623 research outputs found

    Performance of Close Anode Cathodic Protection System Applied to a Plane Metallic Grid

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    In CP technique the negative shift in cathode potential determines the degree of protection against corrosion. This shift occurs by two mechanisms: the first is depression of cathode potential relative to electrolyte (Remote Anode Systems). The second is elevation of electrolyte potential in the vicinity of cathode relative to electrolyte (Close Anode Systems). These systems are considerably sensitive to anode position because of sharp changes in electrolyte potential with variation of anode location (proximity effect). Our work is to investigate the performance of CP system under conditions of variable anode position, applied to mild steel grid simulating steel reinforced concrete

    Pengaruh Durasi Bermain Advergame Terhadap Levels of Comprehension (Tingkat Pemahaman) Dari Brand Message (Pesan Merek)

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    Cool Cubes, sebuah advergame yang dirancang khusus untukmenyampaikan brand message (pesan merek) dari Lipton Ice Tea. Brand message(pesan merek) di dalam advergame ini disampaikan melalui konten-konten yangada di dalam advergame. Advergame sendiri merupakan salah satu alatkomunikasi pemasaran yang sudah lama digunakan di luar negeri, tetapi masihjarang digunakan di Indonesia.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh durasi bermainadvergame terhadap levels of comprehension (tingkat pemahaman) dari brandmessage (pesan merek). Dengan pendekatan positivism, penelitian ini digunakanuntuk menjelaskan relasi sebab-akibat antar 2 variabel, dengan total 24 indikator.Dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimental dengan tekniknon-probability sampling dengan jumlah total populasi sampling sebanyak 30sample. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan empat proseduryaitu uji normalitas Kolomogrov Smirnov dengan uji beda dua kali pengukuranWilcoxon dan uji normalitas Saphiro Wilk dengan analisis komparatif duakelompok beda Independent Sample T-Test sehingga ditemukan pemgaruh durasibermain advergame terhadap levels of comprehension (tingkat pemahaman) daribrand message (pesan merek).Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa ada pengaruh antara durasi bermainadvergame terhadap levels of comprehension (tingkat pemahaman) dari brandmessage (pesan merek). Pengaruh ini ditunjukan melalui perbedaan nilai rata-ratadari levels of comprehension (tingkat pemahaman) pada dua kelompok yang diuji.Kelompok yang memainkan advergame dengan durasi yang tinggi memiliki levelsof comprehension (tingkat pemahaman) yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengankelompok yang memainkan advergame dengan durasi rendah

    Metabolic engineering of Arabidopsis for butanetriol production using bacterial genes

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    Includes bibliographical references (pages 119-120).1,2,4-butanetriol (butanetriol) is a useful precursor for the synthesis of the energetic material butanetriol trinitrate and several pharmaceutical compounds. Bacterial synthesis of butanetriol from xylose or arabinose takes place in a pathway that requires four enzymes. To produce butanetriol in plants by expressing bacterial enzymes, we cloned native bacterial or codon optimized synthetic genes under different promoters into a binary vector and stably transformed Arabidopsis plants. Transgenic lines expressing introduced genes were analyzed for the production of butanetriol using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Soil-grown transgenic plants expressing these genes produced up to 20 Āµg/g of butanetriol. To test if an exogenous supply of pentose sugar precursors would enhance the butanetriol level, transgenic plants were grown in a medium supplemented with either xylose or arabinose and the amount of butanetriol was quantified. Plants expressing synthetic genes in the arabinose pathway showed up to a forty-fold increase in butanetriol levels after arabinose was added to the medium. Transgenic plants expressing either bacterial or synthetic xylose pathways, or the arabinose pathway showed toxicity symptoms when xylose or arabinose was added to the medium, suggesting that a by-product in the pathway or butanetriol affected plant growth. Furthermore, the metabolite profile of plants expressing arabinose and xylose pathways was altered. Our results demonstrate that bacterial pathways that produce butanetriol can be engineered into plants to produce this chemical. This proof-of-concept study for phytoproduction of butanetriol paves the way to further manipulate metabolic pathways in plants to enhance the level of butanetriol production.Published with support from the Colorado State University Libraries Open Access Research and Scholarship Fund

    Therapeutic effect of antimyeloma antibodies conjugated with gold nanoparticles on the growth of myeloma cell line

