27 research outputs found

    Unbiased centroiding of point targets close to the Cramer Rao limit

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    Systematic errors affecting center-of-gravity (CoG) measurements may occur from coarse sampling of the point-spread-function (PSF) or from signal truncation at the boundaries of the region-of-interest (ROI). For small ROI and PSF widths, these effects are shown to become dominant, but this can be mitigated by introducing novel unbiased estimators that are largely free of systematic error and perform particularly well for low photon number. Analytical expressions for the estimator variances, comprising contributions from photon shot noise, random pixel noise and residual systematic error, are derived and verified by Monte Carlo simulations. The accuracy and computational speed of the unbiased estimators is compared to those of other common estimators, including iteratively weighted CoG, thresholded CoG, iterative least squares fitting, and two-dimensional Gaussian regression. Each estimator is optimized with respect to ROI size and PSF radius and its error compared to the theoretical limit defined by the Cramer Rao lower bound (CRLB). The unbiased estimator with full systematic error correction operating on a small ROI [3x3] emerges as one of the most accurate estimators while requiring significantly less computing effort than alternative algorithms.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, double column forma

    Measurement of the absolute wavefront curvature radius in a heterodyne interferometer

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    We present an analytical derivation of the coupling parameter relating the angle between two interfering beams in a heterodyne interferometer to the differential phase-signals detected by a quadrant photo-diode. This technique, also referred to as Differential Wavefront Sensing (DWS), is commonly used in space-based gravitational wave detectors to determine the attitude of a test-mass in one of the interferometer arms from the quadrant diode signals. Successive approximations to the analytical expression are made to simplify the investigation of parameter dependencies. Motivated by our findings, we propose a new measurement method to accurately determine the absolute wave-front curvature of a single measurement beam. We also investigate the change in coupling parameter when the interferometer "test-mirror" is moved from its nominal position, an effect which mediates the coupling of mirror displacement noise into differential phase-measurements.Comment: double-spaced, 21 pages, 5 figure

    Performance analysis of sequential carrier- and code-tracking receivers in the context of high-precision space-borne metrology systems

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    Future space observatories achieve detection of gravitational waves by interferometric measurements of a carrier phase, allowing to determine relative distance changes, in combination with an absolute distance measurement based on the transmission of pseudo-random noise chip sequences. In addition, usage of direct-sequence spread spectrum modulation enables data transmission. Hereafter, we report on the findings of a novel performance evaluation of planned receiver architectures, performing phase and distance readout sequentially, addressing the interplay between both measurements. An analytical model is presented identifying the power spectral density of the chip modulation at frequencies within the measurement bandwidth as the main driver for phase noise. This model, verified by numerical simulations, excludes binary phase-shift keying modulations for missions requiring pico-meter noise levels at the phase readout, while binary offset carrier modulation, where most of the power has been shifted outside the measurement bandwidth, exhibits superior phase measurement performance. Ranging analyses of the delay-locked loop reveal strong distortion of the pulse shape due to the preceding phase tracking introducing ranging bias variations. Numerical simulations show that these variations, however, which originate from data transitions, are compensated by the delay tracking loop, enabling sub-meter ranging accuracy, irrespective of the modulation type.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure