382 research outputs found

    Cervical Cancer-Associated Human Papillomavirus 16 E7 Oncoprotein Inhibits Induction of Anti-Cancer Immunity by a CD4+ T Cell Dependent Mechanism

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    Attempts to develop therapeutic vaccines against cervical cancer have been proven difficult. One of the major causes of the failure is due to the use of the wrong mouse models based on transplantable tumours in testing the efficacy of vaccines. Now that a transgenic epithelial mouse model has been developed to closely mimic cervical cancer, the mechanisms needed to eliminate this type of cancer could be studied. The E7 oncoprotein of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the most expressed HPV protein in cervical cancers and its continuous production is essential to maintain the cancerous state and therefore the obvious target in the development of vaccines. Skin grafts expressing the HPV 16 E7 protein (E7 autografts) are not spontaneously rejected from an MHC matched immunocompetent host. Interestingly, simultaneous placement of an MHC mismatched skin (allograft) next to an E7 autograft results in the E7 autograft rejection. However when the allograft also expresses E7, the E7 autograft is rejected more slowly. Autograft rejection requires CD8+ T cells, and is accelerated by removal of CD4+ T cells after placement of the E7 expressing allograft, suggesting induction of an E7 specific CD4+ regulatory T cell population by the E7 expressing allograft. This observation may have implications in designing effective vaccines and immunotherapy against cervical cancers in women

    Le dĂ©part des juifs d’Égypte vers IsraĂ«l 1948-1957

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    L’article relate l'organisation des dĂ©parts de ceux qui ont massivement quittĂ© la petite, mais particuliĂšrement bien implantĂ©e, communautĂ© juive d'Égypte pour IsraĂ«l.Les dĂ©parts se sont rĂ©alisĂ©s en trois vagues successives :Une premiĂšre, avant la crĂ©ation de l'État d'IsraĂ«l, concerne une population peu nombreuse, jeune, pionniĂšre et volontaire.Les deux suivantes, Ă  la suite des guerres de 1948 et 1956 qui ont opposĂ© l’Égypte Ă  IsraĂ«l, sont plus importantes mais elles ont gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© des dĂ©parts de plus en plus forcĂ©s. Faisant passer, en moins de dix ans, une communautĂ© florissante et forte de 80 000 Ăąmes Ă  une communautĂ© dĂ©sorganisĂ©e et paupĂ©risĂ©e comptant moins de 5 000 personnes.This article describes the organization of the mass departure of Jews from Egypt to Israel after the creation of the State of Israel. These departures happened in three successive waves. The first and the smallest consisted of young volunteers in the period before the creation of the State of Israel. The next two took place in the wake of the Israel-Arab wars of 1948 and 1956 and they were larger in scope and involved families who were increasingly forced to leave the country. In less than ten years Egyptian Jewry went from a flourishing community of 80,000 to an impoverished and disorganized community of less than 5,000.

    Low-latency analysis pipeline for compact binary coalescences in the advanced gravitational wave detector era

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    The multi-band template analysis (MBTA) pipeline is a low-latency coincident analysis pipeline for the detection of gravitational waves (GWs) from compact binary coalescences. MBTA runs with a low computational cost, and can identify candidate GW events online with a sub-minute latency. The low computational running cost of MBTA also makes it useful for data quality studies. Events detected by MBTA online can be used to alert astronomical partners for electromagnetic follow-up. We outline the current status of MBTA and give details of recent pipeline upgrades and validation tests that were performed in preparation for the first advanced detector observing period. The MBTA pipeline is ready for the outset of the advanced detector era and the exciting prospects it will bring.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Construire l'insertion des travailleurs handicapés : le rÎle de la négociation collective

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    L'insertion par et dans l'emploi des personnes handicapĂ©es constitue l'un des volets des politiques publiques. Si la loi du 10 juillet 1987 oblige les entreprises privĂ©es de vingt salariĂ©s ou plus, Ă  employer 6 % au moins de travailleurs handicapĂ©s, elle leur permet de se libĂ©rer de cette obligation en faisant application d'un accord de branche, de groupe, d'entreprise ou d'Ă©tablissement, prĂ©voyant « la mise en Ɠuvre d'un programme (...) en faveur des travailleurs handicapĂ©s » (art. L. 5212-8 du Code du travail). Or seules quatre branches ont utilisĂ© cette possibilitĂ© (1987-2008). Le prĂ©sent rapport vise Ă  apporter des Ă©lĂ©ments d'explication Ă  cette situation, en confrontant les textes avec la pratique, le cadre juridique avec les stratĂ©gies d'acteurs, afin, notamment, de mieux saisir les usages des dispositifs mis en place par le droit

    Aménagements des parcours de poulets Label Rouge et Biologiques

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    La prĂ©sence d'un parcours est un Ă©lĂ©ment majeur caractĂ©risant les productions de volailles sous signes de qualitĂ© Label Rouge et Biologique. Pour permettre la durabilitĂ© de ces modes de production, il est nĂ©cessaire d'optimiser la gestion des parcours, afin de concilier au mieux les besoins des volailles, la production d'un revenu supplĂ©mentaire pour l'Ă©leveur et une gestion environnementale pertinente. Pour cela, il Ă©tait avant tout nĂ©cessaire de connaĂźtre la diversitĂ© des caractĂ©ristiques des parcours existants. Une enquĂȘte a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e auprĂšs des Ă©leveurs de diffĂ©rents bassins de production français, et a permis de dĂ©crire les amĂ©nagements arborĂ©s des parcours, et les pratiques de gestion. Sept types d'amĂ©nagements des parcours ont Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence selon la prĂ©sence ou non de haies pĂ©riphĂ©riques, d'arbustes Ă  proximitĂ© des trappes des bĂątiments Ă  vocation d'amĂ©nagements zootechniques, d'arbres Ă  distance plus ou moins Ă©loignĂ©e du bĂątiment, de plantations arborĂ©es entre ces deux zones de parcours. Cette typologie permet d'apporter des prĂ©conisations d'amĂ©lioration adaptĂ©es Ă  chaque situation

    Dynamics of transcriptional programs and chromatin accessibility in mouse spermatogonial cells from early postnatal to adult life

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    In mammals, spermatogonial cells (SCs) are undifferentiated male germ cells in testis quiescent until birth that self-renew and differentiate to produce spermatogenic cells and functional sperm across life. The transcriptome of SCs is highly dynamic and timely regulated during postnatal development. We examined if such dynamics involves changes in chromatin organization by profiling the transcriptome and chromatin accessibility in SCs from early postnatal stages to adulthood in mice using RNA-seq and ATAC-seq. By integrating transcriptomic and epigenomic features, we show that SCs undergo massive chromatin remodeling during postnatal development that correlates with distinct gene expression profiles and transcription factors (TF) motif enrichment. We identify genomic regions with significantly different chromatin accessibility in adult SCs that are marked by histone modifications associated with enhancers and promoters. Some of the regions with increased accessibility correspond to transposable element subtypes enriched in multiple TFs motifs and close to differentially expressed genes. Our results underscore the dynamics of chromatin organization in developing germ cells and the involvement of the regulatory genome
