2,220 research outputs found
Découverte de nouvelles interactions entre le virus de l'Hépatite C et l'hÎte par une approche combinée de Spectrométrie de Masse et de Génomique Fonctionnelle
La reÌplication et lâassemblage du virus de lâheÌpatite C (VHC) sont reÌguleÌs finement dans le temps et lâespace par les interactions proteÌiques entre le virus avec lâhoÌte. La compreÌhension de la biologie du virus ainsi que sa pathogeÌniciteÌ passe par les connaissances relatives aux interactions virus/hoÌte. Afin dâidentifier ces interactions, nous avons exploiteÌ une approche dâimmunopreÌcipitation (IP) coupleÌe aÌ une deÌtection par spectromeÌtrie de masse (MS), pour ensuite eÌvaluer le roÌle des proteÌines identifieÌes dans le cycle viral par une technique de silençage geÌnique.
Les proteÌines virales Core, NS2, NS3/4A, NS4B, NS5A et NS5B ont eÌteÌ exprimeÌes individuellement dans les cellules humaines 293T et immunopreÌcipiteÌes afin dâisoler des complexes proteÌiques qui ont eÌteÌ soumis aÌ lâanalyse MS. Ainsi, 98 proteÌines de lâhoÌte ont eÌteÌ identifieÌes avec un enrichissement significatif et illustrant une speÌcificiteÌ dâinteraction. Lâenrichissement de proteÌines connues dans la litteÌrature a deÌmontreÌ la force de lâapproche, ainsi que la validation de 6 nouvelles interactions virus/hoÌte. Enfin, le roÌle de ces interactants sur la reÌplication virale a eÌteÌ eÌvalueÌ dans un criblage geÌnomique par ARN interfeÌrant (ARNi). Deux systeÌmes rapporteurs de la reÌplication virale ont eÌteÌ utiliseÌs : le systeÌme de reÌplicon sous-geÌnomique (Huh7-Con1-Fluc) et le systeÌme infectieux (J6/JFH-1/p7Rluc2a), ainsi quâun essai de toxiciteÌ cellulaire (Alamar Blue). Parmi les proteÌines de lâhoÌte interagissant avec le VHC, 28 proteÌines ont deÌmontreÌ un effet significatif sans effet de toxiciteÌ cellulaire, suggeÌrant fortement un roÌle dans la reÌplication du VHC.
Globalement, lâeÌtude a meneÌ aÌ lâidentification de nouvelles interactions virus/hoÌte et lâidentification de nouvelles cibles theÌrapeutiques potentielles.Hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication and assembly are tightly regulated in time and space within the cell, most likely due to protein interactions between virus and host. In order to better understand HCV biology and its pathogenesis, there is a need to unravel virus/host interaction network. We extended our knowledge of virus/host interactions by the identification of cellular proteins associated to HCV proteins using an immunoprecipitation (IP) technique coupled to mass spectrometry (MS), and further evaluate the role of retrieved interactors using gene knockdown.
FLAG-tagged viral proteins Core, NS2, NS3/4A, NS4B, NS5A and NS5B have been expressed individually in 293T human cells, and immunoprecipitated protein complexes have been submitted to MS analysis for identification of host proteins. In this study, 98 proteins were significantly enriched and showed specific interaction to a viral protein. Retrieval of previously characterized interacting proteins proved the strength of the method. Six newly identified interactors by MS were individually confirmed using IP of viral proteins. We evaluated the role of identified interactors in HCV replication by performing a functional lentivirus-based RNA interference (RNAi) screen. Two reporter systems were used: the sub- genomic replicon (Huh7-Con1-Fluc) and a full length infectious clone (J6/JFH-1/p7Rluc2a), as well as the cellular toxicity assay Alamar blue. Of the identified host interactors, 28 proteins showed a significant effect on HCV replication upon gene knockdown and without cellular toxicity.
Overall, the study led to the identification of novel virus/host interactions essential in HCV life cycle and provides novel potential drug targets
Les reprĂ©sentations sociales et les prĂ©occupations en matiĂšre dâenvironnement chez les jeunes du SĂ©nĂ©gal : une Ă©tude comparative en milieu urbain chez les jeunes scolarisĂ©s de Dakar
Le SĂ©nĂ©gal est confrontĂ© Ă plusieurs enjeux environnementaux accentuĂ©s par lâexode rural, la croissance dĂ©mographique et lâurbanisation galopante. Dans la capitale de Dakar, les populations sont exposĂ©es Ă des risques industriels, sanitaires et environnementaux importants. Face aux consĂ©quences nĂ©fastes des phĂ©nomĂšnes de la dĂ©gradation de lâenvironnement en milieu urbain, il convient de chercher Ă mieux comprendre ce que lâenvironnement reprĂ©sente pour les populations notamment chez la jeune gĂ©nĂ©ration qui aura Ă vivre avec les consĂ©quences liĂ©es Ă la dĂ©tĂ©rioration de l'environnement lĂ©guĂ©e par les gĂ©nĂ©rations prĂ©cĂ©dentes.