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    Nanobiotechnology is a field of biomedical application of nanosize system which is a rapidly developing area within nanotechnology among these nonmaterial, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) which receive a significant attention due to their unique physical, chemical and biological properties. AuNPs and bio-conjugated AuNPs have been widely used in cancer treatment besides other application on cancer detection and diagnosis. In this study the potential therapeutic effects of polyclonal Antimyeloma antibody (AbMM) conjugated to AuNPs in comparison with naked (AbMM) or AuNPs alone in modulation of proliferation capacity in vitro and different stages of MM cell cycle have been evaluated besides evaluation of their effects on tumor growth delay. Effect of AuNPs , (AbMM) and (Nanogold -Antimyeloma Antibodies conjugate) (gold-AbMM) on growth of myeloma cells showed decreasing in multiple myeloma SP2OR (MM) viability with increasing dose of these treatments compared to that of control also a significant enhancement in the apoptosis after conjugation of Nanogold to the Antimyeloma was observed. The induction of apoptosis with gold-AbMM was significantly higher than the MM cells exposed to only AbMM or AuNPs. The study concluded that the efficacy of (gold-AbMM) on induced myeloma growth inhibition is better than that of individual AuNPs and AbMM

    Oral diclofenac potassium versus hyoscine-N-butyl bromide for pain relief during copper intrauterine device insertion: randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Present study was carried out to compare the analgesic effect of oral diclofenac potassium versus hyoscine-N-butyl bromide (HBB) for pain relief during copper intrauterine device (IUD) insertion.Methods: It was a a randomized clinical trial carried out at Assiut University Hospital, Assiut, Egypt. Parous women eligible for Copper IUD insertion were recruited and randomized in a 1:1 ratio to diclofenac potassium or HBB. The participants were asked to take 2 tablets of the study medications 30 minutes before IUD insertion. The primary outcome was the participant's self-rated pain perception using a 10-cm Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) during IUD insertion. We considered a 1.5 cm difference in VAS scores between study groups as clinically significant.Results: One hundred eight women were enrolled (n=54 in each group). Diclofenac significantly has lower mean pain score during speculum placement (1.73 vs. 2.13) and tenaculum placement (1.85 vs. 2.3) than HBB with p<0.001. No statistical significant differences between both groups in other steps of IUD insertion. Additionally, the duration of IUD insertion was significantly lower in the diclofenac group (5.34Ā±0.76 vs. 5.74Ā±1.23 minutes, p=0.045). No women reported side effects in both groups.Conclusions: The use of oral diclofenac potassium 30 minutes prior to copper IUD insertion slightly reduce the insertional pain and duration than oral HBB with no adverse effects

    Amorphous Moā‚…Oā‚ā‚„-Type/Carbon Nanocomposite with Enhanced Electrochemical Capability for Lithium-Ion Batteries

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    An amorphous MomO3māˆ’1/carbon nanocomposite (m ā‰ˆ 5) is fabricated from a citrateā€“gel precursor heated at moderate temperature (500 Ā°C) in inert (argon) atmosphere. The as-prepared Mo5O14-type/C material is compared to Ī±-MoO3 synthesized from the same precursor in air. The morphology and microstructure of the as-prepared samples are characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Raman scattering (RS) spectroscopy. Thermal gravimetry and elemental analysis indicate the presence of 25.8 Ā± 0.2% of carbon in the composite. The SEM images show that Mo5O14 is immersed inside a honeycomb-like carbon matrix providing high surface area. The RS spectrum of Mo5O14/C demonstrates an oxygen deficiency in the molybdenum oxide and the presence of a partially graphitized carbon. Outstanding improvement in electrochemical performance is obtained for the Mo5O14 encapsulated by carbon in comparison with the carbon-free MoO3. View Full-Tex


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    Cancer in a global threat as it is considered the primary cause of death worldwide. Breast cancer is the most common cancer I female worldwide. In the present study we evaluated the role of temozolomide, carboplatin, sodium phenylbutyrate, and cyclophosphamide in changing the methylation landscape of four tumor cell liness; breast, colorectal, lung, and cervical. Cells were treated with 5 ĀµM of each drug and the cells were incubated with the drugs for 48 and 96 h before reading the changes in methylation patterns. Global methylation quantification was measured in cells after being treated with the drugs. Data obtained indicated that sodium phenylbutyrate, followed by temozolomide were the drugs most efficient in hypermethylation of the DNA, while carboplatin followed by cyclophosphamide were able to reduce the concentration of 5-mC in the DNA. It has been concluded that using carboplatin in combination with sodium phenylbutyrate (PBA) might induce cell cycle arrest of malignant cells. Further studies are needed to highlight the mechanism of action of these drugs when combined in treatment of cancer. Keywords: methylation; breast; colon; lung; cervical; epigenetics
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