549 research outputs found

    Association of clusterin with the BRI2-derived amyloid molecules ABri and ADan

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    Familial British and Danish dementias (FBD and FDD) share striking neuropathological similarities with Alzheimer's disease (AD), including intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles as well as parenchymal and vascular amyloid deposits. Multiple amyloid associated proteins with still controversial role in amyloidogenesis colocalize with the structurally different amyloid peptides ABri in FBD, ADan in FDD, and Aβ in AD. Genetic variants and plasma levels of one of these associated proteins, clusterin, have been identified as risk factors for AD. Clusterin is known to bind soluble Aβ in biological fluids, facilitate its brain clearance, and prevent its aggregation. The current work identifies clusterin as the major ABri- and ADan-binding protein and provides insight into the biochemical mechanisms leading to the association of clusterin with ABri and ADan deposits. Mirroring findings in AD, the studies corroborate clusterin co-localization with cerebral parenchymal and vascular amyloid deposits in both disorders. Ligand affinity chromatography with downstream Western blot and amino acid sequence analyses unequivocally identified clusterin as the major ABri- and ADan-binding plasma protein. ELISA highlighted a specific saturable binding of clusterin to ABri and ADan with low nanomolar Kd values within the same range as those previously demonstrated for the clusterin-Aβ interaction. Consistent with its chaperone activity, thioflavin T binding assays clearly showed a modulatory effect of clusterin on ABri and ADan aggregation/fibrillization properties. Our findings, together with the known multifunctional activity of clusterin and its modulatory activity on the complex cellular pathways leading to oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and the induction of cell death mechanisms – all known pathogenic features of these protein folding disorders – suggests the likelihood of a more complex role and a translational potential for the apolipoprotein in the amelioration/prevention of these pathogenic mechanisms

    Inhibition of eIF2α dephosphorylation inhibits ErbB2-induced deregulation of mammary acinar morphogenesis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The ErbB2/Her2/Neu receptor tyrosine kinase is amplified in ~30% of human breast cancers. Phosphorylation of the translation initiation factor, eIF2α inhibits global protein synthesis and activates a stress signaling and growth suppressive program. We have shown that forced phosphorylation of eIF2α can suppress head and neck, colorectal carcinoma and multiple myeloma tumor growth and/or survival. Here we explore whether ErbB2 modulates eIF2α phosphorylation and whether forced phosphorylation of the latter can antagonize ErbB2 deregulation of mammary acinar morphogenesis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We tested whether ErbB2 signaling influenced eIF2α signaling and whether enhanced phosphorylation of the latter affected ErbB2-deregulated mammary acinar development. We obtained stable MCF10A cells overexpressing wild-type (Wt) Neu/ErbB2 or a constitutively active (CA) variant via retroviral delivery or mammary tumor cells from MMTV-Neu tumors. Western blotting, RT-PCR and confocal microscopy were used to analyze the effects of ErbB2 activation on eIF2α signaling and the effect of the GADD34-PP1C inhibitor salubrinal. Wt- and MMTV-Neu cells formed aberrant acini structures resembling DCIS, while CA-ErbB2 overexpression induced invasive lesions. In these structures we found that CA-ErbB2 but not the Wt variant significantly down-regulated the pro-apoptotic gene CHOP. This occurred without apparent modulation of basal phosphorylation of PERK and eIF2α or induction of its downstream target ATF4. However, inhibition of eIF2α dephosphorylation with salubrinal was sufficient to inhibit Wt- and CA-ErbB2- as well as MMTV-Neu-induced deregulation of acinar growth. This was linked to enhanced CHOP expression, inhibition of proliferation, induction of apoptosis and luminal clearing in Wt-ErbB2 and to inhibition of cyclin D1 levels and subsequent proliferation in CA-ErbB2 cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Depending on the strength of ErbB2 signaling there is a differential regulation of CHOP and eIF2α phosphorylation. ErbB2 uncouples in basal conditions eIF2α phosphorylation from CHOP induction. However, this signal was restored by salubrinal treatment in Wt-ErbB2 expressing MCF10A cells as these DCIS-like structures underwent luminal clearing. In CA-ErbB2 structures apoptosis is not induced by salubrinal and instead a state of quiescence with reduced proliferation was achieved. Treatments that stabilize P-eIF2α levels may be effective in treating ErbB2 positive cancers without severely disrupting normal tissue function and structure.</p

    Inhibition of Proliferation by PERK Regulates Mammary Acinar Morphogenesis and Tumor Formation

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    Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress signaling can be mediated by the ER kinase PERK, which phosphorylates its substrate eIF2α. This in turn, results in translational repression and the activation of downstream programs that can limit cell growth through cell cycle arrest and/or apoptosis. These responses can also be initiated by perturbations in cell adhesion. Thus, we hypothesized that adhesion-dependent regulation of PERK signaling might determine cell fate. We tested this hypothesis in a model of mammary acini development, a morphogenetic process regulated in part by adhesion signaling. Here we report a novel role for PERK in limiting MCF10A mammary epithelial cell proliferation during acinar morphogenesis in 3D Matrigel culture as well as in preventing mammary tumor formation in vivo. We show that loss of adhesion to a suitable substratum induces PERK-dependent phosphorylation of eIF2α and selective upregulation of ATF4 and GADD153. Further, inhibition of endogenous PERK signaling during acinar morphogenesis, using two dominant-negative PERK mutants (PERK-ΔC or PERK-K618A), does not affect apoptosis but results instead in hyper-proliferative and enlarged lumen-filled acini, devoid of proper architecture. This phenotype correlated with an adhesion-dependent increase in translation initiation, Ki67 staining and upregulation of Laminin-5, ErbB1 and ErbB2 expression. More importantly, the MCF10A cells expressing PERKΔC, but not a vector control, were tumorigenic in vivo upon orthotopic implantation in denuded mouse mammary fat pads. Our results reveal that the PERK pathway is responsive to adhesion-regulated signals and that it is essential for proper acinar morphogenesis and in preventing mammary tumor formation. The possibility that deficiencies in PERK signaling could lead to hyperproliferation of the mammary epithelium and increase the likelihood of tumor formation, is of significance to the understanding of breast cancer

