1,627 research outputs found

    Another Odd Thing About Unparticle Physics

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    The peculiar propagator of scale invariant unparticles has phases that produce unusual patterns of interference with standard model processes. We illustrate some of these effects in e+e−→μ+μ−e^+e^-\to\mu^+\mu^-.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures - minor wording changes and additional reference in v

    DD-Dˉ\bar D Mixing in Heavy Quark Effective Field Theory

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    I analyze DD-\ol D mixing using the techniques of heavy quark effect field theory. The analysis suggests that the there may be important cancellations among the dispersive effects of different kinds of final states, so that the total mixing may be considerably smaller than previous estimates.Comment: 10 pages (big mode), #HUTP-92/A04

    Generalized Dimensional Analysis

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    I describe a version of so-called naive dimensional analysis, a rule for estimating the sizes of terms in an effective theory below the scale of chiral symmetry breaking induced by a strong gauge interaction. The rule is simpler and more general than the original, which it includes as a special case. I also give a simple qualitative interpretation of the rule.Comment: 5 pages, LATE

    Chiral Fermion Delocalization in Deconstructed Higgsless Theories

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    {I construct a renormalizable SU(2)89×U(1)SU(2)^{89}\times U(1) gauge theory with standard-model-like phenomenology for the gauge bosons masses and the weak interactions of the light fermions (including the bb) but in which all vacuum expectation values are about 2 TeV. This is a deconstructed version of a Higgsless model with a flat extra dimension. The fermions are delocalized on the theory space in an unusual way, with LH and RD fermions on alternate nodes.Comment: 12 pages, latex with pictex figure embedde

    Physics Fun with Discrete Scale Invariance

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    I construct a quantum field theory model with discrete scale invariance at tree level. The model has some unusual mathematical properties (such as the appearance of qq-hypergeometric series) and may possibly have some interesting physical properties as well. In this note, I explore some possible physics that could be regarded as a violation of standard effective field theory ideas.Comment: 18 pages, 24 figure

    A Simple Alternative to Jet-Clustering Algorithms

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    I describe a class of iterative jet algorithms that are based on maximizing a fixed function of the total 4-momentum rather than clustering of pairs of jets. I describe some of the properties of the simplest examples of this class, appropriate for jets at an e+e−e^+e^- machine. These examples are sufficiently simple that many features of the jets that they define can be determined analytically with ease. The jets constructed in this way have some potentially useful properties, including a strong form of infrared safety.Comment: 7 pages, 0 figure

    Sidney Coleman's Harvard

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    A talk presented at the April 2016 APS meeting in Salt Lake City: The speaker had the great good fortune to take an undergraduate course in group theory from Sidney Coleman, and (after graduate school away) was hired by Coleman to a postdoctoral position and eventually became a faculty colleague. He will share some still vivid memories of this remarkable character.Comment: 21 page

    The Schwinger Point

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    The Sommerfield model with a massive vector field coupled to a massless fermion in 1+1 dimensions is an exactly solvable analog of a Bank-Zaks model. The `physics' of the model comprises a massive boson and an unparticle sector that survives at low energy as a conformal field theory (Thirring model). I discuss the `Schwinger point' of the Sommerfield model in which the vector boson mass goes to zero. The limit is singular but gauge invariant quantities should be well-defined. I give a number of examples, both (trivially) with local operators and with nonlocal products connected by Wilson lines (the primary technical accomplishment in this note is the explicit and very pedestrian calculation of correlators involving straight Wilson lines). I hope that this may give some insight into the nature of bosonization in the Schwinger model and its connection with unparticle physics which in this simple case may be thought of as `incomplete bosonization.'Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, new discussion of n-flavor Schwinger model - version 3 minor changes to prepare for submissio

    A Little Large N Group Theory

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    We discuss the group theory relevant to the ground-state baryons in large N_c QCD. For very large representation, the group generators become classical variables. We find the form of the classical generators for the completely symmetric N index representation of SU(m)SU(m) as N→∞N\rightarrow\infty and derive an integral formula for the matrix elements of an arbitrary polynomial in the group generators between low-spin baryon states in the large N limit.Comment: 13 pages, LaTe

    Diboson Excess from a New Strong Force

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    We explore a "partial unification" model that could explain the diphoton event excess around 750 GeV750 \, \rm GeV recently reported by the LHC experiments. A new strong gauge group is combined with the ordinary color and hypercharge gauge groups. The VEV responsible for the combination is of the order of the SU(2)×U(1)SU(2)\times U(1) breaking scale, but the coupling of the new physics to standard model particles is suppressed by the strong interaction of the new gauge group. This simple extension of the standard model has a rich phenomenology, including composite particles of the new confining gauge interaction, a coloron and a Z′Z' which are rather weakly coupled to standard model particles, and massive vector bosons charged under both the ordinary color and hypercharge gauge groups and the new strong gauge group. The new scalar glueball could have mass of around 750 GeV750 \, \rm GeV, be produced by gluon fusion and decay into two photons, both through loops of the new massive vector bosons. The simplest version of the model has some issues: the massive vector bosons are stable and the coloron and the Z′Z' are strongly constrained by search data. An extension of the model to include additional fermions with the new gauge coupling, though not as simple and elegant, can address both issues and more. It allows the massive vector boson to decay into a colorless, neutral state that could be a candidate of the dark matter. And the coloron and Z′Z' can decay dominantly into the new fermions, completely changing the search bounds. In addition, SU(N)SU(N) fermions below the symmetry breaking scale make it more plausible that the lightest glueball is at 750750~GeV. Whatever becomes of the 750750~GeV diphoton excess, the model is an unusual example of how new physics at small scales could be hidden by strong interactions.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figures, 7 table
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