6 research outputs found

    LSDV-Vectored SARS-CoV-2 S and N Vaccine Protects against Severe Clinical Disease in Hamsters

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic demonstrated the need for potent and broad-spectrum vaccines. This study reports the development and testing of a lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV)-vectored vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, utilizing stabilized spike and conserved nucleocapsid proteins as antigens to develop robust immunogenicity. Construction of the vaccine (LSDV-SARS2-S,N) was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and sequencing. In vitro characterization confirmed that cells infected with LSDV-SARS2-S,N expressed SARS-CoV-2 spike and nucleocapsid protein. In BALB/c mice, the vaccine elicited high magnitude IFN-γ ELISpot responses (spike: 2808 SFU/106 splenocytes) and neutralizing antibodies (ID50 = 6552). Testing in hamsters, which emulate human COVID-19 disease progression, showed the development of high titers of neutralizing antibodies against the Wuhan and Delta SARS-CoV-2 variants (Wuhan ID50 = 2905; Delta ID50 = 4648). Additionally, hamsters vaccinated with LSDV-SARS2-S,N displayed significantly less weight loss, lung damage, and reduced viral RNA copies following SARS-CoV-2 infection with the Delta variant as compared to controls, demonstrating protection against disease. These data demonstrate that LSDV-vectored vaccines display promise as an effective SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and as a potential vaccine platform for communicable diseases in humans and animals. Further efficacy testing and immune response analysis, particularly in non-human primates, are warranted

    A histological and immunohistochemical study of the lesions observed in desert warthogs (Phacochoerus africanus) and bushpigs (Potamochoerus porcus) following experimental challenge with CSF virus

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    English: Common warthogs (Phacochoerus africanus) and bushpigs (Potamochoerus larvatus), were experimentally infected with classical swine fever virus (CSFv) following the diagnosis of classical swine fever (CSF) subtype 2.1 in 2005 in domestic pigs in South Africa. At that time, no data regarding their susceptibility or the potential lesions in these wild suids were available. Seven sub-adult warthogs and six bushpigs were captured, taken to the high containment facilities of the Transboundary Animal Diseases Programme of the Agriculture Research Council (ARC) - Onderstepoort Veterinary Research Institute, and infected intranasally with the South African isolate. In each experiment, two in-contact control animals of the same species verified intraspecies transmission, while two domestic pigs were used to demonstrate virus virulence and viability. Surviving animals were euthanized 44 days post infection. Formalin-fixed tissue samples collected from all experimental animals were evaluated for histological lesions. The warthogs, which remained clinically normal throughout the study, developed histological lesions that were inconsistently present and sometimes subtle. Three warthogs, including one in-contact control, developed distinct perivascular lymphoplasmacytic cuffing in their brains. Subtle lesions included scant lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of various organs, occasionally accompanied by perivascular cuffing. In contrast, the bushpigs developed overt clinical signs similar to CSF in domestic pigs. Four animals out of six, including two in-contact controls, died or were euthanized during the trial. On post mortem examination, intestinal necrosis and ulceration, purulent rhinitis and pneumonia were present. Acutely affected animals developed lymphoid necrosis and depletion whilst surviving individuals showed perivascular lymphoplasmacytic cuffing in multiple organs. Immunohistochemical demonstration of CSFv antigen using a commercially available mouse monoclonal antibody, WH303, revealed intense, widespread labelling in most tissues of all the warthogs and bushpigs as well as the four domestic pigs used as controls during the trial. A wide range of cell types and tissues reacted with the antibody. These included: mononuclear cells (monocyte-macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells), follicular reticular cells, epithelial cells, vascular endothelial cells, mesothelial cells, smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts. Tissues that were labelled included tonsil, lymph nodes, spleen, third eyelid, adrenal gland, urinary bladder, skin, liver, kidney, lung, certain cells within central nervous tissue like the choroid plexus, various parts of the gastro-intestinal tract as well as glandular tissue like the pancreas and salivary gland. The tonsils were the most consistently labelled tissue, while no labelling was noted in myocytes of skeletal or cardiac muscle. From the present work, it was concluded that these wild Suidae are susceptible to CSFv and intra-species transmission under experimental conditions can occur.Afrikaans: Wilde Afrika varke, nl. vlakvarke (Phacocoerus africanus) en bosvarke (Potamochoerus larvatus) was eksperimenteel infekteer met europese varkpes virus nadat die siekte in kommersiële mak varke diagnoseer is in 2005 (dit was tipeer as subtipe 2.1). Geen inligiting oor die vatbaarheid of potensiële letsels weens europese varkpes infeksie in hierdie wilde varke was beskikbaar nie. Sewe wilde onvolwasse vlakvarke en ses bosvarke is gevang, na die isolasie eenheid van die Onderstepoort Veterinêre Instituut se oor-grens siekte afdeling geneem en intranasal geïnfekteer met die Suid-Afrikaanse isolaat van 2005. Twee in-kontak kontrole diere van dieselfde spesie is gebruik in elke eksperiment om intra-spesie oordraging vas te stel en twee mak varke om virus lewensvatbaarheid en virulensie te demonstreer. Oorlewende diere is uitgesit na 44 dae. Formalien gefikseerde weefsel monsters is versamel van hulle, sowel as van diere wat uitgesit is tydens die eksperiment. Die vlakvarke was klinies normal regdeur die eksperiment, maar het wel histologiese letsels ontwikkel wat subtiel was en ook nie altyd teenwoordig in alle gevalle nie. Drie vlakvarke, waarvan een ‘n in-kontak dier was, het prominente limfo-plasmasitiese perivaskulêre flensing in hul breine ontwikkel. Subtiele letsels het klein hoeveelhede limfoplasmasitiese infiltrasies in verskeie organe en somtyds perivaskulêre flensing ingesluit. In teenstelling, het die bosvarke uitgesproke kliniese tekens soortgelyk aan Europese varkpes in mak varke, ontwikkel. Vier uit die ses diere, insluitend twee in-kontak diere is dood of uitgesit tydens die eksperiment. Met nadoodse ondersoek is daar intestinale nekrose en ulserasie, purulente rinitis en pneumonie gevind. Diere wat dood is, het limfoïede nekrose en limfoïede uitputting getoon, terwyl die oorlewende bosvarke perivaskulêre flensing met limfo-plasma selle in verskeie organe ontwikkel het. Immunohistochemiese demonstrasie van Europese varkpes virus antigen deur gebruik van ‘n kommersieël beskikbare muis monoklonale teenligaam, WH303, het duidelike wydverspreide kleuring in meeste weefsel van die die vlakvarke, bosvarke en mak varke getoon. ‘n Wye reeks van weefsel en sel tipes het met die teenliggam reageer naamlik: mononukliêre selle (monosietmakrofage en limfo-plasma selle), follikulêre retikulêre selle, epiteel, vaskulêre endoteel, mesoteel, gladde spier selle en fibroblaste. Weefsel wat gemerk is met die teenliggaam het ingesluit: mangels, limfknope, milt, derde ooglid, adrenaal klier, urienblaas, vel, lewer, nier, long, sekere selle in die sentrale senuwee stelsel, soos die koroïed pleksus, verskeie dele van die gastro-intestinale stelsel sowel as klier weefsel soos die pankreas en speekselklier. Die mangels was die mees konsekwent gemerkte weefsel, terwyl geen kleuring gevind is in miosiete van skelet of hartspier nie. Uit hierdie werk kon daar afgelei word dat vlakvarke en bosvarke vatbaar is vir Europese varkpes en dat intra-spesie oordraging plaasvind onder eksperimentele omstandighede.Dissertation (MMedVet)--University of Pretoria, 2011.Paraclinical SciencesUnrestricte