Sâappuyant sur la thĂ©orie des reprĂ©sentations sociales, cette recherche a comme objectifs 1) dâexplorer les reprĂ©sentations sociales de lâenvironnement chez les jeunes sĂ©nĂ©galais ĂągĂ©s de 9 Ă 16 ans en milieu scolaire situĂ© en milieu urbain, et ce, dans diffĂ©rentes Ă©coles de la ville de Dakar ; 2) dâĂ©tudier les connaissances, les sensibilitĂ©s et les comportements des jeunes en matiĂšre Ă©cologique et environnementale; 3) finalement de dĂ©terminer les principaux agents responsables de la socialisation des jeunes dakarois en matiĂšre dâenvironnement. Le tout analysĂ© en fonction de trois variables soit lâĂąge, le genre et le type dâĂ©cole.
La mĂ©thodologie de notre recherche est essentiellement qualitative de type exploratoire et elle sâappui principalement sur des questionnaires et des dessins. Les rĂ©sultats montrent quâen ce qui concerne les reprĂ©sentations sociales de lâenvironnement des jeunes dakarois, Ă travers lâanalyse du discours, que lâenvironnement est reprĂ©sentĂ© par les catĂ©gories typologiques dites « nĂ©gative » « utilitariste » et « milieu de vie ». Ces reprĂ©sentations sociales varient Ă divers degrĂ©s en fonction du groupe dâĂąge, du genre et du type dâĂ©cole. Les jeunes sont Ă©galement nombreux Ă utiliser un vocabulaire associĂ© aux notions liĂ©es Ă lâenvironnement naturel. De son cĂŽtĂ©, lâanalyse picturale, qui concorde avec lâanalyse lexicale, montre que les catĂ©gories typologiques de lâenvironnement sont liĂ©es au « milieu de vie », Ă lâ« environnement ressource » et Ă lâ« environnement nature » et ce, peu importe lâĂąge, le type dâĂ©cole et le genre.Senegal faces many environmental problems that are exacerbated by rural-urban migration, population growth and increasing urbanization. In the capital, Dakar, people are exposed to important industrial, health and environmental hazards. Given the negative impacts of environmental degradation on urban settlements, it is crucial to acquire a deeper understanding of social representations of the environment among the urban population, especially among the younger generations, who will have to bear the consequences of the environmental deterioration caused by previous generations.
Based on the theory of social representations, this research aimed to: 1) explore the social representations of the environment among young Senegalese, aged 9 to 16, in different schools in the city of Dakar; 2) study their knowledge, attitudes and behavior in relation to environmental and ecological issues, and; 3) determine the main agents creating environmental awareness among young people in Dakar. The analysis was based on age, gender and school-type variables.
