54 research outputs found

    Italo Mancini

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    Dell'analogia dell'essere e dei modi in cui si dice

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    On the analogy of being and the ways in which it is said. The essay intends to analyze the relationship between the two main modalities, namely attribution and proportionality, through which the so-called “analogy of being”, that constitutes the metaphysical declination of analogy in general, has historically been configured. In this regard, authors referable above all to the current of Neothomism are taken into consideration in order to show the theoretical reasons (concerning the links between unity and multiplicity, identity and difference, finite and infinite and in reference to this the relationships between participation and creation, causality and act of being, agnosticism and univocism) which underlie the analogy of being and the interweaving of the ways in which it is said. First of all we recall the reflection of thinkers who support the priority of the analogy of proportionality (Maritain and Stein) and then we move on to consider (also with excursus on the positions of Gilson, Berti and Possenti) the thought of philosophers who highlight the anteriority of analogy of attribution (Fabro and MarĂ©chal). Finally, the relationship which the two analogical modalities have with the notion of metaphor (Melchiorre) is shown, notion that opens up a horizon of meaning in which the metaphysical and hermeneutical dimensions end up being structurally interwoven

    La Persona Dei nel pensiero di Italo Mancini

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    In his configuration of the theme of the Persona Dei Mancini passes first of all from an initial metaphysical theism, where the person is an attribute of a God rationally demonstrated, to a philosophy of religion understood as an hermeneutics of revelation in which the theme of the Persona Dei is used to found the eschatology in a proleptic perspective. The prolepsis is expressed then in doxological terms through which it is possible to have a notitia Dei and of a God as a person, who in the logic of double thoughts is discovered to be the Persona Christi who, in the paradoxicality of the cross which connotes it, can give an adequate sense to the eschatological prolepsis. In the different periods of his thought \u2013 which the essay reconstructs in a theoretical way \u2013 Mancini suggests so different looks at the personality of God and develops more and more the importance of a God who is person because he intervenes in history with liberty even if he keeps a side of inaccessible mistery that man cannot dominate but only invoke in oxymorical terms

    Metafisica, ermeneutica, intercultura

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    The article analyses the \u201chermeneutical rereading of the ontological argument\u201d proposed by Furia Valori and in this regard it inquires into, on one side and also with reference to Virgilio Melchiorre\u2019s position, the articulation of the relationship between metaphysics and hermeneutics and it examines, on the other side and with reference to Luigi Pareyson\u2019s perspective, if the original principle has to be understood as libera necessitas or absolute freedom. The article analyses then the intercultural hermeneutics proposed by Maurizio Pagano and in this respect it underlines, on one side, how the conditions of the dialogue are \u2013 in the wake of Pareyson \u2013 the truth and the otherness and it examines, on the other side, how the \u201cuniversal concrete\u201d and the \u201crelational unity\u201d (proposed by Pagano) can be related with the theme of the christic prolepsis between history and eschaton and with the question of the analogy between finite and infinite

    LibertĂ  e veritĂ  nel pensiero di Luigi Pareyson

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    The essay intends to reflect upon the relatonship between the notions of truth and freedom, by taking into consideration the articulation of this relationship in Luigi Pareyson’s thought. It is considered first of all Truth and Interpretation, the work in which he argues that the truth, understood as inexhaustible transcendence, reveals itself to the person who in his freedom is called to interpret the truth in a perspective way and to decide for it. For Pareyson freedom is also free not to be free and the evil resides in this disclaimer of the relationship with the truth. The evil, appearing in infinite forms, finds its origin – as Pareyson shows in the Hermeneutics of Christianity presented in Ontology of Freedom – in God, who as original freedom puts his being and puts the being of man, freeing him from evil and inviting him to collaborate in the redemptive work. The divine freedom-truth thus enters into a relationship with human freedom called to responsibility towards all men

    Il simbolo nel pensiero di Luigi Pareyson

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    At the center of Pareyson’s reflection in the different periods of his thought (Aesthetics of formativity, Ontology of inexhaustibility, and Ontology of freedom), the symbol constantly shows according to a path of progressive ontological-tragic radicalization the dialectics between physicality and spirituality connected to the forms and to their completeness. It indicates also the inseparability of physicality and transcendence through which man expresses in his language the divine revelation as well as, in the last instance, the man himself in his being a problematical coincidence of relationship with himself and with others

    Sacro e santo nel pensiero di Italo Mancini

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    L'autore si sofferma sul pensiero di Italo Mancini, che contrappone l’alteritĂ  della “parola di Dio” alla nozione di “parola sacra” e di sacralizzazione identitaria del potere che questa, a differenza di quella, implica nella sua presunta volontĂ , tutta umana, di impossessarsi dell’assoluto. L’autore illustra poi come Mancini proponga una concezione teorico-pratica di «cristianesimo radicale» che pone in relazione le dimensioni della fede, della ideologia e della cultura e che evidenzia soprattutto l’essenzialitĂ  della nozione di santo e delle istanze della trascendenza e della separazione a essa sottese, secondo una direzione connotata dalla doppia fedeltĂ  a Dio e alla cittĂ  dell’uomo
