911 research outputs found

    Empirical Assessment of Breast Lesion Detection Capability Through an Innovative Microwave Imaging Device

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    This paper investigates the effect of conductivity weighting on microwave images obtained through a dedicated imaging device. MammoWave is a microwave imaging device for detection of breast lesions, operating using only two azimuthally rotating antennas without the use of matching liquids. For each breast, a set of conductivity weighted images are generated through modifying our algorithm based on Huygens principle, producing intensity maps representing the homogeneity of tissues’ dielectric properties. Subsequently, we introduce several imaging parameters (i.e. features) to quantify the non-homogenous behaviour of the image. Through empirical investigation on 103 breasts, we can verify that a selection of these features could allow distinction between breasts with radiological findings (WF), i.e. with benign or malign lesions, and breasts with no radiological findings (NF). Statistical significance was set at p<0.05.We obtained single features Area Under the receiver operating characteristic Curves (AUCs) spanning from 0.65 to 0.68. Significantly, we achieve AUCs of up to 0.77 when considering dense breasts only, which tend to cause detection limitations in mammography exams

    A Microwave Imaging Procedure for Lung Lesion Detection: Preliminary Results on Multilayer Phantoms

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    In this work, a feasibility study for lung lesion detection through microwave imaging based on Huygens’ principle (HP) has been performed using multilayer oval shaped phantoms mimicking human torso having a cylindrically shaped inclusion simulating lung lesion. First, validation of the proposed imaging method has been performed through phantom experiments using a dedicated realistic human torso model inside an anechoic chamber, employing a frequency range of 1–5 GHz. Subsequently, the miniaturized torso phantom validation (using both single and double inclusion scenarios) has been accomplished using a microwave imaging (MWI) device, which operates in free space using two antennas in multi-bistatic configuration. The identification of the target’s presence in the lung layer has been achieved on the obtained images after applying both of the following artifact removal procedures: (i) the “rotation subtraction” method using two adjacent transmitting antenna positions, and (ii) the “ideal” artifact removal procedure utilizing the difference between received signals from unhealthy and healthy scenarios. In addition, a quantitative analysis of the obtained images was executed based on the definition of signal to clutter ratio (SCR). The obtained results verify that HP can be utilized successfully to discover the presence and location of the inclusion in the lung-mimicking phantom, achieving an SCR of 9.88 dB

    Huygens principle based UWB microwave imaging method for skin cancer detection

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    In recent years, Ultra Wideband (UWB) technology has emerged as a promising alternative for use in a wide range of applications. One of the potential applications of UWB is in healthcare and imaging, motivated by its non-ionizing signals, low cost, low complexity, and its ability to penetrate through mediums. Moreover, the large bandwidth covered by UWB signals permits the very high resolution required in imaging experiments. In this paper, a recently introduced UWB microwave imaging technique based on the Huygens principle (HP), has been applied to multilayered skin model with an inclusion representing a tumor. The methodology of HP permits the capture of contrast such that different material properties within the region of interest can be discriminated in the final image, and its simplicity removes the need to solve inverse problems when forward propagating the waves. Therefore the procedure can identify and localize significant scatterers inside a multilayered volume. Validation of the technique through simulations on multilayered cylindrical model of the skin with inclusion representing the tumor has been performed

    Occupancy Based Household Energy Disaggregation using Ultra Wideband Radar and Electrical Signature Profiles

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    Human behaviour and occupancy accounts for a substantial proportion of variation in the energy efficiency pro le of domestic buildings. Yet while people often claim that they would like to reduce their energy bills, rhetoric frequently fails to match action due to the effort involved in understand- ing and changing deeply engrained energy consumption habits. Here, we present and, through dedicated experiments, test in-house developed soft-ware to remotely identify appliance energy usage within buildings, using energy equipment which could be placed at the electricity meter location. Furthermore, we monitor and compare the occupancy of the location under study through Ultra-Wideband (UWB) radar technology and compare the resulting data with those received from the power monitoring software, via time synchronization. These signals when mapped together can potentially provide both occupancy and speci c appliances power consumption, which could enable energy usage segregation on a yet impossible scale as well as usage attributable to occupancy behaviour. Such knowledge forms the basis for the implementation of automated energy saving actions based on a households unique energy profi le

    Multi-BD Symbiotic Radio-Aided 6G IoT Network: Energy Consumption Optimization with QoS Constraint Approach

