49 research outputs found
Discovery of Extensive Optical Emission Associated with the X-ray Bright, Radio Faint Galactic SNR G156.2+5.7
We present wide-field Halpha images of the Galactic supernova remnant
G156.2+5.7 which reveal the presence of considerable faint Halpha line emission
coincident with the remnant's X-ray emission. The outermost Halpha emission
consists largely of long and thin (unresolved), smoothly curved filaments of
Balmer-dominated emission presumably associated with the remnant's forward
shock front. Patches of brighter Halpha emission along the western,
south-central, and northeastern regions appear to be radiative shocked ISM
filaments like those commonly seen in supernova remnants, with relatively
strong [O I] 6300,6364 and [S II] 6716,6731 line emissions.
Comparison of the observed Halpha emission with the ROSAT PSPC X-ray image of
G156.2+5.7 shows that the thin Balmer-dominated filaments lie along the
outermost edge of the remnant's detected X-ray emission. Brighter radiative
emission features are not coincident with the remnant's brightest X-ray or
radio regions. Areas of sharply weaker X-ray flux seen in the ROSAT image of
G156.2+5.7 appear spatially coincident with dense interstellar clouds visible
on optical and IRAS 60 and 100 micron emission images, as well as maps of
increased optical extinction. This suggests significant X-ray absorption in
these regions due to foreground interstellar dust, especially along the western
and southern limbs. The close projected proximity and alignment of the
remnant's brighter, radiative filaments with several of these interstellar
clouds and dust lanes hint at a possible physically interaction between the
G156.2+5.7 remnant and these interstellar clouds and may indicate a smaller
distance to the remnant than previously estimated.Comment: To appear in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ
Infrared Spectra of the Subluminous Type Ia Supernova SN 1999by
Near-infrared (NIR) spectra of the subluminous Type Ia supernova SN 1999by are presented that cover the time evolution from about 4 days before to 2 weeks after maximum light. Analysis of these data was accomplished through the construction of an extended set of delayed detonation (DD) models covering the entire range of normal to subluminous SNe Ia. The explosion, light curves, and time evolution of the synthetic spectra were calculated self-consistently for each model, with the only free parameters being the initial structure of the white dwarf and the description of the nuclear burning front during the explosion. From these, one model was selected for SN 1999by by matching the synthetic and observed optical light curves, principally the rapid brightness decline. DD models require a minimum amount of burning during the deflagration phase, which implies a lower limit for the 56Ni mass of about 0.1 Mâ and consequently a lower limit for the SN brightness. The models that best match the optical light curve of SN 1999by were those with a 56Ni production close to this theoretical minimum. The data are consistent with little or no interstellar reddening [E(B-V) †0.12 mag], and we derive a distance of 11 ± 2.5 Mpc for SN 1999by, in agreement with other estimates. Without any modification, the synthetic spectra from this subluminous model match reasonably well the observed IR spectra taken on 1999 May 6, 10, 16, and 24. These dates correspond roughly to -4, 0, 6, and 14 days after maximum light. Prior to maximum, the NIR spectra of SN 1999by are dominated by products of explosive carbon burning (O, Mg) and Si. Spectra taken after maximum light are dominated by products of incomplete Si burning. Unlike the behavior of normal Type Ia SNe, lines from iron-group elements begin to show up only in our last spectrum taken about 2 weeks after maximum light. The implied distribution of elements in velocity space agrees well with the DD model predictions for a subluminous SN Ia. Regardless of the explosion model, the long duration of the phases dominated by layers of explosive carbon and oxygen burning argues that SN 1999by was the explosion of a white dwarf at or near the Chandrasekhar mass. The good agreement between the observations and the models without fine-tuning a large number of free parameters suggests that DD models are a good description of at least subluminous Type Ia SNe. Pure deflagration scenarios or mergers are unlikely, and helium-triggered explosions can be ruled out. However, problems for DD models still remain, since the data seem to be at odds with recent three-dimensional models of the deflagration phase that predict significant mixing of the inner layers of the white dwarf prior to detonation. Possible solutions include the effects of rapid rotation on the propagation of nuclear flames during the explosive phase of burning or extensive burning of carbon just prior to the runaway
SN 2003du: Signatures of the Circumstellar Environment in a Normal Type Ia Supernova?
