19 research outputs found

    Transient wall shear stress estimation in coronary bifurcations using convolutional neural networks

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    Background and Objective: Haemodynamic metrics, such as blood flow induced shear stresses at the inner vessel lumen, are associated with the development and progression of coronary artery disease. Understanding these metrics may therefore improve the assessment of an individual's coronary disease risk. However, the calculation of such luminal Wall Shear Stress (WSS) using traditional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods is relatively slow and computationally expensive. As a result, CFD based haemodynamic computation is not suitable for integrated and large-scale use in clinical settings. Methods: In this work, deep learning techniques are proposed as an alternative method to CFD, whereby luminal WSS magnitude can be predicted in coronary bifurcations throughout the cardiac cycle based on the steady state solution (which takes <120 seconds to calculate including preprocessing), vessel geometry and additional global features. The deep learning model is trained on a dataset of 101 patient-specific and 2626 synthetic left main bifurcation models with 26 separate patient-specific cases used as the test set. Results: The model showed high fidelity predictions with <5% (normalised against mean WSS magnitude) deviation to CFD derived values as the gold-standard method, while being orders of magnitude faster with on average <2 minutes versus 3 hours computation for transient CFD. Conclusions: This method therefore offers a new approach to substantially reduce the computational cost involved in, for example, large-scale population studies of coronary haemodynamic metrics, and may therefore open the pathway for future clinical integration

    Learning Left Main Bifurcation Shape Features with an Autoencoder

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    Geometric characteristics of the coronary arteries have been suggested as potential markers for disease risk. However, evaluation of such characteristics rely on judgement by human experts, and are thus variable and may lack sophistication. Here we apply recent advances in 3D deep learning to automatically obtain shape representation of the Left Main Bifurcation (LMB) of the coronary artery. We train a Variational Auto-Encoder based on the FoldingNet architecture to encode LMB shape features in a 450-dimension feature vector. The geometric features of patient-specific LMBs can then be manipulated by modifying, combining or interpolating the feature vectors before decoding. We also show that these vectors, on average, perform better than hand-crafted features in predicting measures of adverse blood flow (oscillating shear index or 'OSI', relative residence time 'RRT' and time averaged wall shear stress 'TAWSS') with a R2 goodness of fit value of 84.1% compared to 79.7%. These learned representations can also be used in other downstream predictive modelling tasks where an encoded version of a LMB is needed

    Helical Flow in Healthy and Diseased Patient-specific Coronary Bifurcations

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    Helical flow (HF) exists in healthy and diseased coronary bifurcations and was found to have a protective atherosclerotic vascular effect in other vessels. However, the role of HF in patient-specific human coronary arteries still needs further study, and is therefore the objective of this study in both healthy and diseased bifurcations. Computational studies were conducted on 16 patient-specific coronary bifurcations, including eight healthy and eight identical cases with idealized narrowing to represent disease. In general, higher HF intensity may have a favorable effect as it corelated to the reduction of the percentage vessel area exposed to adverse time averaged wall shear stress (TAWSS%) in both healthy and diseased models. The HF intensity and distribution of each model varies due to the complex shape of patient-specific models. The presence of disease appears to have an important impact on the downstream HF patterns and the TAWSS distributions. Clinical Relevance - By understanding the relationship between HF and hemodynamics, HF may be used as a predictor for the formation and progression of atherosclerotic plaque in coronary arteries instead of near-wall WSS measures, which can be determined with higher accuracy in vivo

