51 research outputs found

    The bradykinin-forming cascade in anaphylaxis and ACE-inhibitor induced angioedema/airway obstruction

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    Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening multi-system allergic reaction to a biological trigger resulting in the release of potent inflammatory mediators from mast cells and basophils and causing symptoms in at least two organ systems that generally include skin, lungs, heart, or gastrointestinal tract in any combination. One exception is profound hypotension as an isolated symptom. There are two types of triggers of anaphylaxis: immunologic and non-Immunologic. Immunologic anaphylaxis is initiated when a foreign antigen directly binds to IgE expressed on mast cells or basophils and induces the release of histamine and other inflammatory substances resulting in vasodilation, vascular leakage, decreased peripheral vascular resistance, and heart muscle depression. If left untreated, death by shock (profound hypotension) or asphyxiation (airway obstruction) can occur. The non-immunologic pathway, on the other hand, can be initiated in many ways. A foreign substance can directly bind to receptors of mast cells and basophils leading to degranulation. There can be immune complex activation of the classical complement cascade with the release of anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a with subsequent recruitment of mast cells and basophils. Finally, hyperosmolar contrast agents can cause blood cell lysis, enzyme release, and complement activation, resulting in anaphylactoid (anaphylactic-like) symptoms. In this report we emphasize the recruitment of the bradykinin-forming cascade in mast cell dependent anaphylactic reactions as a potential mediator of severe hypotension, or airway compromise (asthma, laryngeal edema). We also consider airway obstruction due to inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme with a diminished rate of endogenous bradykinin metabolism, leading not only to laryngeal edema, but massive tongue swelling with aspiration of secretions

    Identification of the gC1qR sites for the HIV-1 viral envelope protein gp41 and the HCV core protein: Implications in viral-specific pathogenesis and therapy

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    A substantial body of evidence accumulated over the past 20 years supports the concept that gC1qR is a major pathogen-associated pattern recognition receptor (PRR). This conclusion is based on the fact that, a wide range of bacterial and viral ligands are able to exploit gC1qR to either suppress the hostā€™s immune response and thus enhance their survival, or to gain access into cells to initiate disease. Of the extensive array of viral ligands that have affinity for gC1qR, the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp41, and the core protein of hepatitis C virus (HCV) are of major interest as they are known to contribute to the high morbidity and mortality caused by these pathogens. While the HCV core protein binds gC1qR and suppresses T cell proliferation resulting in a significantly diminished immune response, the gp41 employs gC1qR to induce the surface expression of the NK cell ligand, NKp44L, on uninfected CD4+ T cells, thereby rendering them susceptible to autologous destruction by NKp44 receptor expressing NK cells. Because of the potential for the design of peptide-based or antibody-based therapeutic options, the present studies were undertaken to define the gC1qR interaction sites for these pathogen-associated molecular ligands. Employing a solid phase microplate-binding assay, we examined the binding of each viral ligand to wild type gC1qR and 11 gC1qR deletion mutants. The results obtained from these studies have identified two major HCV core protein sites on a domain of gC1qR comprising of residues 144-148 and 196-202. Domain 196-202 in turn, is located in the last half of the larger gC1qR segment encoded by exons IV-VI (residues 159-282), which was proposed previously to contain the site for HCV core protein. The major gC1qR site for gp41 on the other hand, was found to be in a highly conserved region encoded by exon IV and comprises of residues 174-180. Interestingly, gC1qR residues 174-180 also constitute the cell surface-binding site for soluble gC1qR (sgC1qR), which can bind to the cell surface in an autocrine/paracrine manner via surface expressed fibrinogen or other membrane molecules. The identification of the sites for these viral ligands should therefore provide additional targets for the design of peptide-based or antigen-based therapeutic strategies

    Cell Surface Expression and Function of the Macromolecular C1 Complex on the Surface of Human Monocytes

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    The synthesis of the subunits of the C1 complex (C1q, C1s, C1r), and its regulator C1 inhibitor (C1-Inh) by human monocytes has been previously established. However, surface expression of these molecules by monocytes has not been shown. Using flow cytometry and antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, we show here for the first time that, in addition to C1q, peripheral blood monocytes, and the monocyte-derived U937 cells express C1s and C1r, as well as Factor B and C1-Inh on their surface. C1s and C1r immunoprecipitated with C1q, suggesting that at least some of the C1q on these cells is part of the C1 complex. Furthermore, the C1 complex on U937 cells was able to trigger complement activation via the classical pathway. The presence of C1-Inh may ensure that an unwarranted autoactivation of the C1 complex does not take place. Since C1-Inh closely monitors the activation of the C1 complex in a sterile or infectious inflammatory environment, further elucidation of the role of C1 complex is crucial to dissect its function in monocyte, dendritic cell, and T cell activities, and its implications in host defense and tolerance

