9 research outputs found

    Onderzoek Toekomstverwachtingen 2004 - TOS2004

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    Future expectations of the Dutch population for the year 2020. Expectations with regard to national and global developments, leisure time, politics and democracy, ethnic minorities and migration to and from the Netherlands, labourmarket, living situation, work and childcare, safety and crime, education, diseases and health care, social security, use of computers and the internet / background characteristics / idea of the future with regard to society. A number of questions also refer to the present and the past. The data- and documentation files of this dataset can be downloaded via the option Data Files

    Beeldvorming over minderheden 2002

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    Opinion of the autochtonous Dutch population about ethnic minorities. Contact with allochtonous population / representation of allochtonous population in sportclubs, hobbyclubs etc. / general opinion about Moroccan and Turkish persons in Dutch society / opinion about 'black schools' / representation of allochtonous population in various kinds of boards and committees / discrimination / differences in raising children by parents from allochtonous and autochtonous origin / characteristics of persons from Moroccan, Turkish, Surinamese and Dutch origin / ethnocentrism / opinion concerning freedom of religion or belief / opinion about granting residence permits by the Dutch government / satisfaction with living in the Netherlands

    Kwaliteit van het Funderend Onderwijs 2000 - KFO2000

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    Study aimed at getting insight in the opinions of parents regarding the quality of primary and secondary education

    Kwaliteit van de quartaire sector, 2002

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    Quality of education, health care, the police and judicial services and other public provisions in the Netherlands, both objectively and in the public perception. Themes: use of / waiting for general practitioner, medical specialist, hospital / opininion on quality, financing, organization and information of public health sector / perception of change in quality last five years in medical, mental, geriatric and handicapped health care / willingness to pay more for better care / quality of various sorts of education and perceived changes last five years / opininion on quality of, financing of , organization of and role of government and parents in public education / detailed evaluation of quality of school of one's own children / opinions on renting (in public sector) a house / ownership of house / quality of service by house owner / satisfaction with repairs / opinions on criminality / government actions / sufficient number of prison cells / severity of punishment / safety / police / judicial system / judges / rehabilitation / stricter immigration policy / victimization: burglary, theft , violence and thread of violence, robbery, vandalism / contacts with police and satisfaction with it / personal problem solving behaviour regarding public sector / quality of municipal services / work situation / quality of work / work satisfaction / type of employer / changing job-sector / social security system / type social benefit / satisfaction / errors or mistakes made / reintegration activities / main source of income

    Aanvullend voorzieningen gebruiksonderzoek, 2003 - AVO 2003

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    Use of a great number of social and cultural facilities in connection with characteristics of households and individuals (adults and youth). For detailed information see also 'Questionnaire and extra information' on this webpage. The data- and documentation files of this dataset can be downloaded via the option Data Files

    Regelingen Arbeid en Zorg 2002 - RAZ2002

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    Regulations and use of leave for calamities, short leave for family care, parental leave, maternity leave, adoption leave, long lasting leave for family care, palliative care leave, saving days of leave, part-time working

    Aanvullend voorzieningen gebruiksonderzoek gehandicapten, 2000 - AVO 2000

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    Survey among persons with severe or moderate physical or mental disabilities, in order to gain a clear understanding in the extent to which people with disabilities participate in society in a wide range of areas. Characteristis of handicap, like duration and cause / health and well-being / education and possible limitations / participation in the labour market, experiences and limitations in volunteer work / income, use of additional income sources / housing situation / home care services (Thuiszorg), quality of this care and financial contributions by respondents to certain facilities (Eigen Bijdrage)/ use of medical appliances / use of the Provisions for the Handicapped Act (Wet Voorzieningen Gehandicapten - WVG)/ use of client-linked budget (Persoonsgebonden Budget)/ accessibility of leisure facilities / transport facilities / accessibility of public buildings

    Personen met een verstandelijke handicap 2000

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    The aim of this study is to gain more insight into the living situation of mentally handicapped persons of 18 years and over. This also includes work, health, social situation, housing, financial situation. Organization: Size and type of sheltered housing / location / religion / how is time of inhabitants spent, work, where / cultural activities, festivities, outings, holidays organized / does organization offer day activities, work / how many volunteers / personal budget (persoonsgebonden budget). Day activity or work center: for how many people / severity of mental handicap / where do participants live / waiting list / location. Mentally handicapped and proxy: sex, age, (also of other inmates) / mental limitations / behaviour problems / physical handicaps / communication possible / living situation / how long has r. been living here, where before / day activities / leisure activities / social network: partner (cohabitation), parents, siblings, friends, how often visit / health / if living independantly: how high is rent / type and costs of assistance / place of birth / education / social-economic status of family / size and type of household / did r. use to be a burden in the family when living at home / why these living arrangements / is r. on waiting list / income / satisfaction of the mentally handicapped with day activities, work, social life and living arrangements

    Dagindeling ouders tussen zorg en arbeid 2002 - DOZA'02

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    Survey among parents combining work and care. Number of working hours of respondent and partner of respondent, and at which time of the day / having weekend -and or night shifts / having permission to work at home / conditions under which respondent likes to work at home / use of day care facilities for children aged between 0 and 3 years / use of day care facilities for children aged between 3 and 12 years / time spent at taking care for children when they were ill or had to see a doctor / occupational status of respondent and respondents partner