16 research outputs found

    Hyposmia and apathy in early, de novo Parkinson\u27s disease: Lessons from structural brain connectivity

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    INTRODUCTION: The neuroanatomical structures implicated in olfactory and emotional processing overlap significantly. Our understanding of the relationship between hyposmia and apathy, common manifestations of early Parkinson\u27s disease (PD), is inadequate. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed data on 40 patients with early de-novo idiopathic PD enrolled within 2 years of motor symptom onset in the Parkinson\u27s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) study. To be included in the analysis, patients must have smell dysfunction but no apathy at the baseline visit and had completed a diffusion MRI (dMRI) at the baseline visit and at the 48-month follow-up visit. We used the FMRIB Software Library\u27s diffusion tool kit to measure fractional anisotropy (FA) in six regions of interest on dMRI: bilateral anterior corona radiata, left cingulum, left superior corona radiata, genu and body of the corpus callosum. We compared the FA in each region from the dMRI done at the beginning of the study with the follow up studies at 4 years. RESULTS: We found a significant decrease of FA at the bilateral anterior corona radiata, and the genu and body of the corpus callosum comparing baseline scans with follow up images at 4-years after starting the study. CONCLUSION: Structural connectivity changes associated with apathy can be seen early in PD patients with smell dysfunction

    Rapid Ve Tlc Analizi Ile Opioid Ba���Ml�Lar�N�N İDrar�Nda Morfin & Kodein Taramas�

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    Aim: one hundred urine samples of abusers were examined for the presence of alkaloid substances in urine. Alkaloids of urine were confirmed with rapid and TLC methods. A thin-layer chromatography (TLC) procedure for the screening and confirmation of urinary codeine and morphine has been developed. Method: Urine samples were daily collected from abusers of Tabriz/Iran. Urine extracts were prepared using silica-gel absorbent resin in column. The resin was rinsed with two buffers. These procedures make PH appropriation, then residual water was removed by vacuum aspiration and adsorbed alkaloid substances were eluted with a organic solvent of methanol and concentrated. After evaporation to dryness with heater, the residue was dissolved in organic solvent of methanol to reach 10 to 40 fold concentration. For screening, the extraction residues were spotted on TLC plates which are developed in chloroform: methanol: Ammoniac (12:1.4:0.2). For confirmation the spots for the two opioids were visualized with acidified iodoplatinate. Codeine and morphine standards are well separated from one another and comparison with samples urinary substances on plates. The limit of detection was a concentration of 300ng/mL. Result: The result of this study has shown that 100 percent of urine samples from addicted in Tabriz (Iran) were contained alkaloid substances and 25 percent of these samples have shown drug interaction. Conclusion: This study describes importance of urine drug testing such as TLC analysis in comparison of other rapid tests.Amaç: Yüz bağımlının idrar örneği idrarda alkaloid maddeleri varlığı açısından incelendi. İdrar alkoloidleri rapid ve TLC yöntemleri ile araştırıldı. Bir ince tabaka kromotografi (TLC) yöntemi idrar kodein ve morfin tarama ve doğrulaması için geliştirildi. Metod: Tebriz/İran’daki bağımlılardan idrar örnekleri günlük olarak toplandı. İdrar özütleri sütunda silika jel emici reçine kullanılarak hazırlandı. Reçine iki tampon ile durulandı. Bu işlemlerle PH uygunluğunu sağlandı, daha sonra kalan su vakum aspirasyonu ile ortadan kaldırıldı ve emilen alkoloid maddeler metanolün bir organik çözücüsü ile ayrıştırıldı ve yoğunlaştırıldı. Isıtıcı ile kuruluk için buharlaştırma sonrası, kalan madde metanolün organik çözücüsünde 10-40 kat konsantrasyona ulaşana kadar çözüldü. Tarama için, özüt kalıntıları kloroform:metanol:amonyakla (12:1.4:0.2) geliştirilmiş TLC tabakalarında noktalandı. Doğrulama için iki opioid için noktalar asidifiye iodoplatinate ile gözlemlendi. Kodein ve morfin standartları birbirinden ve tabakalardaki karşılaştırılan örnek idrar maddelerinden iyice ayrıldı. Tespit limiti 300ng/mL ‘lik bir konsantrasyondu. Bulgular: Bu çalışmanın bulguları gösterdi ki Tebrizdeki (İran) bağımlıların idrar örneklerinin yüzde yüzü alkoloid madde içermekteydi ve bu örneklerin yüzde 25’i ilaç etkileşimi göstermekteydi. Sonuç: Bu çalışmada diğer hızlı testlerin karşılaştırmasında TLC analizi gibi idrar ilaç testlerinin önemini anlatmaktadı