    Towards automated coronary artery segmentation: A systematic review

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    Background and Objective: Vessel segmentation is the first processing stage of 3D medical images for both clinical and research use. Current segmentation methods are tedious and time consuming, requiring significant manual correction and hence are infeasible to use in large data sets. Methods: Here, we review and analyse available coronary artery segmentation methods, focusing on fully automated methods capable of handling the rapidly growing medical images available. All manuscripts published since 2010 are systematically reviewed, categorised into different groups based on the approach taken, and characteristics of the different approaches as well as trends over the past decade are explored. Results: The manuscripts were divided intro three broad categories, consisting of region growing, voxelwise prediction and partitioning approaches. The most common approach overall was region growing, particularly using active contour models, however these have had a sharp fall in popularity in recent years with convolutional neural networks becoming significantly more popular. Conclusions: The systematic review of current coronary artery segmentation methods shows interesting trends, with rising popularity of machine learning methods, a focus on efficient methods, and falling popularity of computationally expensive processing steps such as vesselness and multiplanar reformation

    Assessing Left Main Bifurcation Anatomy and Haemodynamics: A Potential Surrogate for Disease Risk in Suspected Coronary Artery Disease Without Stenosis?

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    Coronary anatomy governs local haemodynamics associated with atherosclerotic development, progression and ultimately adverse clinical outcomes. However, lack of large sample size studies and methods to link adverse haemodynamics to anatomical information has hindered meaningful insights to date. The Left Main coronary bifurcations of 127 patients with suspected coronary artery disease in the absence of significant stenosis were segmented from CTCA images before computing the local haemodynamics. We correlated 11 coronary anatomical characteristics with the normalised lumen area exposed to adverse haemodynamics linked with atherosclerotic processes. These include mean curvatures and diameters of branches, bifurcation and inflow angles, and Finet's ratio as the anatomical parameters, and low Time-Averaged Endothelial Shear Stress (lowTAESS0.1), and high Relative Residence Time (highRRT>4.17 1/Pa) for the haemodynamic consideration. We separately tested if the geometric measures and haemodynamics indicators differed between subgroups (sex, smokers, and those with hypertension). We then use a step-down multiple linear regression model to find the best model for predicting lowTAESS, highOSI and highRRT. Finet's Ratio (FR) significantly correlated to lowTAESS (p<0.001). Vessel diameters and curvature correlated to highOSI (both p<0.001). Finet's ratio, vessel diameters and daughter branch curvature independently correlated to RRT (all p<0.01). Our results indicate that specific anatomical vessel characteristics may be used as a surrogate of adverse haemodynamic environment associated with clinically adverse mechanisms of disease. This is especially powerful with the latest computing resources and may unlock clinical integration via standard imaging modalities as biomarkers without further computationally expensive simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Assessing Encoder-Decoder Architectures for Robust Coronary Artery Segmentation

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    Coronary artery diseases are among the leading causes of mortality worldwide. Timely and accurate diagnosis, facilitated by precise coronary artery segmentation, is pivotal in changing patient outcomes. In the realm of biomedical imaging, convolutional neural networks, especially the U-Net architecture, have revolutionized segmentation processes. However, one of the primary challenges remains the lack of benchmarking datasets specific to coronary arteries. However through the use of the recently published public dataset ASOCA, the potential of deep learning for accurate coronary segmentation can be improved. This paper delves deep into examining the performance of 25 distinct encoder-decoder combinations. Through analysis of the 40 cases provided to ASOCA participants, it is revealed that the EfficientNet-LinkNet combination, serving as encoder and decoder, stands out. It achieves a Dice coefficient of 0.882 and a 95th percentile Hausdorff distance of 4.753. These findings not only underscore the superiority of our model in comparison to those presented at the MICCAI 2020 challenge but also set the stage for future advancements in coronary artery segmentation, opening doors to enhanced diagnostic and treatment strategies

    A Novel Approach to Coronary Artery Tree Generation

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    A new and automated risk prediction of coronary artery disease using clinical endpoints and medical imaging-derived patient-specific insights: protocol for the retrospective GeoCAD cohort study

