31 research outputs found

    The cinematographic language in contemporary art. Historical and theoretical influences starting from a selection of exhibitions (2010-2020) at the Center Pompidou in Paris.

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    openL’obiettivo della tesi è di dimostrare l’influenza del cinema sulle arti visive contemporanee, prendendo come oggetto d’analisi una serie di mostre tenutesi al Centre Pompidou di Parigi tra il 2010 e il 2020. Verranno studiate le caratteristiche principali del linguaggio cinematografico, applicandone i principi estetici agli sviluppi più attuali dell'arte contemporanea. Ogni argomento sarà introdotto da una parte di impostazione storico-teorica, la quale verrà estesa e concretizzata a partire da un confronto con le esposizioni che meglio ne esemplificano i concetti fondamentali.The aim of the thesis is to demonstrate the influence of cinema on contemporary visual arts, taking as the object of analysis a series of exhibitions held at the Center Pompidou in Paris between 2010 and 2020. The main characteristics of the cinematographic language will be studied, applying its aesthetic principles to the most current developments in contemporary art. Each topic will be introduced by a part of historical-theoretical background, which will be extended and concretized by a comparison with the exhibitions that best exemplify the fundamental concepts

    Gabriel Monet, L’Église émergente. Être et faire Église en postchrétienté

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    Gabriel Monet, pasteur de la Fédération des Églises adventistes, enseigne la théologie pratique à la Faculté adventiste de théologie de Collonges-sous-Salève en Haute Savoie et dirige le centre de recherche José Figols. Il est l’actuel secrétaire de la Société Internationale de Théologie Pratique (SITP). Ses recherches sont centrées sur les rapports entre la foi et la culture, l’Église et les jeunes, l’homilétique et l’innovation liturgique, l’ecclésiologie, etc. Son ouvrage est le fruit de r..

    LIN28/ let-7

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