6 research outputs found
État des lieux des flux céréaliers en Wallonie selon différentes filières d’utilisation
Survey on cereal resources in Wallonia according to their different uses. Survey on cereal resources in Wallonia according to their different uses. More than 60% of the arable cropped area in Wallonia is dedicated to cereals. Cereal chains were initially aimed at ensuring food security but are now progressively oriented towards new non-food uses. Walloon cereal chains are now having to face up to new global challenges: to ensure the competitiveness and sustainability of vegetal and animal chains, to match society's expectations and to meet the biomass needs for energy uses and bio-based products. Within this framework, this research aims to evaluate the environmental and socio-economic sustainability of future scenarios of current and potential food and non-food uses for Walloon cereals. This paper, the first in a series of two, presents the current picture of Walloon cereal crops and their uses. Various steps are analyzed: production, collection, wholesale and processing. Four main uses characterize cereal processing: the so-called "4Fs", representing Food (human food uses), Feed (animal feed uses), Fuel (energy uses) and Fiber (material uses). Data collected from stakeholders in the Walloon cereal chain enabled us to assess cereal flows for the "4Fs", drawing a qualitative and a quantitative picture of Walloon cereal resources including the key elements of the cereal chains. This approach serves as a basis for a prospective exercise, described in a companion paper, which develops potential uses for Walloon cereal resources at the 2030 horizon.Alt-4-Ce
Alternative scenarios for food and non-food uses of Walloon cereals by 2030
Based on the current uses of cereals grown in Wallonia (Belgium), various scenarios defining possible futures for the Walloon cereal sector have been created.Sur base du portrait des utilisations actuelles des céréales wallonnes, le présent article décrit l’établissement de scénarios définissant des futurs possibles de la filière céréalière wallonne
Mind Control
Ce volume intitulé Mind Control est consacré aux relations entre les expérimentations artistiques et les techniques de conditionnement psychologique au cours de la période contemporaine (XIXe-XXIe siècles). Il analyse la culture visuelle d'œuvres d’art qui jouent sur la reprise, le contre-pied, le déplacement voire l’instrumentalisation de divers protocoles mis en place dans les laboratoires de psychologie. Entre suggestion et hypnose, test comportemental et images subliminales, parasitage et lavage de cerveau, ce numéro croise des objets, des discours et des dispositifs d’influence très variés, de l’art de la publicité au cinéma expérimental, du « design pédagogique » à la vidéo, de la « musique d’ameublement » à la performance, jusqu’aux réseaux sociaux les plus récents, pour interroger les stratégies de persuasion et de contrôle dans nos sociétés contemporaines et le rôle des pratiques artistiques dans leur mise à distance ou leur détournement critique. Cet ouvrage, préparé sous la direction de Pascal Rousseau, est le onzième volume de la collection Histo.Art, présentant les travaux de l’École doctorale Histoire de l’art de l’université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Differential effects of progenitor cell populations on left ventricular remodeling and myocardial neovascularization after myocardial infarction
OBJECTIVES: We compared biological repair after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) with selected porcine progenitor cell populations. BACKGROUND: Cell types and mechanisms responsible for myocardial repair after AMI remain uncertain. METHODS: In a blinded, randomized study, we infused autologous late-outgrowth endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) (n = 10, 34 +/- 22 x 10(6) CD29-31-positive, capable of tube formation), allogeneic green fluorescent peptide-labeled mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) (n = 11, 10 +/- 2 x 10(6) CD29-44-90-positive, capable of adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation), or vehicle (CON) (n = 12) in the circumflex artery 1 week after AMI. Systolic function (ejection fraction), left ventricular (LV) end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes, and infarct size were assessed with magnetic resonance imaging at 1 week and 7 weeks. Cell engraftment and vascular density were evaluated on postmortem sections. RESULTS: Recovery of LV ejection fraction from 1 to 7 weeks was similar between groups, but LV remodeling markedly differed with a greater increase of LV end-systolic volume in MSC and CON (+11 +/- 12 ml/m(2) and +7 +/- 8 ml/m(2) vs. -3 +/- 11 ml/m(2) in EPC, respectively, p = 0.04), and a similar trend was noted for LV end-diastolic volume (p = 0.09). After EPC, infarct size decreased more in segments with >50% infarct transmurality (p = 0.02 vs. MSC and CON) and was associated with a greater vascular density (p = 0.01). Late outgrowth EPCs secrete higher levels of the pro-angiogenic placental growth factor (733 [277 to 1,214] pg/10(6) vs. 59 [34 to 88] pg/10(6) cells in MSC, p = 0.03) and incorporate in neovessels in vivo. CONCLUSIONS: Infusion of late-outgrowth EPCs after AMI improves myocardial infarction remodeling via enhanced neovascularization but does not mediate cardiomyogenesis. Endothelial progenitor cell transfer might hold promise for heart failure prevention via pro-angiogenic or paracrine matrix-modulating effects.Dubois C., Liu X., Claus P., Marsboom G., Pokreisz P., Vandenwijngaert S., DĂ©pelteau H., Streb W., Chaothawee L., Maes F., Gheysens O., Debyser Z., Gillijns H. , Pellens M., Vandendriessche T., Chuah M., Collen D., Verbeken E., Belmans A., Van de Werf F., Bogaert J., Janssens S., ''Differential effects of progenitor cell populations on left ventricular remodeling and myocardial neovascularization after myocardial infarction'', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, vol. 55, no. 20, pp. 2232-2243, 2010.status: publishe