The methodology employed in this research was essentially qualitative-exploratory, and based mainly on questionnaires and drawings. Discourse analysis yields three typological categories of social representations of the environment among young people in Dakar: "negative" "utilitarian" and "living environment". These social representations differ in varying degrees depending on the age group, gender and school-type. A large number of youth are also using a vocabulary associated with concepts related to the natural environment. The pictorial analysis, which is consistent with the lexical analysis of the questionnaires, shows that the typological categories of environment are related to the "living environment" to "natural resources" and to "nature". These categories emerged regardless of age, school-type or gender group
Les comportements d'achat et le cycle de vie des ménages canadiens
L'objectif premier de cette recherche est de vĂ©rifier si le modĂšle du cycle de vie de la famille de Wells et Gubar de 1966 reprĂ©sente bien l'ensemble de la population canadienne. Dans un cas de non-reprĂ©sentativitĂ©, un second objectif se dĂ©finit : vĂ©rifier s'il est possible de segmenter les mĂ©nages canadiens selon leur cycle de vie et leurs comportements d'achat en reprĂ©sentant mieux les rĂ©alitĂ©s sociodĂ©mographiques actuelles. Utilisant l'EnquĂȘte sur les dĂ©penses des mĂ©nages de Statistique Canada (2009), notre recherche Ă©tudie 13 catĂ©gories de dĂ©penses : les vĂȘtements, l'alimentation, les loisirs, le transport, les soins de santĂ©, l'ameublement et l'Ă©quipement mĂ©nager, le logement, l'entretien mĂ©nager, les soins personnels, le matĂ©riel de lecture, l'Ă©ducation, le tabac et les boissons alcoolisĂ©es et finalement, l'assurance individuelle et les cotisations de retraite. Chaque dĂ©pense est analysĂ©e selon deux mesures : les montants d'agents bruts dĂ©pensĂ©s annuellement et le pourcentage de la catĂ©gorie en proportion des dĂ©penses totales. Les trois hypothĂšses de recherche sont validĂ©es, permettant de confirmer, dans un premier temps (H1), la non-reprĂ©sentativitĂ© du modĂšle de Wells et Gubar de 1966. En second lieu (H2), notre Ă©tude valide l'importance de l'intĂ©gration des mĂ©nages cĂ©libataires au modĂšle du cycle de vie par leurs comportements d'achat significativement diffĂ©rents des mĂ©nages traditionnels. TroisiĂšmement (H3), il est possible de crĂ©er des segmentations marketing, basĂ©es sur les critĂšres du cycle de vie, tenant mieux compte des rĂ©alitĂ©s canadiennes. En plus de proposer 26 segmentations marketing parcimonieuses et exhaustives (deux pour chacune des 13 catĂ©gories de dĂ©penses), ce mĂ©moire met Ă jour le concept sur le plan sociologique par la conception d'un modĂšle du cycle de vie constituĂ© de 21 groupes reprĂ©sentatifs de la population canadienne. Les segmentations marketing proposĂ©es permettent aux gestionnaires de chaque industrie de savoir concrĂštement sur quel groupe miser en termes d'importance de marchĂ© et en termes d'importance de la catĂ©gorie pour les groupes par rapport Ă leurs dĂ©penses totales.\ud
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MOTS-CLĂS DE LâAUTEUR : Cycle de vie, comportements d'achat, mĂ©nage, dĂ©penses, Canada
Regulation of COX-2 protein expression by Akt in endometrial cancer cells is mediated through NF-ÎșB/IÎșB pathway
BACKGROUND: Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) has been shown to be highly expressed in a broad series of primary endometrial tumors and its expression may be closely associated with parameters of tumor aggressiveness. In human endometrial cancer, tumor suppressor phosphatase tensin homologue (PTEN) is frequently mutated. In the presence of a mutated PTEN protein, Akt phosphorylation levels increase leading to the activation of this survival pathway. The nuclear transcription factor ÎșB (NF-ÎșB) is a well establish regulator of genes encoding cytokines, cytokine receptors, and cell adhesion molecules that drive immune and inflammatory responses. More recently, NF-ÎșB activation has been connected with multiple aspects of oncogenesis, including the control of apoptosis, cell cycle, differentiation, and cell migration. It is known that Akt may act through NF-ÎșB pathway and that COX-2 gene has been shown to be regulated at the promoter level by NF-ÎșB. Recently, we showed that Akt regulates COX-2 gene and protein expressions in phospho-Akt expressing endometrial cancer cells. The present study was undertaken to determine the involvement of NF-ÎșB pathway and IÎșB (an inhibitor of NF-ÎșB) in the regulation of COX-2 expression and to determine more precisely the downstream targets of Akt involved in this process. RESULTS: Three different human endometrial cancer cell lines known to have wild type PTEN (HEC 1-A) or a mutated inactive PTEN protein (RL 95-2 and Ishikawa) were used for these studies. Expression IÎșB and Phospho-IÎșB were evaluated by Western analysis. The presence of IÎșB phosphorylation was found in all cell lines studied. There was no difference between cell lines in term of NF-ÎșB abundance. Inhibition of PI 3-K with Wortmannin and LY294002 blocked IÎșB phosphorylation, reduced NF-ÎșB nuclear activity, reduced COX-2 expression and induced apoptosis. Transfection studies with a dominant negative Akt vector blocked IÎșB phosphorylation and reduced COX-2 expression. On the opposite, constitutively active Akt transfections resulted in the induction of IÎșB phosphorylation and up-regulation of COX-2. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate that Akt signals through NF-ÎșB/IÎșB pathway to induce COX-2 expression in mutated PTEN endometrial cancer cells
Solidarity Economy in Montreal: Women's Activism Creating Alternatives Through the Ethics of Care
The feminization of poverty has been, and still is, a problem in North America. Canadian public policies have a negative affect on women, especially those who are mothers, single or elderly. Large urban centres such as Montréal, Québec have a large proportion of women living on low incomes or on social assistance. Through participant observation at Food Central, a community organization, I interacted with these women and the women activists who work with them to assist in easing the difficulties women experience in providing for their families and themselves when household income is insufficient to cover monthly bills. My fieldwork was conducted from August 2008-March 2009, some of the most expensive months of the year for many women.