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    INTRODUCTION: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death worldwide. More than a quarter of cardiovascular events are unexplained by current absolute cardiovascular disease risk calculators, and individuals without clinical risk factors have been shown to have worse outcomes. The 'anatomy of risk' hypothesis recognises that adverse anatomical features of coronary arteries enhance atherogenic haemodynamics, which in turn mediate the localisation and progression of plaques. We propose a new risk prediction method predicated on CT coronary angiography (CTCA) data and state-of-the-art machine learning methods based on a better understanding of anatomical risk for CAD. This may open new pathways in the early implementation of personalised preventive therapies in susceptible individuals as a potential key in addressing the growing burden of CAD. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: GeoCAD is a retrospective cohort study in 1000 adult patients who have undergone CTCA for investigation of suspected CAD. It is a proof-of-concept study to test the hypothesis that advanced image-derived patient-specific data can accurately predict long-term cardiovascular events. The objectives are to (1) profile CTCA images with respect to variations in anatomical shape and associated haemodynamic risk expressing, at least in part, an individual's CAD risk, (2) develop a machine-learning algorithm for the rapid assessment of anatomical risk directly from unprocessed CTCA images and (3) to build a novel CAD risk model combining traditional risk factors with these novel anatomical biomarkers to provide a higher accuracy CAD risk prediction tool. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The study protocol has been approved by the St Vincent's Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee, Sydney-2020/ETH02127 and the NSW Population and Health Service Research Ethics Committee-2021/ETH00990. The project outcomes will be published in peer-reviewed and biomedical journals, scientific conferences and as a higher degree research thesis

    Accuracy of vascular tortuosity measures using computational modelling

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    Severe coronary tortuosity has previously been linked to low shear stresses at the luminal surface, yet this relationship is not fully understood. Several previous studies considered different tortuosity metrics when exploring its impact of on the wall shear stress (WSS), which has likely contributed to the ambiguous findings in the literature. Here, we aim to analyze different tortuosity metrics to determine a benchmark for the highest correlating metric with low time-averaged WSS (TAWSS). Using Computed Tomography Coronary Angiogram (CTCA) data from 127 patients without coronary artery disease, we applied all previously used tortuosity metrics to the left main coronary artery bifurcation, and to its left anterior descending and left circumflex branches, before modelling their TAWSS using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The tortuosity measures included tortuosity index, average absolute-curvature, root-mean-squared (RMS) curvature, and average squared-derivative-curvature. Each tortuosity measure was then correlated with the percentage of vessel area that showed a < 0.4 Pa TAWSS, a threshold associated with altered endothelial cell cytoarchitecture and potentially higher disease risk. Our results showed a stronger correlation between curvature-based versus non-curvature-based tortuosity measures and low TAWSS, with the average-absolute-curvature showing the highest coefficient of determination across all left main branches (p < 0.001), followed by the average-squared-derivative-curvature (p = 0.001), and RMS-curvature (p = 0.002). The tortuosity index, the most widely used measure in literature, showed no significant correlation to low TAWSS (p = 0.86). We thus recommend the use of average-absolute-curvature as a tortuosity measure for future studies

    Automated segmentation of normal and diseased coronary arteries – The ASOCA challenge

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    Cardiovascular disease is a major cause of death worldwide. Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography (CTCA) is a non-invasive method used to evaluate coronary artery disease, as well as evaluating and reconstructing heart and coronary vessel structures. Reconstructed models have a wide array of for educational, training and research applications such as the study of diseased and non-diseased coronary anatomy, machine learning based disease risk prediction and in-silico and in-vitro testing of medical devices. However, coronary arteries are difficult to image due to their small size, location, and movement, causing poor resolution and artefacts. Segmentation of coronary arteries has traditionally focused on semi-automatic methods where a human expert guides the algorithm and corrects errors, which severely limits large-scale applications and integration within clinical systems. International challenges aiming to overcome this barrier have focussed on specific tasks such as centreline extraction, stenosis quantification, and segmentation of specific artery segments only. Here we present the results of the first challenge to develop fully automatic segmentation methods of full coronary artery trees and establish the first large standardized dataset of normal and diseased arteries. This forms a new automated segmentation benchmark allowing the automated processing of CTCAs directly relevant for large-scale and personalized clinical applications