109 research outputs found

    Field condensations and Noncritical String for c>1

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    Quantum theory of 2d gravity for c>1c>1 is examined as a non-critical string theory by taking account of the loop-correction of open strings whose end points are on the 2d world surface of the closed string. This loop-correction leads to a conformal anomaly, and we obtain a modified target-space action which implies a new phase of the non-critical closed-string. In this phase, the dual field of the gauge field, which lives on the boundary, condenses and the theory can be extended to c>1c>1 without any instability.Comment: 17 pages, Latex, no figur

    Holographic Penta and Hepta Quark State in Confining Gauge Theories

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    We study a new embedding solutions of D5 brane in an asymptotic AdS5×S5{}_5\times S^5 space-time, which is dual to a confining SU(Nc)SU(N_c) gauge theory. The D5 brane is wrapped on S5S^5 as in the case of the vertex of holographic baryon. However, the solution given here is different from the usual baryon vertex in the point that it couples to kk-anti-quarks and Nc+kN_c+k quarks on the opposite two points of S5S^5, the north and south poles, respectively. The total quark number of this state is preserved as NcN_c when minus one is assigned to anti-quark, then it forms a color singlet like the baryon. However, this includes anti-quarks and quarks, whose number is larger than that of the baryon. When we set as Nc=3N_c=3, we find the so called penta and hepta-quark states. We study the dynamical properties of these states by solving the vertex and string configurations for such states. The mass spectra of these states and the tension of the stretched vertex are estimated, and they are compared with that of the baryon.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    Holographic Approach to Regge Trajectory and Rotating D5 brane

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    We study the Regge trajectories of holographic mesons and baryons by considering rotating strings and D5 brane, which is introduced as the baryon vertex. Our model is based on the type IIB superstring theory with the background of asymptotic AdS5×S5AdS_5\times S^5. This background is dual to a confining supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory (SYM) with gauge condensate, , which determines the tension of the linear potential between the quark and anti-quark. Then the slope of the meson trajectory (αM′\alpha'_{M}) is given by this condensate as αM′=1/π\alpha'_{M}=1/\sqrt{\pi } at large spin JJ. This relation is compatible with the other theoretical results and experiments. For the baryon, we show the importance of spinning baryon vertex to obtain a Regge slope compatible with the one of NN and Δ\Delta series. In both cases, mesons and baryons, the trajectories are shifted to large mass side with the same slope for increasing current quark mass.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Holographic Confining Gauge theory and Response to Electric Field

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    We study the response of confining gauge theory to the external electric field by using holographic Yang-Mills theories in the large NcN_c limit. Although the theories are in the confinement phase, we find a transition from the insulator to the conductor phase when the electric field exceeds its critical value. Then, the baryon number current is generated in the conductor phase. At the same time, in this phase, the meson melting is observed through the quasi-normal modes of meson spectrum. Possible ideas are given for the string state corresponding to the melted mesons, and they lead to the idea that the source of this current may be identified with the quarks and anti-quarks supplied by the melted mesons. We also discuss about other possible carriers. Furthermore, from the analysis of the massless quark, chiral symmetry restoration is observed at the insulator-conductor transition point by studying a confining theory in which the chiral symmetry is broken.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figure

    On the validity of ADM formulation in 2D quantum gravity

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    We investigate 2d gravity quantized in the ADM formulation, where only the loop length l(z)l(z) is retained as a dynamical variable of the gravitation, in order to get an intuitive physical insight of the theory. The effective action of l(z)l(z) is calculated by adding scalar fields of conformal coupling, and the problems of the critical dimension and the time development of ll are addressed.Comment: 12 page

    Gauge-gravity correspondence in de Sitter braneworld

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    We study the braneworld solutions based on a solvable model of 5d gauged supergravity with two scalars of conformal dimension three, which correspond to bilinear operators of fermions in the dual N=4\mathcal{N}=4 super Yang-Mills theory on the boundary. An accelerating braneworld solution is obtained when both scalars are taken as the form of deformations of the super Yang-Mills theory and the bulk supersymmetry is broken. This solution is smoothly connected to the Poincare invariant brane in the limit of vanishing cosmological constant. The stability of this brane-solution and the correspondence to the gauge theory are addressed.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur
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