We present observations of the Type Ia supernova 2003du obtained with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope and report the detection of a high-velocity component in the Ca II infrared triplet near 8000 Ă
, similar to features previously observed in SN 2000cx and SN 2001el. This feature exhibits a large expansion velocity (â18,000 km s-1), which is nearly constant between -7 and +2 days relative to maximum light and disappears shortly thereafter. Other than this feature, the spectral evolution and light curve of SN 2003du resemble those of a normal SN Ia. We consider a possible origin for this high-velocity Ca II line in the context of a self-consistent spherical delayed-detonation model for the supernova. We find that the Ca II feature can be caused by a dense shell formed when circumstellar material of solar abundance is overrun by the rapidly expanding outermost layers of the SN ejecta. Model calculations show that the optical and infrared spectra are remarkably unaffected by the circumstellar interaction and the resulting shell. In particular, no hydrogen lines are detectable in either absorption or emission after the phase of dynamic interaction. The only qualitatively different features in the model spectra are the strong, high-velocity feature in the Ca II IR triplet around 8000 Ă
and a somewhat weaker O I feature near 7,300 Ă
. The Doppler shift and time evolution of these features provides an estimate for the amount of accumulated matter (decreasing Doppler shift with increasing shell mass) and also an indication of the mixing within the dense shell. For high shell masses (â5 Ă 10-2 Mâ), the high-velocity component of the Ca II line merges with the photospheric line forming a broad feature. A cutoff of the blue wings of strong, unblended lines (particularly the Si II feature at about 6,000 Ă
) may also be observable for larger shell masses. The model SN Ia light curves are little effected except at very early times when the shell is partially optically thick because of Thomson scattering, resulting in larger (B-V) colors by up to 0.3 mag. We apply these diagnostic tools to SN 2003du and infer that about 2 Ă 10-2 Mâ of solar abundance material may have accumulated in a shell prior to the observations. Furthermore, in this interpretation, the early light-curve data imply that the circumstellar material was originally very close to the progenitor system, perhaps from an accretion disk, Roche lobe, or common envelope. Because of the observed confinement of Ca II in velocity space and the lack of ongoing interaction inferred from the light curve, the matter cannot be placed in the outer layers of the exploding white dwarf star or related to a recent period of high mass loss in the progenitor system prior to the explosion. We note that the signatures of circumstellar interaction could be rather common in Type Ia supernovae and may have eluded discovery because optical spectra often do not extend significantly beyond 7500 Ă
Extraordinary LateâTime Infrared Emission of Type IIn Supernovae
Near-infrared observations are presented for five Type IIn supernovae (SN 1995N, SN 1997ab, SN 1998S, SN 1999Z, and SN 1999el) that exhibit strong infrared excesses at late times (t \u3e 100 days). H- and K-band emission from these objects is dominated by a continuum that rises toward longer wavelengths. The data are interpreted as thermal emission from dust, probably situated in a preexisting circumstellar nebula. The IR luminosities implied by single-temperature blackbody fits are quite large, \u3e1041-1042 ergs s-1, and the emission evolves slowly, lasting for years after maximum light. For SN 1995N, the integrated energy release via IR dust emission was â0.5-1 Ă 1050 ergs. A number of dust heating scenarios are considered, the most likely being an infrared echo powered by X-ray and UV emissions from the shock interaction with a dense circumstellar medium
Signature of Electron Capture in Ironârich Ejecta of SN 2003du
Late-time near-infrared and optical spectra of the normal-bright Type Ia supernova 2003du about 300 days after the explosion are presented. At this late epoch, the emission profiles of well-isolated [Fe II] lines (in particular that of the strong 1.644 ÎŒm feature) trace out the global kinematic distribution of radioactive material in the expanding supernova ejecta. In SN 2003du, the 1.644 ÎŒm [Fe II] line seems to show a flat-topped profile, indicative of a thick but hollow-centered expanding shell, rather than a strongly peaked profile that would be expected from a center-filled distribution. Based on detailed models for exploding Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarfs, we show that the feature is consistent with spherical explosion models. Our model predicts a central region of nonradioactive electron capture elements up to 2500-3000 km s-1 as a consequence of burning under high density and an extended region of radioactive 56Ni up to 9000-10,000 km s-1. Furthermore, our analysis indicates that the 1.644 ÎŒm [Fe II] line profile is not consistent with strong mixing between the regions of electron-capture isotopes and the 56Ni layers, as is predicted by detailed three-dimensional models for nuclear deflagration fronts. We discuss the possibility that the flat-topped profile could be produced as a result of an infrared catastrophe and conclude that such an explanation is unlikely. We discuss the limitations of our analysis and place our results into context by comparison with constraints on the distribution of radioactive 56Ni in other SNe Ia and briefly discuss the potential implications of our result for the use of SNe Ia as cosmological standard candles