    In Memoriam. Jeanette Oosthuizen. 26 September 1971 - 10 November 2023

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    Article originally published in VetNews, 2023, December, the monthly magazine of the South African Veterinary AssociationIt is with much sadness that we pay our final respects and say goodbye to our dear friend Jeannette Oosthuizen who has lost the struggle against depression. Dedicating her whole life to her veterinary career, her unremitting love and care for animals was clear to everyone.ab202

    Influence of the Viral Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Homologue on Lumpy Skin Disease Virus (LSDV) Growth, Histopathology and Pathogenicity

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    Lumpy skin disease is an important economic disease of cattle that is controlled by vaccination. This paper presents an investigation into the role of the lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV) superoxide dismutase (SOD) homologue on growth and histopathology of the virus both in vitro and in vivo. SOD homologue knock-out and knock-in recombinants (nLSDV∆SOD-UCT and nLSDVSODis-UCT, respectively) were constructed and compared to the Neethling vaccine (nLSDV) for growth in a permissive bovine cell line as well as on fertilized chick chorioallantoic membranes (CAMs). The infected CAMs were scored for histological changes. Deletion of the SOD homologue from LSDV reduced virus growth both in Madin-Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cells as well as on CAMs. Furthermore, the knockout virus showed reduced inflammation in CAMs and more ballooning degeneration. A pilot experiment was performed in cattle to compare the lesions produced by the different LSDV constructs in the same animal. One animal developed a larger lesion to nLSDV∆SOD-UCT compared to both nLSDVSODis-UCT and nLSDV. Histological analysis of biopsies of these lesions shows less inflammation and necrosis associated with nLSDVSODis-UCT compared to nLSDV and nLSDV∆SOD-UCT. None of the vaccinated animals showed disseminated LSDV disease, indicating that the candidate vaccines are safe for further testing. Our results suggest that the SOD homologue may improve immunogenicity and reduce virulence

    A plant-produced SARS-CoV-2 spike protein elicits heterologous immunity in hamsters

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    Molecular farming of vaccines has been heralded as a cheap, safe and scalable production platform. In reality, however, differences in the plant biosynthetic machinery, compared to mammalian cells, can complicate the production of viral glycoproteins. Remodelling the secretory pathway presents an opportunity to support key post-translational modifications, and to tailor aspects of glycosylation and glycosylation-directed folding. In this study, we applied an integrated host and glyco-engineering approach, NXS/T Generation™, to produce a SARS-CoV-2 prefusion spike trimer in Nicotiana benthamiana as a model antigen from an emerging virus. The size exclusion-purified protein exhibited a characteristic prefusion structure when viewed by transmission electron microscopy, and this was indistinguishable from the equivalent mammalian cell-produced antigen. The plant-produced protein was decorated with under-processed oligomannose N-glycans and exhibited a site occupancy that was comparable to the equivalent protein produced in mammalian cell culture. Complex-type glycans were almost entirely absent from the plant-derived material, which contrasted against the predominantly mature, complex glycans that were observed on the mammalian cell culture-derived protein. The plant-derived antigen elicited neutralizing antibodies against both the matched Wuhan and heterologous Delta SARS-CoV-2 variants in immunized hamsters, although titres were lower than those induced by the comparator mammalian antigen. Animals vaccinated with the plant-derived antigen exhibited reduced viral loads following challenge, as well as significant protection from SARS-CoV-2 disease as evidenced by reduced lung pathology, lower viral loads and protection from weight loss. Nonetheless, animals immunized with the mammalian cell-culture-derived protein were better protected in this challenge model suggesting that more faithfully reproducing the native glycoprotein structure and associated glycosylation of the antigen may be desirable.</p