12 research outputs found

    Epidemiological Study and Estimating of Accidents Distribution in Construction Industry Workers in Yazd City by Appling Time Series until 2011.

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    Millions of construction industry accidents occur in the world cause troubles and injuries to workers and consequently economical loosing every year. The aim of this paper is an epidemiological study and determination of an estimator model for accidents of construction industry until 2011, for the first time, in Yazd city.This study is a descriptive, analytical and modeling. The questionnaire contains the variables such as age, occupation, type of accident, injured part and the results of accident.Fatal rate of workers who hadn’t insurance was more than those who had which was statistically significant (p < 0.001). The most rate of accident was falling (48.58%) and the less was chocking (29%). The highest level of injured was related to hands and feet and then head injury (22.27%). The relationships of accident results with kind of occupation and also part of body were statistically significant in construction industry (p<0.001). After testing many models, time series model of quadratic form was the closest model to the trend of data. This model estimation shows that if the situation be the same as now in 1390 the cases will be more than 300 per year. So this model recommended making change in the trend for preventing the accidents in future.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/ijosh.v2i1.5917 International Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, Vol. 2 No. 1 (2012) 26-3

    Introduction of a Simple Chamber for the Production and Simulation of Airborne Pollutants for Laboratory Use

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    Background: Designing training aids for students to increase their practical capability and skills is done by using modern educational methods. The aim of this study was to design a simulator of airborne pollutants for measuring gases, vapors and particles in the lab for student training. Methods: The present study investigated different systems based on reviewing the literature of conducted research studies around the world. Then, designing the simulator system of the airborne pollutants was carried out after studying the capabilities of available systems, considering the viewpoints of experts and focusing on the aims of the study. Results: The designed chamber consisted of a main component which, in addition to some complexes such as the blowing system, the evacuation funnel, the warming chamber, and control box, made the production and simulation of the particle and gaseous pollutants feasible in different atmospheric conditions. Conclusions: The production and simulation of airborne pollutants in an experimental chamber under controlled conditions can facilitate the accomplishment of different assessments on pollutants. The designed device benefits both having a simple yet creative fabricated system and low manufacturing costs. Therefore, it can be used readily as a suitable device for extensive research on pollutants in the educational and research centers. &nbsp

    Survey of Safety Culture and Its Relation to Work-Related Accidents in a City Train Project

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    Introduction: More than 85% of accidents are due to unsafety working and causes of 85 to 98% of occupational accidents are perspectives, behavior and culture. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to survey of safety culture and its relation with work-related accidents in an urban train project. Methods: This study was conducted on 180 workers. To collect data, were used a standard safety culture questionnaire that contains 62 questions related to 5 areas of education, work environment, priority to safety, information exchange and commitment management. Data were analyzed by SPSS-20 software. Results: The overall average of safety culture score in the urban train was 2,420, which is a positive project culture. Among the different dimensions of the safety culture, the lowest mean safety culture score was related to the work environment dimension (58.5%) and the highest average was priority to safety (84%). The most common cause of accidents was surface damage (66.6%). There was a significant relationship between safety culture with age groups and job satisfaction (P <0.05). Conclusion: According to the results, prioritizing safety at work and education has been one of the most important factors in achieving a high score on the safety culture of the project. On the other hand, due to the type of work activity, the work environment has been considered as the main factor in reducing the safety culture score. The most important thing in preventing minor accidents has arisen and promotion of safety culture, observing 5s in the workplace

    Identification and Assessment of Home Accidents Risk in Children under 7 Years Old in Yazd City

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    Introduction: Home accidents means accidents that happen in the house or its surroundings, and are the main cause of death and disability of children. Risk assessment is an organized method to identify, predict and reduce risk to an acceptable level. Therefore, our goal in this study is to identify and evaluate domestic hazards in the homes of Yazd city for children under seven years old. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, 322 home accidents were identified in a cluster method from different areas of Yazd city. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity and reliability were measured by experts (α=0.764). After completing the questionnaires, the collected data were entered into SPSS software version 20 and were analyzed by descriptive tests, ANOVA and T-TEST in confidence level of 95% Results: The most injuries caused by hazards are cuts, bone fractures/dislocations and contusion with a frequency of 17%, 14.8%, and 9.6%, respectively. The highest risk assessment code belongs to minor risks with a frequency of 39.76%, and the lowest frequency is for critical risks (3.17%). There was a significant relationship between most of the risks in homes with the areas of Yazd city and the type of building (p-value<0.05). Conclusion: This study shows the importance of using from the risk assessment code method, which can be used to identify and determine the relative risk of hazards for each part of the house and provide prevention solutions based on priority. Also, by using appropriate training and policies to monitor compliance and full implementation of legal requirements in construction, home accidents and the resulting complications have been reduced, and safety culture and quality of life of families have been improved

