474 research outputs found

    Bimolecular Recombination Reactions: Low Pressure Rates in Terms of Time-Dependent Survival Probabilities, Total J Phase Space Sampling of Trajectories, and Comparison with RRKM Theory

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    We consider the bimolecular formation and redissociation of complexes using classical trajectories and the survival probability distribution function P(E,J,t) of the intermediate complexes at time t as a function of the energy E and total angular momentum quantum number J. The P(E,J,t) and its deviation from single exponential behavior is a main focus of the present set of studies. Together with weak deactivating collisions, the P(E,J,t) and a cumulative reaction probability at the given E and J can also be used to obtain the recombination rate constant k at low pressures of third bodies. Both classical and quantum expressions are given for k in terms of P(E,J,t). The initial conditions for the classical trajectories are sampled for atom−diatom reactions for various (E,J)’s using action-angle variables. A canonical transformation to a total J representation reduces the sampling space by permitting analytic integration over several of the variables. A similar remark applies for the calculation of the density of states of the intermediate complex ρ and for the number of states N* of the transition state as a function of E and J. The present approach complements the usual approach based on the rate of the reverse reaction, unimolecular dissociation, and the equilibrium constant. It provides results not necessarily accessible from the unimolecular studies. The formalism is applied elsewhere to the study of nonstatistical aspects of the recombination and redissociation of the resulting ozone molecules and comparison with RRKM theory

    Contextualizing Kurdish gender studies decolonial feminist knowledge production and the genesis of the Kurdish Gender Studies Network

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    Established in 2020, the Kurdish Gender Studies Network (KGSN) is an online epistemic community that brings together activists and scholars dedicated to advancing knowledge in Kurdish gender and sexuality studies. This paper aims to introduce the network to a larger public while situating the formation of the KGSN in relation to the growth of Kurdish gender studies (KGS), and the increasing influence of women and queer scholars in Kurdish studies (KS) since 2010. It highlights that both KGSN and KS have been greatly influenced by the conditions shaped by the colonial legacy surrounding Kurdistan and the Kurdish issue while discussing the ways in which Kurdish women’s and gender studies were often marginalized in KS. As Kurdish women scholars and members of the network’s steering committee, we position the trajectory of the network and the evolution of KGS within the broader framework of knowledge production in colonial contexts and address the ongoing struggle to decolonize feminist knowledge production, which, historically, has been dominated by Western-centric epistemologies and methodologies

    Rintasyövän primäärirekonstruktiot OYS:ssa vuosina 2015–2017

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    Tiivistelmä. Välittömien rinnankorjausten määrät ovat kasvaneet maailmanlaajuisesti. Samaten myös onkoplastisten sekä symmetrisoivien toimenpiteiden määrät ovat olleet selkeässä kasvussa. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää OYS:ssa tehtyjä primäärirekonstruktioiden eli välittömien rinnan korjaustoimenpiteiden määrää onkoplastisella tekniikalla. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää miten OYS:ssa kyseisiä toimenpiteitä tehtiin vuosina 2015–17. Ensisijaisena tavoitteena oli tarkastella laaduntarkkailumielessä OYS:n plastiikkakirurgian klinikalla hoidettujen rintasyöpäpotilaiden hoitoa. Lisäksi myös kiinnitettiin huomiota hoitoonpääsyn kestoon ja tähän vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tällä tavoin voidaan tällä tutkimuksella myöskin kehittää plastiikkakirurgian klinikan toimintatapoja rintasyöpäpotilaiden hoidossa. Tutkimukseen otettiin mukaan vain naispotilaat, joille tehtiin välittömät rekonstruktiot onkoplastisella tekniikalla yhdistettynä symmetrisoiviin toimenpiteisiin. Potilaat voitiin jakaa rintasyöpäpotilaisiin sekä rintasyövän riskipotilaisiin. Kyseiset potilastiedot haettiin Esko-potilastietojärjestelmän kautta. Otannaksi saatiin yhteensä 30 potilasta poiminta-ajon toistamisesta huolimatta. Näistä 17 oli rintasyöpäpotilaita ja loput riskipotilaita, joille tehtiin ennaltaehkäiseviä rinnanpoistoja. Rintasyöpäpotilaille hoitoonpääsyn kesto oli 7 viikkoa. Tarkasteltavina korjausmenetelminä olivat silikoni rintaproteesit, kielekkeet sekä rinnan reduktioplastiatekniikat. Yleisimmin käytetyt korjausmenetelmät olivat omakudoskielekkeet, joista LD (latissimus dorsi)- lihaskieleke oli ylivoimaisesti suosituin vaihtoehto