    The C1q and gC1qR axis as a novel checkpoint inhibitor in cancer

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    Understanding at the molecular level of the cell biology of tumors has led to significant treatment advances in the past. Despite such advances however, development of therapy resistance and tumor recurrence are still unresolved major challenges. This therefore underscores the need to identify novel tumor targets and develop corresponding therapies to supplement existing biologic and cytotoxic approaches so that a deeper and more sustained treatment responses could be achieved. The complement system is emerging as a potential novel target for cancer therapy. Data accumulated to date show that complement proteins, and in particular C1q and its receptors cC1qR/CR and gC1qR/p33/HABP1, are overexpressed in most cancer cells and together are involved not only in shaping the inflammatory tumor microenvironment, but also in the regulation of angiogenesis, metastasis, and cell proliferation. In addition to the soluble form of C1q that is found in plasma, the C1q molecule is also found anchored on the cell membrane of monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, and cancer cells, via a 22aa long leader peptide found only in the A-chain. This orientation leaves its 6 globular heads exposed outwardly and thus available for high affinity binding to a wide range of molecular ligands that enhance tumor cell survival, migration, and proliferation. Similarly, the gC1qR molecule is not only overexpressed in most cancer types but is also released into the microenvironment where it has been shown to be associated with cancer cell proliferation and metastasis by activation of the complement and kinin systems. Co-culture of either T cells or cancer cells with purified C1q or anti-gC1qR has been shown to induce an anti-proliferative response. It is therefore postulated that in the tumor microenvironment, the interaction between C1q expressing cancer cells and gC1qR bearing cytotoxic T cells results in T cell suppression in a manner akin to the PD-L1 and PD-1 interaction

    The Exosporium of B.cereus Contains a Binding Site for gC1qR/p33: Implication in Spore Attachment and/or Entry

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    B. cereus, is a member of a genus of aerobic, gram-positive, spore-forming rod-like bacilli, which includes the deadly, B. anthracis. Preliminary experiments have shown that gC1qR binds to B.cereus spores that have been attached to microtiter plates. The present studies were therefore undertaken, to examine if cell surface gC1qR plays a role in B.cereus spore attachment and/or entry. Monolayers of human colon carcinoma (Caco-2) and lung cells were grown to confluency on 6 mm coverslips in shell vials with gentle swirling in a shaker incubator. Then, 2 {micro}l of a suspension of strain SB460 B.cereus spores (3x10{sup 8}/ml, in sterile water), were added and incubated (1-4 h; 36{sup 0} C) in the presence or absence of anti-gC1qR mAb-carbon nanoloops. Examination of these cells by EM revealed that: (1) When B. cereus endospores contacted the apical Caco-2 cell surface, or lung cells, gClqR was simultaneously detectable, indicating upregulation of the molecule. (2) In areas showing spore contact with the cell surface, gClqR expression was often adjacent to the spores in association with microvilli (Caco-2 cells) or cytoskeletal projections (lung cells). (3) Furthermore, the exosporia of the activated and germinating spores were often decorated with mAb-nanoloops. These observations were further corroborated by experiments in which B.cereus spores were readily taken up by monocytes and neutrophils, and this uptake was partially inhibited by mAb 60.11, which recognizes the C1q binding site on gC1qR. Taken together, the data suggest a role, for gC1qR at least in the initial stages of spore attachment and/or entry

    Complement protein C1q stimulates hyaluronic acid degradation via gC1qR/HABP1/p32 in malignant pleural mesothelioma

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    Complement component C1q can act as a pro-tumorigenic factor in the tumor microenvironment (TME). The TME in malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is rich in C1q and hyaluronic acid (HA), whose interaction enhances adhesion, migration and proliferation of malignant cells. HA-bound C1q is also capable of modulating HA synthesis. Thus, we investigated whether HA-C1q interaction would affect HA degradation, analyzing the main degradation enzymes, hyaluronidase (HYAL)1 and HYAL2, and a C1q receptor candidate. We first proceeded with the characterization of HYALs in MPM cells, especially HYAL2, since bioinformatics survival analysis revealed that higher HYAL2 mRNA levels have an unfavorable prognostic index in MPM patients. Interestingly, Real-Time quantitative PCR, flow cytometry and Western blot highlighted an upregulation of HYAL2 after seeding of primary MPM cells onto HA-bound C1q. In an attempt to unveil the receptors potentially involved in HA-C1q signaling, a striking co-localization between HYAL2 and globular C1q receptor/HABP1/p32 (gC1qR) was found by immunofluorescence, surface biotinylation and proximity ligation assays. RNA interference experiments revealed a potentially regulatory function exerted by gC1qR on HYAL2 expression, since C1QBP (gene for gC1qR) silencing unexpectedly caused HYAL2 downregulation. In addition, the functional blockage of gC1qR by a specific antibody hindered HA-C1q signaling and prevented HYAL2 upregulation. Thus, C1q-HA interplay is responsible for enhanced HYAL2 expression, suggesting an increased rate of HA catabolism and the release of pro-inflammatory and pro-tumorigenic HA fragments in the MPM TME. Our data support the notion of an overall tumor-promoting property of C1q. Moreover, the overlapping localization and physical interaction between HYAL2 and gC1qR suggests a potential regulatory effect of gC1qR within a putative HA-C1q macromolecular complex
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