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    The commensal symbiotic radio (CSR) system is proposed as a novel solution for connecting systems through green communication networks. This system enables us to establish secure, ubiquitous, and unlimited connectivity, which is a goal of 6G. The base station uses MIMO antennas to transmit its signal. Passive IoT devices, called symbiotic backscatter devices (SBDs), receive the signal and use it to charge their power supply. When the SBDs have data to transmit, they modulate the information onto the received ambient RF signal and send it to the symbiotic user equipment, which is a typical active device. The main purpose is to enhance energy efficiency in this network by minimizing energy consumption (EC) while ensuring the minimum required throughput for SBDs. To achieve this, we propose a new scheduling scheme called Timing-SR that optimally allocates resources to SBDs. The main optimization problem involves non-convex objective functions and constraints. To solve this, we use mathematical techniques and introduce a new approach called sequential quadratic and conic quadratic representation to relax and discipline the problem, leading to reducing its complexity and convergence time. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms other outlined schemes in reducing EC

    Improving Indoor Localization Using Mobile UWB Sensor and Deep Neural Networks

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    Accurate localization in indoor environments with ultra-wideband (UWB) technology has long attracted much attention. However, due to the presence of multipath components or non-line of sight (NLOS) propagation of the radio signals, it has been converted to a critical challenge. Existing solutions use many fixed anchors in the indoor environment. Particularly, large areas require many anchor points and in the case of unexpected events that lead to the destruction of existing infrastructures, the fixed anchor points cannot be used. In this paper, a novel localization framework based on the transmitting signal from a mobile UWB sensor on the outside of the building and its received signal regarding the modified Saleh Valenzuela (SV) channel model is presented. After preprocessing the received signals, two new procedures to reduce the ranging error caused by multipath components are proposed. In the first procedure, two machine learning algorithms including multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and support vector machine (SVM) using the extracted features from the received UWB signal time and power vectors are implemented. Moreover, in the second procedure, two deep learning algorithms including MLP and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) using the received UWB signal time and power vectors are implemented to improve the performance of the indoor localization system. The simulation results show that the architecture designed for the convolutional neural network based on the hybrid dataset (the combination of the dataset related to received UWB signal time and power vectors) provides a mean absolute error (MAE) of about 3 cm

    A novel motion-model-free UWB short-range positioning method

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    In recent years, the number of location-based services is increasing and consequently, the researchers’ attentions are captivated in designing accurate real-time positioning systems. Despite having a good performance in outdoor environment, Global Positioning System (GPS) is not capable of estimating an object’s position in an indoor environment precisely. In this paper, we present a novel tracking algorithm for indoor environment with a known floor plan. The object location is estimated by utilizing the information of the multipath components which are created by one physical and some virtual anchors. We will link this information to the floor plan by defining a channel model that has a combination of stochastic and deterministic traits. As we have used only one physical anchor in this paper, we would encounter several challenges such as lack of data association and existence of clutters amid real data. We dealt with these problems through random finite set methodology. Additionally, we will demonstrate that the proposed method is not restricted by the model of motion and is capable to precisely track the trajectory. It will be shown that it provides a better accuracy, particularly in non-linear trajectories, compared with two other relevant models which are adopting linear motion model

    A Spatially Processed 3D Wideband Adaptive Conical Array System

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    This paper presents a novel structure for an adaptive fully spatially processed wideband conical antenna array. A major advantage of this configuration is the frequency invariance of the directional patterns of the array within a relatively large fractional bandwidth which makes this array a potential candidate for wideband and ultra wideband (UWB) technology applications. Furthermore, unlike conventional wideband antenna arrays which use delay lines or time-domain filters, this system relies on fully spatial processing of the incoming or transmitted signals using a single real multiplier for each antenna element, without utilising any phase shifters, digital filters or adjustable delays. Finally, due to the conical shape of the array configuration, beamforming in both azimuth and elevation angles is accomplished with symmetrical and uniform characteristics in all azimuth directions. © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

    Free space operating microwave imaging device for bone lesion detection: a phantom investigation

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    In this letter, a phantom validation of a low complexity microwave imaging device operating in free space in the 1-6.5 GHz frequency band is presented. The device, initially constructed for breast cancer detection, measures the scattered signals in a multi-bistatic fashion and employs an imaging procedure based on Huygens principle. Detection has been achieved in both bone fracture lesion and bone marrow lesion scenarios using the superimposition of five doublet transmitting positions, after applying the rotation subtraction artefact removal method. A resolution of 5 mm and a signal to clutter ratio (3.35 in linear scale) are achieved confirming the advantage of employing multiple transmitting positions on increased detection capability
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