90 research outputs found

    Non-Thrombotic Pulmonary Embolism

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    The Tree That Hides the Forest

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    Clinical case of the month. MacLeod syndrome

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    peer reviewedMacLeod syndrome is a rare cause of localized hypertransradiancy of the lung. This syndrome is defined by radiological features: localized hypertransradiancy due to oligemia and presence of air-trapping on expiratory chest radiography. Involvement of one entire lung is called "unilateral hyperlucent lung". Whereas the etiology is different, the physiopathology is probably identical to that of the panacinar emphysema of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The syndrome is believed to be related to acute bronchiolitis during infancy. Clinical manifestations and prognosis depend mainly on the presence of other lesions due to the same infectious agent like bronchiectasis. Pulmonary function tests, chest CT-scan, ventilation and perfusion scintigraphy and, if necessary, bronchoscopy help the differential diagnosis and detect associated bronchiectasis

    Increased IL-6 and TGF-beta(1) concentrations in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid associated with thoracic radiotherapy

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    peer reviewedaudience: researcherPURPOSE: To assess, in lung cancer patients, the effects of thoracic radiotherapy (RT) on the concentrations of transforming growth factor-beta(1) (TGF-beta(1)) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Eleven patients with lung cancer requiring RT as part of their treatment were studied. BAL was performed bilaterally before, during, and 1, 3, and 6 months after RT. Before each BAL session, the patient's status was assessed clinically using pulmonary function tests and an adapted late effects on normal tissue-subjective, objective, management, analytic (LENT-SOMA) scale, including subjective and objective alterations. The National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria were used to grade pneumonitis. The TGF-beta(1) and IL-6 levels in the BAL fluid were determined using the Easia kit. RESULTS: The TGF-beta(1) and IL-6 concentrations in the BAL fluid recovered from the irradiated areas were significantly increased by thoracic RT. The increase in TGF-beta(1) levels tended to be greater in the group of patients who developed severe pneumonitis. In the BAL fluid from the nonirradiated areas, the TGF-beta(1) and IL-6 concentrations remained unchanged. CONCLUSION: The observed increase in TGF-beta(1) and IL-6 concentrations in the BAL fluid recovered from the irradiated lung areas demonstrated that these cytokines may contribute to the process leading to a radiation response in human lung tissue

    La Maladie thromboembolique pulmonaire aigue: diagnostic et pronostic par tomodensitométrie hélicoïdale

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    L’acquisition par MDCT et la reconstruction en coupes épaisses de 1.25 mm permettent l’analyse des artères pulmonaires jusqu’à leur 5ème ordre. L’angiographie thoracique par TDM permet de proposer des critères pronostiques de survie des patients atteints d’EP sévère. Le VD/VGd et le diamètre de la veine azygos en sont les meilleurs prédicteurs. En tenant compte de Dmax, de tmax, de l’homogénéité de l’opacification vasculaire et de la différence minimale nécessaire, le délai optimal pour l’acquisition de la vénographie par TDM se situe entre 210 et 240 sec. pour les veines infrapoplitées et entre 180 et 300 sec. pour les veines supra-poplitées. Pour une vénographie par TDM en mode séquentiel, une acquisition caudo-craniale débutant 210 sec. après l’injection du produit de contraste iodé pourrait permettre la détection optimale des caillots. En mode hélicoïdal, le sens de l’acquisition n’est pas déterminant. Malgré la possible amélioration de la détection des caillots artériels pulmonaires par MDCT, cette technique n’a pas permis de déceler plus d’EP sans TVP que le SDCT. En revanche, puisque le MDCT a permis de détecter plus de TVP sans EP que le SDCT, la vénographie par TDM en MDCT apporte une valeur ajoutée au SDCT. Par ailleurs, en MDCT, la vénographie par TDM diminue de 29% la proportion d’examens indéterminés obtenus par la seule réalisation de l’angiographie thoracique par TDM. Que ce soit en SDCT ou en MDCT, cette étude suggère l’utilité de combiner les deux examens. Chez les patients suspects d’EP, la vénographie par TDM doit s’étendre des mollets aux crêtes iliaques. Bien qu’une EP existe chez une majorité de patients atteints de TVP et vice versa, la charge en caillots dans un compartiment n’indique pas nécessairement la charge en caillots dans l’autre.Doctorat en Sciences médicalesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Percutaneous ablation of malignant thoracic tumors

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    Lung cancer is the leading cause of death related to cancer. Fifteen to thirty percent of patients with a localized lung cancer are actually inoperable as they present with poor general condition, limited cardiopulmonary function, or a too high surgical risk. Therefore, minimally invasive treatments are needed and percutaneous ablation seems an attractive option. Thermal ablation can be performed by delivering heat (radiofrequency, microwave, laser) or cold (cryotherapy) through a needle inserted into the tumor under CT guidance. The ideal lesion is less than 2 or 3 cm in diameter. Success of percutaneous thermal ablation appears to be close to those of surgery for localized lung cancer. Nevertheless studies are still needed to definitely assess the role of ablation compared to other emerging techniques, as stereotactic radiotherapy as well as potential synergy with other treatments

    Lymphomatoid granulomatosis

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    Background: A 70-year-old non smoker man presented to the pneumologist with persistent dyspnea

    Emphysematous cystitis

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    Background: A 30-year-old paraplegic man was admitted to the emergency department for hyperthermia, right flank pain and abdominal tenderness. His past medical history revealed a type 2 diabetes mellitus and a cervico-thoracic astrocytoma treated by surgery and radiotherapy. In 2008, he underwent surgery for the placement of a ventriculo-peritoneal derivation for hydrocephalus secondary to meningeal carcinomatosis. The medical treatment included dexamethasone, sodium valproate and levetiracetam for intractable epilepsia. Laboratory tests revealed blood inflammation and urinary infection

    Spontaneously hyperattenuating thrombi revealing acute central pulmonary embolism on unenhanced CT.

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    A 49-year-old man with a history of congenital cardiopathy underwent unenhanced chest computed tomography (CT) for dyspnea and severe oxygen desaturation (blood O2 level = 70%) in a setting of acute renal failure (serum creatinine level = 1.85 mg/dL). CT revealed spontaneously hyperattenuating areas (70 HU) within proximal pulmonary arteries (Fig. 1a and b). There were neither pleural effusions nor lung parenchyma abnormalities. Acute central pulmonary embolism was suggested and the patient was admitted to the intensive care unit with respiratory support and low molecular weight heparin anticoagulation. Five days later, improvement of renal function allowed completion of contrast-enhanced chest CT, which confirmed the presence of thrombi (Fig. 1c) in the same locations than those of hyperattenuating areas seen on unenhanced CT. Thrombi were slightly smaller, which can be explained by physiological thrombolysis. This observation reminds us that acute central pulmonary embolism may sometimes be detected –mainly depending of hematocrit level and the age and composition of the clot [1], [2]– on unenhanced chest CT with narrow windowing, which allows initiation of the appropriate therapy. [...
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