    Association of Serum Leptin with Prognostic Factors in Breast Cancer

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    Background: Nowadays, cytokines such as Leptin and adiponectin are introduced as prognostic factors which, according to some studies, are also associated with body mass index. This study aimed to determine serum leptin level and its relationship with prognostic factors in breast cancer patients.Methods: This case–control study was conducted in the oncology department of Tohid Hospital, Sanandaj, Iran, between 2019 and 2020. Hundred new cases of breast cancer patients with histological evidence were enrolled in this study. Additionally, 100 age-and BMI-matched healthy individuals were recruited as the control group. The serum leptin level was measured using the ELISA method.Results: Serum leptin levels were significantly higher in breast cancer patients compared to the control group (21.68 ± 9.16 vs 11.89 ± 4.45; p < 0.001). There was no significant relationship between plasma leptin levels with ER, PR, and HER2 expressions (p > 0.05). Also, no significant associations were noted between leptin levels and grading and disease staging (p > 0.05).Conclusion: The study found that leptin is higher in breast cancer patients than in healthy individuals, however, it did not prove that leptin is a predictive or prognostic factor.Keywords: leptin, breast cancer, staging, gradin

    Proline, protein, RWC and MSI contents affected by paclobutrazol and water deficit treatments in strawberry cv. Paros

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    Drought is one of the critical environmental stresses that affect growth and development of plants. Plants are damaged directly and indirectly under drought stress. Increasing water stress tolerance in plants is crucial. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different water stress levels (-1, -5, and -10 bars) and paclobutrazol application (0 and 50 mg-l) on strawberry cv. Paros. According to analyses of variance there were significant effects of drought stress and paclobutrazol application on leaf area, leaf dry weight, leaf relative water content (RWC), cell membrane stability index (MSI), proline and protein content of leaves. Leaf area, leaf dry weight, leaf relative water content and cell membrane stability index decreased in drought stress, especially at -10 bars. Proline and protein contents were enhanced by increasing water stress levels. Paclobutrazol application increased leaf relative water content and cell membrane stability index, proline and protein contents of leaves. Leaf relative water content was 68.77% in -10 bars drought stress that increased to 79% in paclobutrazol treatment. Also, cell membrane stability index was 69.65% in severe drought stress and reached to 77% in paclobutrazol treatment. According to the results pacloburazol is a benefit substance to ameliorate drought stress effects in strawberry cv. Paros

    Types of poisoning in a tertiary care hospital in center of Iran (2014 to 2017)

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    The global problem of acute poisoning has steadily increased over the past decade. It is an importantcause of morbidity and mortality in developing countries. Better preventive and management strategiescan be developed if the incidence and pattern of acute poisoning is known. The study aims at analyzingthe pattern, cause and mortality rate of poisoning.The study was conducted in aurban and rural area in the center of Iran. This retrospective study was conducted fromJanuary 2014-March 2017. The data was analysed using descriptive and analytical statistics.:Out of the 1329 cases 754 were males and 575 females. Poisoning was common in the age group of 21-30 years. The poisons consumed were as follows:63.8 were suicides, 17.8 accidental and 18.4 had a variety of different reasons. Mortality rate was 6.5.The results of the study showed that the highest rate of poisoning in the young age group was due to suicidal ideation. Accurate training for youth and counseling is of particular importance.Establishment of strict policies against the sale and availability of pesticides and over the counter drugs is an effective way to control drug poisoning. © 2019, Advanced Scientific Research. All rights reserved

    Effect of probiotic on the laying performance of Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica)

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    Abstract This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different levels of Protexin on feed efficiency and egg laying traits of Japanese quails. Forty eight Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica), having average age six weeks were equally allocated to four treatments each containing three replicates. In each replicate were included three female and one male bird. Birds received diets which were supplemented with 0, 0.250, 0.500, and 1.000 gm Protexin per kg diet as control, treatments 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Feed intake was measured daily and feed conversion ratio was calculated. After 63 days of experimental period, egg weight, albumen weight, yolk weight, and shell weight were measured. Feed intake decreased significantly in group 3, while FCR decreased significantly in all treatments. Egg weight, shell weight, albumin weight increased significantly in group 3. However, yolk weight decreased significantly in group 4. In conclusion, Protexin at the level of 0.500 gm/kg of feed improved the egg traits in Japanese quail. Keywords: Coturnix japonica; egg; probiotic protexin; quail To cite this article: Vali N, A Ghaderi-Samani and A Doosti, 2013. Effect of probiotic on laying performance of Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica). Res. Opin. Anim. Vet. Sci., 3(7), 218-220

    Synthesis and characterization of nickel molybdate nano-powders in the presence of carboxymethyl cellulose as a new capping agent and its application on electrochemical determination of ethanol

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    Nickel molybdate (NiMoO4) nanopowders were prepared by a new method in low temperature. For the first time, we used carboxymethyl cellulose as a new capping agent in synthesis procedure. The formed nickel molybdate products have been characterized by means of UV�vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX). Glassy carbon electrode modified with NiMoO4 nanopowders was prepared and used for oxidation of ethanol and methanol. The study of the different scan rates indicates a diffusional process for oxidation of ethanol. The detection limit obtained for ethanol was also 3.8 mM. © 2019 by CEE (Center of Excellence in Electrochemistry)