5 research outputs found

    Sheehans syndrome: the hidden nemesis

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    Sheehan’s syndrome is the name given to postpartum hypopituitarism, usually precipitated by massive uterine haemorrhage and hypovolemic shock during or after childbirth resulting into pituitary injury in varying degrees. Most cases are diagnosed very late in life and the first presentation may be a life-threatening situation like shock or cardiorespiratory collape. This hidden nemesis in women compromises their quality of life and may result into mortality if not suspected early. In this article we present 3 patients who presented in the ICU in a state of complete cardio-respiratory collapse and later discharged in full health

    Vitamin B 12: the hidden ingredient of stroke

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    Background: Study aimed to evaluate the relationship between vitamin B12 and acute cerebral stroke in this study.Methods: Blood samples drawn within 24 hours after the stroke from hospitalized patients (n=100) and from 100 control cases matched for age, sex and other modifiable risk factors of stroke were analyzed. With a competitive, ECLIA, serum levels of vitamin B12 were measured. The quantitative data of the groups was compared using Analysis of Varience and Tukeys HSD post hoc test for comparison. Chi-square tests were used.Results: Median serum vitamin B12 levels were significantly lower in the patients than in the control subjects, 188.71 and 256.25 pg/ml respectively (p=0.0001). This difference was independent from other risk factors. The mean age in case group was 62.49 (SD: 12.45 years) and 56.62 (SD: 13.05 years) in control group with p=0.001. Therefore, prevalence of stroke is more between 6th and 7th decade of life. Mean serum vitamin B12 levels were lower in males (201.8pg/ml) than the females (268.pg/ml) in the case group.Conclusions: Low vitamin B12 is associated with an increased risk of stroke, and its relationship is independent from the other known modifiable stroke risk factors

    Reliability of diabetic neuropathy symptom and diabetic neuropathy examination scoring system for the diagnosis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

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    Background: This study aims to evaluate the reliability of the Diabetic Neuropathy Examination Score (DNE), 10-g Semmes-Weinstein Monofilament Examination and Quantitative Sensory Testing by Vibration Perception Threshold (VPT) in the diagnosis of diabetic polyneuropathy and seek a cost effective and reliable screening method in diabetic OPD and IPD against the gold standard of NCV.Methods: This study was carried out in 50 confirmed type 2 diabetic patients matched for age, sex, duration and ABI >0.9 irrespective of the presenting complaints. Patients with either limb amputation, other reasons for peripheral neuropathy, ABI <0.9, critical and comatose were excluded. A complete neurological assessment using a symptom questionnaire, Semmes Weinstein monofilament, vibration and thermal threshold perception analyzer was done and recorded. A score was given out of 20. The patients were retrograde subjected to NCV by a blinded technician and the readings were then compared to the scores.Results: The level of significance between the total neuropathy score and the presence of neuropathy (by NCV) was very significant (p<0.0001) with an association of 0.932. In patients with a mean total neuropathy score of 3.28,10.80 and 15.37, there was no, mild and severe levels of neuropathy in NCV respectively.Conclusions: There is correlation between the total neurological scores and NCV. Therefore, it can be used to screen all diabetic patients for earliest signs of diabetic neuropathy with sustainable results

    Deep vein thrombosis risk stratification in intensive care unit patients: a pressing need

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    Background: Risk stratification of deep vein thrombosis in patients admitted to ICU and incorporating DVT risk assessment score as a regular practice were the aim of the present study.Methods: This study was carried out in 67 patients admitted in ICU &gt;18 years of age, over one year. Patients with confirmed DVT, &lt;48 hours of stay, thrombocytopenia, diagnosed coagulation disorders, those who have received DVT prophylaxis in last 1 month and those with active bleeding were excluded. It was a cross sectional observational study. A SMART assessment score and pretest probability scoring card was used. Mechanical or pharmacological prophylaxis was given to those with moderate and high risk for DVT.Results: As per SMART assessment score 4.5%, 41.8%, 6% and 23.9% had no, moderate, high and highest risk of developing DVT. As per the pretest probability scores 76%, 20.9% and 3% were in low, moderate and high-risk group. Both scoring systems are comparable (p=0.001). There was significant association between paralysis (p value was 0.003), central venous access (p value was 0.006), patient bed ridden for &gt;72 hours (p value was 0.009) and risk group.Conclusions: Prolonged bed rest, paralysis and central venous access are the most important contributing conditions for high risk of DVT. Risk stratification should be routinely performed in ICU.  SMART assessment tool and pre-test probability scores are both equally efficacious in identifying high risk patients for DVT. Both mechanical and pharmacological means of DVT prophylaxis are equally effective in preventing DVT