    The Relationship between Fatigue and Work Ability Index (WAI) of Workers in a Ceramic Industry in Yazd Province, 2014

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    Background: The basis of welfare and health in all individuals is their work ability. Many factors such as work and working conditions, fatigue, and individual characteristics affect the work ability. In the present study, we evaluated the work ability among workers employed in a ceramic industry and determined the relationship between fatigue areas. Methods: The present study was a descriptive cross-sectional study. 200 subjects were randomly selected and investigated. This study was conducted using two standard questionnaires of Work Ability Index (WAI) and Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI). Data were analyzed by SPSS software. Results: Mean general fatigue score was of 9.65 (SD=2.88) and the mean motivation score was 7.11 (SD=2.45). There was a significant difference in fatigue in different job groups in terms of work experience (P <0.05). The mean of fatigue in different occupational groups was higher for those without experience than those with skill. The mean of the work ability index was 39.69 (good level). The highest correlation was found between the score of work ability index and fatigue index among job titles belonging to the operational group (r = 0.97). Conclusion: With the increase of the fatigue score, the score of the work ability index decreased. Better recognition of factors creating fatigue and providing appropriate strategies can be effective in reducing this factor

    Evaluation of Social Performance and Related Factors in Iranian Central Iron Ore company workers

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    Introduction: Psychological and social health is the main problems of workers population, which can increase productivity at work and physical and mental health and provide or decline in these aspects. Materials and Methods: this study was descriptive and crosses - sectional and has been performed on 388 Iranian central iron ore company workers. The tool of study was standard GHQ-28 question are that has been measured under social performance scale. Results: 49.3 and 49 percent of the people have favorable and average score from the state of the social function condition and 1.8 percent of people have severe social dysfunction and besides the employees have less work experienced that have more social dysfunction and there is a relationship between the P = 0.026. With satisfaction with the status of social dysfunction (P = 0) and with the consent of the income (P = 0) there is significant relationship. Conclusion: In this study, a significant percentage of mineworkers were not in good condition from health, social functioning. It reveals the importance of addressing health issues and vulnerable working class, Intervention studies conducted by employers to improve job satisfaction and increased income and received social support from him, can increase the health indicators related to the body and mind

    Investigating the Mediating Role of Chronic Fatigue in the Relationship Between Mental Workload and Work Ability with Cognitive Failure: A Path Analysis Study in Micro and Small Industrial Workshop workers

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    Introduction: Considering the abundance and the large number of workers employed in micro and small industrial workshops in Iran and the importance of workers’ health, the present study aimed to investigate the mediating role of chronic fatigue in the relationship between mental workload and work ability with cognitive failure using path analysis. Material and Methods: This study was conducted using a cross-sectional design on a sample of workers employed in micro and small industrial workshops in the city of Eghlid. Data were collected utilizing various measures, including demographic and occupational information questionnaires, the NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX), the Work Ability Index (WAI), and questionnaires for chronic fatigue and cognitive failure. The correlation test and path analysis modeling were used in SPSS (version 24) and AMOS softwares to investigate the relationship between variables. Results: The mean scores of mental workload, work ability, chronic fatigue, and cognitive failure   were 69.63, 35.20, 15.58, and 53.30, respectively. The values of the goodness of fit indices lead to   the confirmation of the conceptual model by the research data. Also, based on the findings of the path analysis, the current research model has a good fit (CFI=1.00, GFI=0.998, NFI=0.999, AGFI=0.98 and RMSEA=0.003(0.00,0.169)). Conclusion: The path analysis results indicate that chronic fatigue plays a significant mediating role   in the relationship between mental workload and work ability with cognitive failure. A better understanding of the mediating mechanisms and complex effects of these relationships can contribute to improving the management of chronic fatigue and enhancing cognitive performance in the workplace

    Dizajn i izrada sustava za lokalnu ispušnu ventilaciju i procjena njegove učinkovitosti otklanjanja silikatne prašine i mikrokristalnih čestica te formaldehida u ljevaonici

