16 research outputs found

    Comparison of RDBMS, OODBMS and ORDBMS

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    The presentation of the similarities and differences between relational modeling of data and the object oriented modeling of data is of great importance both for data base designers and for users. By being well acquainted with the relational model and by noting the similarities and differences between the two approaches to data modeling, designers will be able to turn into account and to make use of the already acquired experience as an important basis for understanding and learning the methodology of designing object oriented databases. At the time if designers know the similarities and differences between these two approaches they have the possibility to convert a relational model into an object oriented model and inverselyRDBMS, OODBMS and ORDBMS comparatively


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    The author uses a comparative presentation of Relational Database Management Systems (RDMS) and Object Oriental Database Management Systems (OODBMS). The presentation of the two types of systems was made having in view: The evaluation rules of the two types of systems elaborated by E.F. Codd and OMG; Data Modeling; The objectives of the Systems. In the end the article contains conclusions referring to the two types of systems.RDBMS, OODBMS

    Information Systems in University Learning

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    The authors of this article are going to bring into light the significance, the place and the role of information systems in the university education process. At the same time they define the objectives and the target group of the subject named Economic Information Systems and state the competence gained by students by studying this subject. Special attention is given to the curriculum to be taught to students and to a suggestive enumeration of a series of economic applications that can be themes for laboratory practice and for students’ dissertation (graduation thesis).Information System, Academic Partnership, Curriculum, General Competence, Specific Competence, Open Systems

    Information Systems in University Learning

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    The authors of this article are going to bring into light the significance, the place and the role of information systems in the university education process. At the same time they define the objectives and the target group of the subject named Economic Information Systems and state the competence gained by students by studying this subject. Special attention is given to the curriculum to be taught to students and to a suggestive enumeration of a series of economic applications that can be themes for laboratory practice and for students’ dissertation (graduation thesis)

    Spatial analysis and methods of cartographic representation of youth football in Bihor County

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    This paper analyzes, from a spatial point of view, the places in Bihor County where we have sports associations, private clubs, small teams of children and juniors, where children and young people who have not yet reached the age of majority work. Among the research methods used and applied in carrying out this paper we mention: observation method, analytical method, the statistical-mathematical method and the method of graphic and cartographic representation and the basic tool is represented in the cartographic modeling by the ArcGis program. The Bihor football map includes 55 clubs, of which 12 have only activity with junior teams. The total number of clubs with junior teams is 31 and which totals 84 junior teams. A number of 24 clubs with senior teams 55.8% (out of 43) have no activity with junior teams. Most clubs that have junior activity are in Oradea 16, followed by Salonta 3, the rest of the localities having only one club. These clubs are distributed in 23 localities. Only 19 clubs with activity in the senior teams also have groups of children registered in official competitions. Through this study we aimed to improve the cartographic aspect the representation of the sports phenomenon in general and the football one in particular in order to show the importance of the cartographic product in the qualitative and quantitative spatial analysis, in the analytical and synthetic one


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    This is a study related to organic agriculture efficiency in Romania. The study made in the year of 2004 intended to assess the structure and production’s level on this field of agriculture. As resulted following this research the efficiency (Yields/ha)in the field of organic production is not less than conventional efficiency. In a way surprisingly is the conclusion that the efficiency (Yields/ha) is not increasing on bigger cultivated surfaces


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    The author uses a comparative presentation of Relational Database Management Systems (RDMS) and Object Oriental Database Management Systems (OODBMS). The presentation of the two types of systems was made having in view: The evaluation rules of the two types of systems elaborated by E.F. Codd and OMG; Data Modeling; The objectives of the Systems. In the end the article contains conclusions referring to the two types of systems

    Project Follow-Up and Change Management Tips

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    The managers have to understand the technological impact and the informatics applications upon the business they lead; taking into account the fact that IT assures them the necessary information. Today's businesses are more and more organized, lead and automatized around the series of processes and the relations established among them. These processes involve developments and the products and services, the interactions with the clients and the support of those processes and of human resources. Thereby, we suggest the identification of the solutions for the successful planning of the specific IS activities and their management in accordance with the company strategy, as well as the evaluation and control of main lines of work in accordance with: the following information criteria: efficiency, effectiveness, availability, integrity, confidentiality, accord, safety and the financial and human resources through a flexible system of evaluation