161 research outputs found

    Struktur und Wirksamkeit arbeitsmarktpolitischer Qualifizierungsprogramme in Österreich

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    "Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit dem arbeitsmarktpolitischen Einsatz beruflicher Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen in außerbetrieblichen Einrichtungen in Österreich. Dieses zentrale arbeitsmarktpolitische Instrument diente bis weit in die zweite Hälfte der siebziger Jahre der Funktion der Aufstiegsförderung. Mit der Verschlechterung der Arbeitsmarktlage schob sich die Beschäftigungssicherung als neue Funktionsbestimmung zunehmend in den Vordergrund. Die wachsende Ausrichtung auf Zielgruppen mit besonderen Arbeitsmarktproblemen und der steigende Anteil von Auftragsmaßnahmen sind Ausdruck dieses Wandels. Im Rahmen einer repräsentativen längerfristigen Verbleibsanalyse werden personenbezogene Wirkungen der Teilnahme an derartigen Fördermaßnahmen vorgestellt. Ausgehend von den Zielsetzungen, die durch das Arbeitsmarktförderungsgesetz (AMFG) und entsprechende Durchführungsbestimmungen definiert sind, steht als objektiver Wirkungsindikator die Veränderung der Arbeitsmarktposition (Erwerbsstatus und Stabilität der Berufskarriere) im Vordergrund. Außerdem wird das subjektive Urteil der Teilnehmer zu verschiedenen Aspekten der Schulung und ihrer Wirkungen erhoben. Auf der Basis subjektiver und objektiver Befunde werden mehrdimensionale Erfolgsmuster ermittelt. Unterschiede in der Wirksamkeit der Schulungsmaßnahme für verschiedene Personengruppen und Kurstypen stellen einen zentralen Untersuchungsaspekt dar. Außerdem wird abzuschätzen versucht, inwieweit die Ergebnisse der Wirkungsanalyse von bestimmten Rahmenbedingungen beeinflußt werden." (Autorenrefarat)Qualifizierung - Programm, Arbeitsmarktpolitik - Auswirkungen, Teilnehmerstruktur, Beschäftigungseffekte, Teilnehmer - Einstellungen, Wirkungsforschung, Österreich

    Exciton-driven change of phonon modes causes strong temperature dependent bandgap shift in nanoclusters

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    The fundamental bandgap E-g of a semiconductor-often determined by means of optical spectroscopy-represents its characteristic fingerprint and changes distinctively with temperature. Here, we demonstrate that in magic sized II-VI clusters containing only 26 atoms, a pronounced weakening of the bonds occurs upon optical excitation, which results in a strong exciton-driven shift of the phonon spectrum. As a consequence, a drastic increase of dE(g)/dT (up to a factor of 2) with respect to bulk material or nanocrystals of typical size is found. We are able to describe our experimental data with excellent quantitative agreement from first principles deriving the bandgap shift with temperature as the vibrational entropy contribution to the free energy difference between the ground and optically excited states. Our work demonstrates how in small nanoparticles, photons as the probe medium affect the bandgap-a fundamental semiconductor property. The bandgap of nanostructures usually follows the bulk value upon temperature change. Here, the authors find that in small nanocrystals a weakening of the bonds due to optical excitation causes a pronounced phonon shift, leading to a drastic enhancement of the bandgap's temperature dependence.

    Polarization squeezing of intense pulses with a fiber Sagnac interferometer

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    We report on the generation of polarization squeezing of intense, short light pulses using an asymmetric fiber Sagnac interferometer. The Kerr nonlinearity of the fiber is exploited to produce independent amplitude squeezed pulses. The polarization squeezing properties of spatially overlapped amplitude squeezed and coherent states are discussed. The experimental results for a single amplitude squeezed beam are compared to the case of two phase-matched, spatially overlapped amplitude squeezed pulses. For the latter, noise variances of -3.4dB below shot noise in the S0 and the S1 and of -2.8dB in the S2 Stokes parameters were observed, which is comparable to the input squeezing magnitude. Polarization squeezing, that is squeezing relative to a corresponding polarization minimum uncertainty state, was generated in S1.Comment: v4: 2 small typos corrected v3: misc problems with Tex surmounted - mysteriously missing text returned to results - vol# for Korolkova et al. PRA v2: was a spelling change in author lis

