1 research outputs found

    Perceptions and experiences of people in Gambella region of Ethiopia on Guinea worm disease eradication interventions

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    Introduction: Guinea worm disease (GWD) is a painful, disabling disease caused by the parasite dracunculus medinensis. The implementation of the global GWD eradication campaign resulted in a decrease of global burden of disease and several countries have been proclaimed free of the disease. Though, Ethiopia has implemented the GWD eradication programme since 1992 the disease remains endemic in the Gambella region. Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions and experiences of the community of Gambella region on Guinea worm disease (GWD) eradication interventions. Methodology: A qualitative study paradigm with a phenomenological research design was employed to collect data using focus group discussions, in-depth individual interviews, document reviews, and observations. The study participants were determined by purposive sampling. Qualitative data analysis involved transcription, data entry, and management of verbal information followed by coding, categorizing into themes. Interpretation of the data was done using triangulation methodology with appropriate mechanisms for validity and trustworthiness. Result: The study found that there are gaps in the perceptions and understanding of the community and programme implementers about the achievement and application of the various interventions on the eradication of Guinea worm disease. Health education programme was not fine-tuned to the eradication of GWD by community participation. Community perception was not at the required level for the eradication of GWD due to the low success of the educational intervention. Conclusion: continuous health education targeting the community with clear objectives of helping to eradicate GWD was found to be limited in its coverage. In addition, provision of water filters necessary for GWD eradication was inadequate. Moreover, the community did not have clear understanding of the causes of GWD and its eradication strategy. It is hoped that the findings of this study would contribute significantly to the GWEP in Gambella region, as well as elsewhere where GWD may be endemicHealth StudiesM.A. (Public Health