4 research outputs found

    Electronic Prescription: The Attitude of Pharmacists After Its Introduction in Bulgaria

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    Electronic health care, as a global trend, entered Bulgaria as well. Since June 1, 2021, the prescription and dispensing of medicines, medical devices, and foods for special medical purposes, paid in full or in part by the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), is carried out only with an electronic prescription. The e–prescription is a medical document that is issued by a doctor with the help of medical software that is integrated into the National Health Information System. The goal is to make patients, doctors, and pharmacists as comfortable as possible and to make fewer mistakes when prescribing and dispensing medicines.Aim: To study and analyze the pharmacist's opinion on their work with electronic prescriptions one year after their introduction in Bulgaria.Methods and materials: Documentary method, sociological method, statistical method.Results: The majority of pharmacists—82.7%—share that the introduction of electronic prescription has facilitated their work in dispensing medicines, medical devices, and foods for special medical purposes, paid in full or in part by the NHIF. 71.2% of the respondents report making fewer mistakes when filling out electronic prescriptions in comparison to paper prescription forms

    The role of assistant pharmacists in pharmacies

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    Цел: Целта на настоящата статия е да проследи нормативната регулация и потребността от бакалавър-фармацевти на фармацевтичния пазар, тяхната роля в лекарствоснабдителния процес.Лекарственото обслужване на населението и здравните заведения е неделима част от общата организация на медицинското обслужване на населението. Аптеката е основното структурно звено в аптечната система. Аптеката е здравно заведение за доставка, съхранение, приготвяне и отпускане по лекарско предписание и свободна продажба на разрешени за употреба в страната лекарства и други медицински изделия за опазване и подобряване здравето на населението. Помощник-фармацевт е професия с голяма и бърза реализация в България! Колкото до чужбина - и там признават нуждата от подобни кадри, просто са им разграничили задълженията, които изпълняват в България, в две съвсем отделни длъжност - pharmacy technician и pharmacy assistant.Методи и материали: Направен е преглед на нормативната уредба относно правата и задълженията на бакалавър-фармацевтите според сега действащото законодателство. Проведена е анонимна анкета сред работещи в аптеките на територията на град Варна. В анкетата са включени въпроси относно организацията на работния процес, типа на аптеката, броя и вида персонал, мнението на фармацевтите относно длъжностната характеристика и отговорностите на магистър-фармацевтите и помощник-фармацевтите.Резултати: В България има реализация на кадрите, завършващи МК със степен бакалавър и професионална квалификация „помощник-фармацевт`. Всички участници в анкетата са категорични и единодушни в отговора на въпроса: Необходимо ли е наличието на помощник-фармацевти в аптека от открит тип? 100% са дали положителен отговор.Aim: The aim of this article is to follow the legal regulation and the need for bachelor pharmacists in the pharmaceutical market, their role in the pharmaceutical supply process.The active service of the population and health care institutions is an integral part of the general organization of medical services provided for the population. The pharmacy is the main structural unit in the pharmacy system. It is a health facility for delivery, storage, preparation and dispensing by a physician`s prescription or via prescription-free sale of authorized in the country medicines and other medical products to protect and improve public health.The profession of the assistant pharmacist is with a wide and rapid implementation in Bulgaria! As for abroad there the need of such professionals is recognized as well. The difference is that there the position is separated into a pharmacy technician and a pharmacy assistant.Materials and Methods: A review of the legislation on the rights and obligations of bachelor pharmacists under existing law was done. We have conducted an anonymous poll among individuals working in pharmacies in the city of Varna. It included questions about work organization, type of pharmacy, the number and types of personnel, opinion of pharmacists on the job description and responsibilities of the master pharmacists and assistant pharmacists. Results: In Bulgaria, there a professional realization of students graduating from the Medical College of Varna with with a Bachelor‘s degree and professional qualification „Assistant Pharmacist`. All respondents were adamant and unanimous in answering the question: Is there a need of assistant pharmacists in an open type pharmacy? -100% gave a positive response

    The Role of Mitochondrial Enzymes, Succinate-Coupled Signaling Pathways and Mitochondrial Ultrastructure in the Formation of Urgent Adaptation to Acute Hypoxia in the Myocardium

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    The effect of a single one-hour exposure to three modes of hypobaric hypoxia (HBH) differed in the content of O2 in inhaled air (FiO2—14%, 10%, 8%) in the development of mitochondrial-dependent adaptive processes in the myocardium was studied in vivo. The following parameters have been examined: (a) an urgent reaction of catalytic subunits of mitochondrial enzymes (NDUFV2, SDHA, Cyt b, COX2, ATP5A) in the myocardium as an indicator of the state of the respiratory chain electron transport function; (b) an urgent activation of signaling pathways dependent on GPR91, HIF-1α and VEGF, allowing us to assess their role in the formation of urgent mechanisms of adaptation to hypoxia in the myocardium; (c) changes in the ultrastructure of three subpopulations of myocardial mitochondria under these conditions. The studies were conducted on two rat phenotypes: rats with low resistance (LR) and high resistance (HR) to hypoxia. The adaptive and compensatory role of the mitochondrial complex II (MC II) in maintaining the electron transport and energy function of the myocardium in a wide range of reduced O2 concentrations in the initial period of hypoxic exposure has been established. The features of urgent reciprocal regulatory interaction of NAD- and FAD-dependent oxidation pathways in myocardial mitochondria under these conditions have been revealed. The data indicating the participation of GPR91, HIF-1a and VEGF in this process have been obtained. The ultrastructure of the mitochondrial subpopulations in the myocardium of LR and HR rats differed in normoxic conditions and reacted differently to hypoxia of varying severity. The parameters studied together are highly informative indicators of the quality of cardiac activity and metabolic biomarkers of urgent adaptation in various hypoxic conditions

    Signaling Role of Mitochondrial Enzymes and Ultrastructure in the Formation of Molecular Mechanisms of Adaptation to Hypoxia

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    This study was the first comprehensive investigation of the dependence of mitochondrial enzyme response (catalytic subunits of mitochondrial complexes (MC) I-V, including NDUFV2, SDHA, Cyt b, COX1 and ATP5A) and mitochondrial ultrastructure in the rat cerebral cortex (CC) on the severity and duration of in vivo hypoxic exposures. The role of individual animal’s resistance to hypoxia was also studied. The respiratory chain (RC) was shown to respond to changes in environmental [O2] as follows: (a) differential reaction of mitochondrial enzymes, which depends on the severity of the hypoxic exposure and which indicates changes in the content and catalytic properties of mitochondrial enzymes, both during acute and multiple exposures; and (b) ultrastructural changes in mitochondria, which reflect various degrees of mitochondrial energization. Within a specific range of reduced O2 concentrations, activation of the MC II is a compensatory response supporting the RC electron transport function. In this process, MC I develops new kinetic properties, and its function recovers in hypoxia by reprograming the RC substrate site. Therefore, the mitochondrial RC performs as an in vivo molecular oxygen sensor. Substantial differences between responses of rats with high and low resistance to hypoxia were determined