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    The purpose of the present study was to design and assess the efficiency of a local exhaust ventilation system used in a foundry operation to control inhalable dust and particles, microcrystal particles, and noxious gases and vapours affecting workers during the foundry process. It was designed based on recommendations from the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygiene. After designing a local exhaust ventilation system (LEV), we prepared and submitted the implementation plan to the manufacturer. High concentrations of crystalline silica dust and formaldehyde, which are common toxic air pollutants in foundries, were ultimately measured as an indicator for studying the efficiency of this system in controlling inhalable dust and particles as well as other air pollutants. The level of occupational exposure to silica and formaldehyde as major air pollutants was assessed in two modes: first, when the LEV was on, and second, when it was off. Air samples from the exposure area were obtained using a personal sampling pump and analysed using the No. 7601 method for crystal silica and the No. 2541 method for formaldehyde of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Silica and formaldehyde concentrations were determined by visible absorption spectrophotometry and gas chromatography. The results showed that local exhaust ventilation was successful in preserving the crystal silica particles in the work environment at a level below the NIOSH maximum allowed concentration (0.05 mg m-3). In contrast, formaldehyde exceeded the NIOSH limit (1 ppm or 1.228 mg m-3).Svrha ove studije bila je dizajnirati sustav lokalne ispušne ventilacije i procijeniti njegovu učinkovitost otklanjanja inhalabilne silikatne prašine i mikrokristalnih čestica te štetnih plinova i para u radnoj okolini kojima su izloženi radnici u jednoj ljevaonici. Sustav je dizajniran na temelju preporuka Američke konferencije za higijenu rada (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygiene). Nakon osmišljavanja sustava lokalne ispušne ventilacije, pripremili smo plan za njegovu implementaciju te ga predali proizvođaču. Kao pokazatelji učinkovitosti ovoga sustava u kontroli inhalabilne prašine i čestica te drugih zagađivala zraka poslužila su nam mjerenja koncentracije silikatne prašine i formaldehida, koji su uobičajena toksična zagađivala zraka u ljevaonicama. Stupanj profesionalne izloženosti silikatnoj prašini i formaldehidu procijenjen je u dva slučaja: (1) kada je lokalni ventilacijski sustav bio uključen i (2) kada je sustav ventilacije bio isključen. Uzorci zraka koji su radnici udisali u radnom prostoru prikupljeni su pomoću osobnih sakupljača te ispitani metodama propisanim dokumentima Nacionalnog instituta za sigurnost i zdravlje na radu (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, krat. NIOSH) br. 7601 za silikatnu prašinu i br. 2541 za formaldehid. Koncentracije silikatne prašine i formaldehida određene su vidljivom apsorpcijskom spektrofotometrijom i plinskom kromatografijom. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je lokalna ispušna ventilacija uspješno otklonila kristalne silikatne čestice te je izmjerena koncentracija u radnom okruženju bila niža od najviše dopuštene koncentracije (0,05 mg m-3), dok je izmjerena koncentracija formaldehida u radnom okruženju bila viša od dopuštene koncentracije propisane od NIOSH-a (1 ppm = 1.228 mg m-3)

    Investigation of the Relationship between Biorhythms and Occupational Accidents Severity in a Chemical Industry, 2009-2022

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    Introduction: Occupational accidents have several life and financial consequences in industries. Among the causes of accidents, human error and unsafe behavior are known as the most important factors. Studies showed that biorhythms affect human errors and occupational accidents. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between biorhythms and the severity of occupational accidents in the chemical industry.   Materials and Methods: This study investigated chemical industry accidents from 2009-2022. After removing the incomplete reports, 279 accidents report was collected. The investigated accidents were classified into two groups major and minor. Information related to the biorhythms cycles was analyzed using Natural Biorhythm software. Data analysis was done using SPSS-24. Results: The investigation of accidents showed that 115 and 164 people were involved in major and minor accidents, respectively. In this study, in the critical state of the intellectual cycle, the number of major accidents was significantly higher than minor accidents (P=0.009). In the investigation of morning shift work accidents, the relationship between the critical state of the intellectual cycle and the severity of accidents was confirmed (P=0.004). We found no significant relationship between physical and emotional cycles with the severity of accidents.  Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that the critical days of the intellectual biorhythm are related to the severity of occupational accidents. It is recommended to conduct more studies on different jobs and duties to clarify the exact relationships between the variables

    Cancer Risk Assessment in Welder's Under Different Exposure Scenarios.

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    Welders exposure to nickel and hexavalent chromium in welding fumes is associated with increase of cancer risk in welders. In this study we calculated cancer risk due to exposure to these compounds in welders.The role of exposure parameters in welders on derived incremental lifetime cancer risk were determined by stochastic modeling of cancer risk. Input parameters were determined by field investigation in Iranian welders in 2013 and literature review.The 90% upper band cancer risk due to hexavalent chromium and nickel exposure was in the range of 6.03E-03 to 2.12E-02 and 7.18E-03 to 2.61E-02 respectively. Scenario analysis showed that asthmatic and project welders are significantly at higher cancer risk in comparison with other welders (