    On the theory of tumor self-seeding: implications for metastasis progression in humans

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    Metastasis remains the leading cause of death among cancer patients because few effective treatment options are available. A recent paper proposes a new twist on metastasis. The paper shows that circulating tumor cells can return to the primary tumor, a process termed tumor self-seeding or cross-seeding, and that this helps breeding tumor cells that give rise to aggressive metastatic variants. A viewpoint presented here addresses the implications of these studies for human cancer metastasis

    Activation of HER family members in gastric carcinoma cells mediates resistance to MET inhibition

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gastric cancer is the second leading cause of cancer mortality in the world. The receptor tyrosine kinase MET is constitutively activated in many gastric cancers and its expression is strictly required for survival of some gastric cancer cells. Thus, MET is considered a good candidate for targeted therapeutic intervention in this type of tumor, and MET inhibitors recently entered clinical trials. One of the major problems of therapies targeting tyrosine kinases is that many tumors are not responsive to treatment or eventually develop resistance to the drugs. Perspective studies are thus mandatory to identify the molecular mechanisms that could cause resistance to these therapies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo </it>results demonstrate that, in MET-addicted gastric cancer cells, the activation of HER (Human Epidermal Receptor) family members induces resistance to MET silencing or inhibition by PHA-665752 (a selective kinase inhibitor). We provide molecular evidences highlighting the role of EGFR, HER3, and downstream signaling pathways common to MET and HER family in resistance to MET inhibitors. Moreover, we show that an <it>in vitro </it>generated gastric cancer cell line resistant to MET-inhibition displays overexpression of HER family members, whose activation contributes to maintenance of resistance.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our findings predict that gastric cancer tumors bearing constitutive activation of HER family members are poorly responsive to MET inhibition, even if this receptor is constitutively active. Moreover, the appearance of these alterations might also be responsible for the onset of resistance in initially responsive tumors.</p

    Computer Aided Identification of Small Molecules Disrupting uPAR/α5β1- Integrin Interaction: A New Paradigm for Metastasis Prevention

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    Disseminated dormant cancer cells can resume growth and eventually form overt metastases, but the underlying molecular mechanism responsible for this change remains obscure. We previously established that cell surface interaction between urokinase receptor (uPAR) and alpha5beta1-integrin initiates a sequel of events, involving MAPK-ERK activation that culminates in progressive cancer growth. We also identified the site on uPAR that binds alpha5beta1-integrin. Disruption of uPAR/integrin interaction blocks ERK activation and forces cancer cells into dormancy.Using a target structure guided computation docking we identified 68 compounds from a diversity library of 13,000 small molecules that were predicted to interact with a previously identified integrin-binding site on uPAR. Of these 68 chemical hits, ten inhibited ERK activation in a cellular assay and of those, 2 compounds, 2-(Pyridin-2-ylamino)-quinolin-8-ol and, 2,2'-(methylimino)di (8-quinolinol) inhibited ERK activation by disrupting the uPAR/integrins interaction. These two compounds, when applied in vivo, inhibited ERK activity and tumor growth and blocked metastases of a model head and neck carcinoma.We showed that interaction between two large proteins (uPAR and alpha5beta1-integrin) can be disrupted by a small molecule leading to profound downstream effects. Because this interaction occurs in cells with high uPAR expression, a property almost exclusive to cancer cells, we expect a new therapy based on these lead compounds to be cancer cell specific and minimally toxic. This treatment, rather than killing disseminated metastatic cells, should induce a protracted state of dormancy and prevent overt metastases

    A human tRNA methyltransferase 9-like protein prevents tumour growth by regulating LIN9 and HIF1-α

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    Emerging evidence points to aberrant regulation of translation as a driver of cell transformation in cancer. Given the direct control of translation by tRNA modifications, tRNA modifying enzymes may function as regulators of cancer progression. Here, we show that a tRNA methyltransferase 9‐like (hTRM9L/KIAA1456) mRNA is down‐regulated in breast, bladder, colorectal, cervix and testicular carcinomas. In the aggressive SW620 and HCT116 colon carcinoma cell lines, hTRM9L is silenced and its re‐expression and methyltransferase activity dramatically suppressed tumour growth in vivo. This growth inhibition was linked to decreased proliferation, senescence‐like G0/G1‐arrest and up‐regulation of the RB interacting protein LIN9. Additionally, SW620 cells re‐expressing hTRM9L did not respond to hypoxia via HIF1‐α‐dependent induction of GLUT1. Importantly, hTRM9L‐negative tumours were highly sensitive to aminoglycoside antibiotics and this was associated with altered tRNA modification levels compared to antibiotic resistant hTRM9L‐expressing SW620 cells. Our study links hTRM9L and tRNA modifications to inhibition of tumour growth via LIN9 and HIF1‐α‐dependent mechanisms. It also suggests that aminoglycoside antibiotics may be useful to treat hTRM9L‐deficient tumours.National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (R01 ES015037)National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (R01 ES017010)National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (R21 ES017146)National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (P30 ES002109)National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (R01 CA109182)National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (U54 CA163131)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF 0922830)NYSTARWestaway Research FundSingapore-MIT Alliance for Research and TechnologySamuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation Tumour Dormancy ProgramNYSTE