latter formalism in black hole physics where we interpret crossing the horizon of black hole (the zero energy level) as a spectral flow since it is also accompanied by a change of sign in the energy of the particle. Hence in our formulation the negative energy states below horizon play a similar role as the Dirac sea. We successfully recover the gravitational anomaly.Comment: Title and abstract changed, paper thoroughly rewritten, no change in basic idea and framework, to appear in Mod.Phys.Lett.

    Anyon Zitterbewegung

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    A new model for anyon is proposed, which exhibits the classical analogue of the quantum phenomenon - Zitterbewegung. The model is derived from existing spinning particle model and retains the essential features of anyon in the non-relativistic limit.Comment: 5 pages, Latex; email:[email protected]