20 research outputs found

    Akdeniz iklim kuşağında azola (Azolla mexicana-2026) bitkisinin aşılama zamanı ile kuru madde üretimi arasındaki ilişkisi

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    Azolla (Azolla anabaend) which is a aquatic fern plant is used as a green manure plant, organic matter and nutrition sources in many countries where the irragation water is no problem. There are many azolla genotypes which are adapted to warm zone in the world. A. mexicana-2026, one of them, has adapted Izmir-Menemen ecological conditions. The objective of this research was to determine the relation between inoculation time and dry matter of A. Mexicana-2026 in Izmir, Aydın and Antalya affected by Mediterranean climate in April, May September of 1999, 2000 and 2001 growing years. For each square meter 300 grams of fresh azolla was inoculated at each application time and harvested after 15 days from inoculation date. After harvesting, the highest dry matter weight was reached to 118.1 g/m2at İzmir location in April in 2001. Regression equation that gave the relation between inoculation time and dry matter on azolla plant in the Mediterranean regions found as YizmirY_{izmir} =0.01297 Z2Z^2- 2.5029 Z + 118.2293, Yaydın=0.008879Y_{aydın}=0.008879 Z^2−1.6982Z+87.2049and-1.6982 Z + 87.2049 and Y_{antalya}=0.0009751=0.0009751 Z^2−1.8957Z+90.9501.Suculbireg˘reltiotuolanazola(Azottaanabaena),sulamasuyununproblemolmadıg˘ıbirc\coku¨lkedeyes\cilgu¨brebitkisi,organikmaddevebitkibesinkaynag˘ıolarakkullanılmaktadır.Du¨nyadaılımaniklimkus\cag˘ınauyumgo¨steren,azolatu¨rlerineaitbirc\cokgenotipmevcuttur.A.Mexicana−2026bunlardanbiriolupI˙zmir−MenemenEkolojikkos\cullarınauyumsag˘lamıs\ctır.Buc\calıs\cmadaA.Mexicana−2026′mn;1999−2000ve2001yıllarında,AkdeniziklimietkisindekalanI˙zmir,AydınveAntalyalokasyonlarındaas\cılamazamanı−kurumaddeilis\ckisininbelirlenmesiamac\clanmıs\ctır.Herlokasyondanisan,mayısveeylu¨laylarındametrekareye300grtazeazolaas\cılanmıs\ctır.As\cılamadan15gu¨nsonrahasatedilmis\ctir.Enyu¨ksekkurumaddeag˘ırlıg˘ıI˙zmirlokasyonundalNisantarihinde118.1gr/m2eldeedilebileceg˘itahminedilmis\ctir.I˙zmir,AydınveAntalyalokasyonundaas\cılamazamam−kurumaddeilis\ckisiniverenregresyondenklemisırasıyla -1.8957 Z + 90.9501.Sucul bir eğrelti otu olan azola (Azotta anabaena), sulama suyunun problem olmadığı birçok ülkede yeşil gübre bitkisi, organik madde ve bitki besin kaynağı olarak kullanılmaktadır. Dünyada ılıman iklim kuşağına uyum gösteren, azola türlerine ait birçok genotip mevcuttur. A. Mexicana-2026 bunlardan biri olup İzmir-Menemen Ekolojik koşullarına uyum sağlamıştır. Bu çalışmada A. Mexicana-2026'mn; 1999-2000 ve 2001 yıllarında, Akdeniz iklimi etkisinde kalan İzmir, Aydın ve Antalya lokasyonlarında aşılama zamanı-kuru madde ilişkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Her lokasyonda nisan, mayıs ve eylül aylarında metrekareye 300 gr taze azola aşılanmıştır. Aşılamadan 15 gün sonra hasat edilmiştir. En yüksek kuru madde ağırlığı İzmir lokasyonunda l Nisan tarihinde 118.1 gr/m2 elde edilebileceği tahmin edilmiştir. İzmir, Aydın ve Antalya lokasyonunda aşılama zamam-kuru madde ilişkisini veren regresyon denklemi sırasıyla Y_{izmir}=0.01297 =0.01297 Z^2−2.5029Z+118.2293,- 2.5029 Z + 118.2293, Y_{aydın}=0.008879 =0.008879 Z^2−1.6982Z+87.2049ve-1.6982 Z + 87.2049 ve Y{antalya}=0.0009751 =0.0009751 Z^2$-1.8957 Z + 90.9501 bulunmuştur

    Effects of salt stress on some physiological characters of rice (Oryza sativa l.) in germination and seedling stages

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    Effects of salts stress on seven rice genotypes (Osmancık, Kıral, Yavuz, Demir, Baldo, IR4630, IR31785) were investigated at the seedling and germination stages. The highest reduction in dry weight was recorded for Demir and Krai while the lowest was in Yavuz. Salt treatment increased the Na+/K+ ratio in all genotypes. Germination ratio, chlorophyll and relative water content (RWC) were decreased by increasing salt levels. The genotypes showed parallel response to salt stress at the germination and seedling stage.Effects of salts stress on seven rice genotypes (Osmancık, Kıral, Yavuz, Demir, Baldo, IR4630, IR31785) were investigated at the seedling and germination stages. The highest reduction in dry weight was recorded for Demir and Krai while the lowest was in Yavuz. Salt treatment increased the Na+/K+ ratio in all genotypes. Germination ratio, chlorophyll and relative water content (RWC) were decreased by increasing salt levels. The genotypes showed parallel response to salt stress at the germination and seedling stage

    Performance of some Bread Wheat Genotypes under Organic and Conventional Production Systems

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    WOS: 000306460800016Organic agriculture is accepted as an effective alternative solution to overcome harmful effects of excessive chemical use in conventional agriculture. Many of the crop cultivars record a reduction in yield when shifted from conventional to organic systems. Wheat is the second field crop gaining area under organic farming only after cotton in Turkey. There is dire need to look for wheat varieties that are better adapted to organic systems with little yield reduction. In this study, twelve bread wheat genotypes, which are adapted to Aegean Basin of Turkey, were grown to compare their yield and agronomic performances under organic and conventional production systems. The study was carried out during 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 growing seasons. Highest grain yield for conventional system was recorded for Sagittario (3819 kg ha(-1)), Basribey-95 (3619 kg ha(-1)) and Ekm4 (3505 kg ha(-1)). Grain yield was reduced by almost 46% in organic farming as compared with conventional system. Sagittario, Esperia, Ekm6 and Ekm5 recorded relatively higher grain yield in organic system. Kernel number per spike, plant height, thousand kernel weight and total dry weight decreased in organic system. Our findings suggested that wheat yield reduction in organic system was primarily due to reduced kernel number per spike and thousand grain weight. Sagittario and Esperia, lines Ekm6 and Ekm5 were promising bread wheat genotypes for organic production systems. (c) 2012 Friends Science Publisher