    Witnessing effective entanglement over a 2km fiber channel

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    We present a fiber-based continuous-variable quantum key distribution system. In the scheme, a quantum signal of two non-orthogonal weak optical coherent states is sent through a fiber-based quantum channel. The receiver simultaneously measures conjugate quadratures of the light using two homodyne detectors. From the measured Q-function of the transmitted signal, we estimate the attenuation and the excess noise caused by the channel. The estimated excess noise originating from the channel and the channel attenuation including the quantum efficiency of the detection setup is investigated with respect to the detection of effective entanglement. The local oscillator is considered in the verification. We witness effective entanglement with a channel length of up to 2km.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Integrating biological vasculature into a multi-organ-chip microsystem

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.A chip-based system mimicking the transport function of the human cardiovascular system has been established at minute but standardized microsystem scale. A peristaltic on-chip micropump generates pulsatile shear stress in a widely adjustable physiological range within a microchannel circuit entirely covered on all fluid contact surfaces with human dermal microvascular endothelial cells. This microvascular transport system can be reproducibly established within four days, independently of the individual endothelial cell donor background. It interconnects two standard tissue culture compartments, each of 5 mm diameter, through microfluidic channels of 500 μm width. Further vessel branching and vessel diameter reduction down to a microvessel scale of approximately 40 μm width was realised by a two-photon laser ablation technique applied to inserts, designed for the convenient establishment of individual organ equivalents in the tissue culture compartments at a later time. The chip layout ensures physiological fluid-to-tissue ratios. Moreover, an in-depth microscopic analysis revealed the fine-tuned adjustment of endothelial cell behaviour to local shear stresses along the microvasculature of the system. Time-lapse and 3D imaging two-photon microscopy were used to visualise details of spatiotemporal adherence of the endothelial cells to the channel system and to each other. The first indicative long-term experiments revealed stable performance over two and four weeks. The potential application of this system for the future establishment of human-on-a-chip systems and basic human endothelial cell research is discussed.BMBF, 0315569, GO-Bio 3: Multi-Organ-Bioreaktoren für die prädiktive Substanztestung im Chipforma

    A pulsed source of continuous variable polarization entanglement

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    We have experimentally demonstrated polarization entanglement using continuous variables in an ultra-short pulsed laser system at telecommunication wavelengths. Exploiting the Kerr-nonlinearity of a glass fibre we generated a polarization squeezed pulse with S2 the only non-zero Stokes parameter thus S1 and S3 being the conjugate pair. Polarization entanglement was generated by interference of the polarization squeezed field with a vacuum on a 50:50 beam splitter. The two resultant beams exhibit strong quantum noise correlations in S1 and S3. The sum noise signal of S3 was at the respective shot noise level and the difference noise signal of S1 fell 2.9dB below this value

    The nuclear envelope protein Nesprin-2 has roles in cell proliferation and differentiation during wound healing

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    Nesprin-2, a type II transmembrane protein of the nuclear envelope, is a component of the LINC complex that connects the nuclear lamina with the actin cytoskeleton. To elucidate its physiological role we studied wound healing in Nesprin-2 Giant deficient mice and found that a loss of the protein affected wound healing particularly at later stages during fibroblast differentiation and keratinocyte proliferation leading to delayed wound closure. We identified altered expression and localization of transcription factors as one of the underlying mechanisms. Furthermore, the actin cytoskeleton which surrounds the nucleus was altered and keratinocyte migration was slowed down and focal adhesion formation enhanced. We also uncovered a new activity of Nesprin-2. When we probed for an interaction of Nesprin-2 Giant with chromatin we observed in ChIP Seq experiments an association of the protein with heterochromatic and centromeric DNA. Through this activity Nesprin-2 can affect the nuclear landscape and gene regulation. Our findings suggest functions for Nesprin-2 at the nuclear envelope (NE) in gene regulation and in regulation of the actin cytoskeleton which impact on wound healing