QuĂ©becâs history of social upheavals since the 1960s and its economic instability has created a situation that closely parallels Latin American countries. Both QuĂ©bec and Latin American countries have increasingly large and popular activist organizations seeking social justice. Many of the grassroots Latin American activist organizations are creating alternatives to the globalized capitalist economy such as âeconomĂa solidariaâ which is based on an ethics of care, reciprocity, and non-monetary forms of exchanges. This thesis presents the narratives and life stories of the women activists, volunteers and women who came to Food Central as clients to learn what alternatives to the formal economy if any, the women use as strategies of survival in a large city
Solidarity economy in MontreÌal : women's activism creating alternatives through the ethics of care
The feminization of poverty has been, and still is, a problem in North America. Canadian public policies have a negative affect on women, especially those who are mothers, single or elderly. Large urban centres such as MontreÌal, QueÌbec have a large proportion of women living on low incomes or on social assistance. Through participant observation at Food Central, a community organization, I interacted with these women and the women activists who work with them to assist in easing the difficulties women experience in providing for their families and themselves when household income is insufficient to cover monthly bills. My fieldwork was conducted from August 2008-March 2009, some of the most expensive months of the year for many women. QueÌbec's history of social upheavals since the 1960s and its economic instability has created a situation that closely parallels Latin American countries. Both QueÌbec and Latin American countries have increasingly large and popular activist organizations seeking social justice. Many of the grassroots Latin American activist organizations are creating alternatives to the globalized capitalist economy such as " economiÌa solidaria " which is based on an ethics of care, reciprocity, and non-monetary forms of exchanges. This thesis presents the narratives and life stories of the women activists, volunteers and women who came to Food Central as clients to learn what alternatives to the formal economy if any, the women use as strategies of survival in a large city
Isoflavone rich soy protein isolate exerts significant bone sparing effects in the lumbar spine but not symptom relief in perimenopausal women
In this double-blind 24-week study, we examined the effects of isoflavone-rich (80.4 mg/d) soy protein isolate in attenuating bone loss and symptom relief during the menopausal transition. Sixty-nine subjects were randomized to treatment: isoflavone-rich soy (SPI+; n=24), isoflavone-deficient soy (SPI-; n=24), or whey (Control; n=21) protein. At baseline and post-treatment, we measured lumbar spine bone mineral density (BMD) via dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. At baseline, mid-, and post-treatment, we measured urinary N-telopeptides (N-Tx) and serum bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP), reproductive hormones, and menopausal symptoms. Percentage change in lumbar spine BMD did not decline in the SPI+ group (-0.2%, p=0.73); however, significant loss occurred in the Control (-1.3%, p=0.0041) and loss approached significance in SPI- (-0.7%, p=0.097) groups.
Multiple regression analysis indicated that isoflavone treatment had a significant positive effect on % change in BMD (p=0.023). Baseline BMD (p[Less than or equal to]0.0001) significantly affected (negatively) % change in BMD, whereas baseline body weight (p=0.0036) and bone-free lean weight (p=0.016), contributed (positively). Serum BAP at post-treatment negatively affected % change in BMD (p=0.0016). Contrast coding using ANCOVA with BMD as the outcome, indicated that it was the isoflavones, not the soy protein exerting the effect. Serum BAP did not decline in the SPI+ (p=0.90) and SPI- (p= 0.76) groups, whereas the Control had some decline (p=0.092; NS). Urinary N-Tx did not decline with isoflavone treatment (p=0.91) at week 12, in contrast to the other groups, and increased in each group from mid-to post-treatment. Repeated measures ANOVA indicated no treatment effect on frequency of hot flushes and night sweats.
Chi-Square analyses indicated no treatment effect on severity of hot flushes or night sweats with the exception of night sweats (p = 0.036) at mid-treatment using the menopausal diary. Chi-Square analyses also indicated no treatment effect on frequency or severity of insomnia, limb numbness, headaches, and fatigue. Overall, these results indicate that soy isoflavones attenuate bone loss from the lumbar spine but do not cause symptom relief in estrogen-deficient perimenopausal women
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