Hubble Space Telescope Images and Spectra of the Remnant of SN 1885 in M31
Near-UV Hubble Space Telescope images of the remnant of SN 1885 (S And) in M31 show a 070±005 diameter absorption disk silhouetted against M31\u27s central bulge, at SN 1885\u27s historically reported position. The disk\u27s size corresponds to a linear diameter of 2.5±0.4 pc at a distance of 725±70 kpc, implying an average expansion velocity of 11,000±2000 km s-1 over 110 yr. Low-dispersion Faint Object Spectrograph spectra over 3200-4800 Ă
reveal that the absorption arises principally from Ca II H and K (equivalent width 215 Ă
), with weaker absorption features of Ca I 4227 Ă
and Fe I 3720 Ă
. The flux at Ca II line center indicates a foreground starlight fraction of 0.21, which places SNR 1885 some 64 pc to the near side of the midpoint of the M31 bulge, comparable to its projected 55 pc distance from the nucleus. The absorption line profiles suggest an approximately spherically symmetric, bell-shaped density distribution of supernova ejecta freely expanding at up to 13,100±1500 km s-1. We estimate Ca I, Ca II, and Fe I masses of 2.9Ă10â4 Mâ, 0.005 Mâ, and 0.013 Mâ, respectively. If the ionization state of iron is similar to the observed ionization state of calcium, MCa II/MCa I=16, then the mass of Fe II is 0.21 Mâ, consistent with that expected for either normal or subluminous SN Ia
Carbon Monoxide in the Type Ic SN 2000ew
We present K-band (1.9 -- 2.5 micron) spectra of the Type Ic SN 2000ew
observed with IRCS on the Subaru Telescope. These data show the first detection
of carbon monoxide (CO) emission in a Type Ic supernova. The detection of CO in
SN 2000ew provides further evidence that molecule formation may be a common
occurrence in core-collapse supernova ejecta. The spectrum also contains narrow
emission lines of [Fe II] and He I probably from dense clumps of hydrogen-poor
circumstellar gas surrounding SN 2000ew. Our spectrum of SN 2000ew shows no
trace of an unidentified feature seen near 2.26 micron, just blueward of the CO
emission, in the spectrum of SN 1987A and we discuss proposed detections of
this feature in other Type II supernovae.Comment: 7 Pages, 3 Figures Submitted to PASJ for Subaru Special Issu
HST Images and Spectra of the Remnant of SN 1885 in M31
Near UV HST images of the remnant of SN 1885 (S And) in M31 show a 0"70 +-
0"05 diameter absorption disk silhouetted against M31's central bulge, at SN
1885's historically reported position. The disk's size corresponds to a linear
diameter of 2.5 +- 0.4 pc at a distance of 725 +- 70 kpc, implying an average
expansion velocity of 11000 +- 2000 km/s over 110 years. Low-dispersion FOS
spectra over 3200-4800 A; reveal that the absorption arises principally from Ca
II H & K (equivalent width ~215 A;) with weaker absorption features of Ca I
4227 A; and Fe I 3720 A;. The flux at Ca II line center indicates a foreground
starlight fraction of 0.21, which places SNR 1885 some 64 pc to the near side
of the midpoint of the M31 bulge, comparable to its projected 55 pc distance
from the nucleus. The absorption line profiles suggest an approximately
spherically symmetric, bell-shaped density distribution of supernova ejecta
freely expanding at up to 13100 +- 1500 km/s. We estimate Ca I, Ca II, and Fe I
masses of 2.9(+2.4,-0.6) x 10^-4 M_o, 0.005(+0.016,-0.002) M_o, and
0.013(+0.010,-0.005) M_o respectively. If the ionization state of iron is
similar to the observed ionization state of calcium, M_CaII/M_CaI = 16(+42,-5),
then the mass of Fe II is 0.21(+0.74,-0.08) M_o, consistent with that expected
for either normal or subluminous SN Ia.Comment: 8 pages, including 4 embedded EPS figures, emulateapj.sty style file.
Color image at http://casa.colorado.edu/~mcl/sand.shtml . Submitted to Ap
Detection of CO and Dust Emission in Near-Infrared Spectra of SN 1998S
Near-infrared spectra (0.95 -- 2.4 micron) of the peculiar Type IIn supernova
1998S in NGC 3877 from 95 to 355 days after maximum light are presented. K-band
data taken at days 95 and 225 show the presence of the first overtone of CO
emission near 2.3 micron, which is gone by day 355. An apparent extended blue
wing on the CO profile in the day 95 spectrum could indicate a large CO
expansion velocity (~2000 -- 3000 km/s). This is the third detection of
infrared CO emission in nearly as many Type II supernovae studied, implying
that molecule formation may be fairly common in Type II events, and that the
early formation of molecules in SN 1987A may be typical rather than
exceptional. Multi-peak hydrogen and helium lines suggest that SN 1998S is
interacting with a circumstellar disk, and the fading of the red side of this
profile with time is suggestive of dust formation in the ejecta, perhaps
induced by CO cooling. Continuum emission that rises towards longer wavelengths
(J -> K) is seen after day 225 with an estimated near-infrared luminosity >~
10^40 erg/s. This may be related to the near-infrared excesses seen in a number
of other supernovae. If this continuum is due to free-free emission, it
requires an exceptionally shallow density profile. On the other hand, the shape
of the continuum is well fit by a 1200 +- 150 K blackbody spectrum possibly due
to thermal emission from dust. Interestingly, we observe a similar 1200 K
blackbody-like, near-infrared continuum in SN 1997ab, another Type IIn
supernova at an even later post-maximum epoch (day 1064+). A number of dust
emission scenarios are discussed, and we conclude that the NIR dust continuum
is likely powered by the interaction of SN 1998S with the circumstellar medium.Comment: 38 Pages, 12 Figures, Submitted to The Astronomical Journa