17 research outputs found

    Mediciones de pobreza en Uruguay: aspectos metodol贸gicos

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    Social policies and socioeconomic indicators for transitional economies

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    Includes bibliographySerie de art铆culosAs part of the United Nations Development Programs thematic focus on poverty eradication and Poverty Strategy Initiatives, the UNDP, in cooperation with the Armenian Government, the World Bank and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), organized a workshop on Social Indicators to be held at Yrevan, Armenia on November 13-14, 1997. In accordance with the United Nations Global Conferences and their goals, the workshop pursued as its goal the elaboration of poverty initiatives to alleviate poverty, preserve the human capital and adjust it to new market conditions, which could be attained by providing detailed and targeted information, improving the survey methodologies, determining the choice of main social indicators to be used with the consideration of the national specifics. This publication presents ECLACs conribution to the workshop. Rolando Franco gives an overview of some economic, political and social characteristics, which are at the core of a transition from planned to market economies. He refers to differences and similarities between the change of the economic model observed in Latin America and the model taking shape in transitional economies, giving charactersitic features of the import-substitution model and the post-adjustment model. Afterwards, the author concentrates in presenting two paradigms within the context of the Latin American social policy characteristics, which correspond to the two development models that have been applied in the region, before and after what has been called the crisis of the 1980s". On the other side, Pascual Gerstenfeld marks that indicators should help to identify the main causes and effects of social trends and provide useful information for the design of social policies. Further he analyses a set of indicators based on data from household surveys, which have contributed in a large measure to the Latin American experience in quantitative socioeconomic analysis. Following the above, he presents reflections on social indicators for the analysis of the well-being and equity in societies in transition. Finally, Ernesto Cohen covers the social policy evaluation through assessing social projects, in a way that they allow a resign of and reallocation of resources and provide a strategic avenue for rationalizing the government social expenditure. He goes through the project cycle, the advantages of the cost-impact analysis, and the importance of monitoring efficiency of social programs.

    Crecimiento, distribuci贸n y desarrollo: un enfoque integrado

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    Incluye bibliograf铆aLa evoluci贸n del ingreso per c谩pita de los sectores m谩s vulnerables depende no s贸lo de la evoluci贸n del ingreso nacional sino tambi茅n de los cambios en su distribuci贸n. Hemos definido como ingreso medio de la "gran mayor铆a de la poblaci贸n" al de las personas ubicadas en los siete deciles de menores ingresos de la distribuci贸n personal (IGM70), que siguiendo a Shaikh y Ragab (2008) se construye combinando el ingreso per c谩pita del total de la econom铆a con el coeficiente de Gini. En este trabajo relacionamos dicho indicador con el ritmo de crecimiento promedio del producto per c谩pita de los pa铆ses m谩s avanzados (G7), a efectos de establecer una taxonom铆a que permita distinguir los procesos de "convergencia inclusiva" de los de "divergencia excluyente", incluyendo los casos intermedios de "convergencia excluyente" y "divergencia inclusiva". Se trata de una construcci贸n simple y de f谩cil visualizaci贸n que, a diferencia de los indicadores compuestos, admite la realizaci贸n de comparaciones transversale

    Variables extrapedag贸gicas y equidad en la educaci贸n media: hogar, subjetividad y cultura escolar

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    Incluye Bibliograf铆aBajo el t铆tulo Variables, extrapedag贸gicas y equidad en la educaci贸n media: hogar, subjetividad y cultura escolar" este n煤mero de la serie "Pol铆ticas Sociales"re煤ne las ponencias presentadas en la segunda mesa redonda del Seminario-taller "Reforma de la educaci贸n media en Chile: 驴hacia una mayor equidad?, realizado en la CEPAL en Santiago de Chile el 11 y 12 de abril de 1995. La primera mesa redonda se centr贸 en el tratamiento de los aspectos generales de la calidad y equidad de la educaci贸n media; la segunda, en los aspectos ex贸genos al sistema educativo que tienen que ver con la calidad y equidad de la educaci贸n media; la tercera estuvo dirigida a examinar la relaci贸n entre educaci贸n y oportunidades y condiciones de empleo, y la cuarta a la viabilidad pol铆tica, institucional y econ贸mica de la reforma educativa. La difusi贸n de las ponencias de la primera mesa redonda se efectu贸 en el n煤mero 8 de esta serie; las correspondientes a la tercera y cuarta se incluir谩n en los n煤meros 10 y 11, respectivamente.