2 research outputs found

    A Feminist Stylistic Analysis of The Domestic Crusaders by Wajahat Ali

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    There is a general perception that a male member of the society projects only male perception of life and generally ignores female perception of life. As a result, women are discriminated and subordinated to men which is projected in the literature as it reflects the true picture of society. In the present study, the researcher has tried to find out the stylistic features that represent the gender discrimination in the play of Wajahat Ali. The present research has been conducted to decode the text of The Domestic Crusader stylistically by applying 'Sara Mills' model of Feminist Stylistics.  The data have been analyzed at the level of words, sentences and discourse. This research has been conducted by qualitative approach. The present research concludes that the writer has used negative words and sentences to represent women and men and used body parts to describe a woman while man is described overall either positive or negative. Furthermore, the writer has used generic noun, woman as marked form, naming and androcentrism, semantic derogation of women at the level of words, readymade phrases, metaphors, jokes and humor and presupposition and inferences at the level of sentences while fragmentation has used at the level of discourse. Moreover, the writer has portrayed male character opposite to female characters for instance when female has defined as sex object, weak and helpless, the writer has used male as pleasure seeker, terrorist and extremist