6 research outputs found
The gold belt buckle from Apahida III (Romania), 5th century AD
This study focuses on the understanding of the elaborate construction of a cloisonné gold belt buckle, found in a princely grave from Apahida, dated to the 5th century AD. Starting from the careful analysis of the object’s proportions and dimensions, a geometrical pattern of the belt plate construction and decoration design is proposed. The intricate composition of this complicated cloisonné adorned object is also illustrated with the exploded view of its structure. X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) analyses of the composition, performed on different elements forming the buckle, led to conclusions regarding the relations between the variation of gold purity and the role played by different elements in the structure of the object. Some sequences of actions from the entire chaîne opératoire are also emphasized. Most likely, there was a certain degree of standardization in the workshops producing these cloisonné objects, and probably the craftsmen had at their disposal large batches of individual constructive elements – cell walls and gems.Cette étude se propose de décrire la construction élaborée de la boucle de ceinture en or et cloisonné, trouvée dans la tombe princière d’Apahida et datée du Ve siècle de notre ère. L’analyse minutieuse des proportions et dimensions de l’objet, a permis de proposer un motif géométrique, base de la construction de la plaque-boucle et du dessin de décoration. La composition très élaborée de cet objet de parure au cloisonné complexe est aussi illustrée par une vue éclatée de sa structure. Les analyses par fluorescence à rayons X (FX) de la composition des différents éléments de la boucle, ont apporté des hypothèses sur les rapports entre la variation de la pureté de l’or et le rôle joué par les différents éléments dans la structure de l’objet. Quelques séquences de la chaîne opératoire ont aussi été mises en évidence. Il est probable qu’un certain degré de standardisation avait été mis en place dans les ateliers de production de ces objets en cloisonné et que l’artisan avait à sa disposition de grands lots d’éléments individuels de construction – gemmes à sertir et cloisons
The compositional analysis of copper and bronze Greek coins found at Histria (Acropolis Centre-South Sector) using a portable X-Ray fluorescence spectrometer
A number of 42 Greek coins (most of them issued and/ or circulated at Histria during the autonomous period of the city and several issued by Histria during Roman times) were found during the 2013‐ 2016 archaeological campaigns conducted in the Acropolis Centre‐ South Sector. The coins, made of copper and copper‐ based alloys, were subject to a non‐ invasive compositional analysis using a portable X‐ Ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer, in order to determine trends and technological choices in the coinage production. The composition of these items was compared to that characterising a batch of coins found at Histria during older excavations.Un număr de 42 de monede greceşti (cele mai multe emise şi/ sau în circulaţie la Histria de‐ a lungul perioadei autonome, precum şi câteva emise de Histria de‐ a lungul perioadei romane) au fost descoperite în cursul campaniilor arheologice 2013‐ 2016 din Sectorul Acropolă Centru‐ Sud de la Histria. Monedele, realizate din cupru şi aliaje ale cuprului, au constituit subiectul unei analize compoziţionale non‐ destructive utilizând un spectrometru cu fluorescenţă de raze X (XRF) portabil, cu scopul de a determina trenduri şi alegeri tehnologice în producerea monedelor. Compoziţia acestor piese a fost comparată cu cea a unui lot de monede provenind din săpături mai vechi efectuate la Histria.Ţârlea Alexandra, Georgescu Migdonia, Vîlcu Aurel. The compositional analysis of copper and bronze Greek coins found at Histria (Acropolis Centre-South Sector) using a portable X-Ray fluorescence spectrometer. In: Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), N°14 2018. pp. 197-209
Despre cele două morminte din tell-ul de la Dridu / On the two graves from the Dridu-tell
Two inhumation graves (M. 1 and M. 2) were found in 1958, buried inside of a so-called tell, situated north of the medieval settlement. The two funerary structures were briefly described and published without any kind of illustration. The discussion about the two graves is completed now with additions found in the journal of the excavations written by Eugenia Zaharia, a detailed description, with drawings and photos, of the grave-goods, the results of the chemical composition of glass beads and metal items (except those made of iron). Microscopic investigation of the glass beads from M. 2 made possible their morphological characteristics to be revealed. The characteristic features of the funerary ritual and the grave-goods of M. 2 were already analyzed in another paper. This study aims only to complete a few observations regarding M. 2, dated during the second stage of the Sarmatian presence in Walachia. The connection of M. 1 with the Sarmatians cannot be completely excluded. However, too many questions regarding the funerary ritual (more precisely the presence of burning spots on some of the bones, the fact that the skeletal remains were not found in anatomical connection, but disturbed) and the grave-goods (only small fragments of items made of bronze, iron and wood were found) raise doubts and explain why M. 1 was considered rather as an uncertain Sarmatian grave.În anul 1958, în tell-ul situat la nord de aşezarea medievală de la Dridu au fost descoperite două morminte de inhumaţie (M. 1 şi M. 2). Cele două complexe funerare nu au fost descrise detaliat şi au fost publicate fără ilustraţie. Studiul reia discuţia despre cele două morminte şi o completează cu precizări din carnetul de săpătură al Eugeniei Zaharia, o descriere amănunţită, însoţită de desene şi fotografii, a pieselor de inventar, determinarea compoziţiei mărgelelor din sticlă şi a obiectelor de metal (cu excepţia fierului). Examenul microscopic a permis observaţii amănunţite referitoare la caracteristicile morfologice ale mărgelelor din sticlă din M. 2. Trăsăturile caracteristice de ritual şi inventar ale M. 2, încadrat cronologic în a doua etapă de pătrundere a sarmaţilor în Muntenia, au fost analizate într-o lucrare recentă, iar studiul acesta îşi propune doar să completeze câteva aspecte. Corelarea M. 1 cu prezenţa sarmatică în Muntenia nu poate fi exclusă în totalitate. Totuşi, prea multele incertitudini legate de ritualul funerar (petele de arsură de pe unele oase, faptul că oasele nu au fost găsite în conexiune anatomică, ci deranjate) şi inventarul mormântului (din care au mai fost recuperate doar fragmente de piese din bronz, fier sau lemn) sunt cele care au impus opţiunea de a încadra complexul funerar amintit în rândul mormintelor incerte cronologic şi nu în cel al complexelor funerare sarmatice sigure.Oţa Liana, Georgescu Migdonia, Baltă Zizi-Ileana. Despre cele două morminte din tell-ul de la Dridu / On the two graves from the Dridu-tell. In: Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), N°11 2015. pp. 143-156
Piese de metal, os, sticlă şi piatră descoperite în cetatea de la Caraşova-Grad (com. Caraşova, jud. Caraş-Severin)
During the archaeological excavations made in Caraşova-Grad fortress (comm. Caraşova, Caraş-Severin County) in 1998, 2000 and 2001, a relatively great number of metal, glass, bone and stone items was discovered. The majority of these items were not found in doubtless stratigraphic contexts, due to some reasons : the character of the field researches (today, the fortress is in a precarious condition, as a consequence of the destructions, mostly belonging to treasure hunters) ; the fact that Caraşova ceased to function after violent destructions during the 16th century. The majority of the small finds was dated in the 15th– 16th centuries, belonging to the last phases of the fortress. The places of discoveries, and the stratigraphic context of the items found in situ confirm the supposition that Caraşova was attacked and suffered massive destructions, especially during the 16th century.Cercetările arheologice întreprinse în cetatea de la Caraşova-Grad (com. Caraşova, jud. Caraş-Severin), în anii 1998, 2000 şi 2001, au dus la descoperirea unui număr relativ important de piese de metal, sticlă, os şi piatră. Dat fiind caracterul cercetărilor (fortificaţia este în stare avansată de degradare din cauza intervenţiilor căutătorilor de comori), dar şi faptului că încetarea funcţionării ei a survenit ca urmare a unor distrugeri violente în cursul secolului al XVI-lea, cea mai mare parte a pieselor de metal, os, piatră şi sticlă nu provine din contexte stratigrafice clare. Cele mai multe obiecte mărunte aparţin secolelor XV– XVI, fiind datate în ultimele faze de funcţionare a cetăţii. Locurile în care au fost descoperite, precum şi poziţia stratigrafică a pieselor aflate in situ confirmă că cetatea a fost supusă unor atacuri şi a suferit distrugeri masive în special în secolul al XVI-lea.Oţa Silviu, Oţa Liana, Georgescu Migdonia, Popa Elek. Piese de metal, os, sticlă şi piatră descoperite în cetatea de la Caraşova-Grad (com. Caraşova, jud. Caraş-Severin). In: Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), N°7 2011. pp. 83-113