124 research outputs found

    Sexual Dysfunctions in Psoriatic Patients

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    Psoriasis is a chronic, immune-mediated disorder with a worldwide occurrence characterized by well-defined infiltrated erythematous papules and plaques, covered by silvery white or yellowish scales. It is a physically, socially and emotionally invalidating disorder that affects 1-2% of the population. Sexual health is an important part of general health and sexual dysfunctions can negatively affect self-esteem, confidence, interpersonal relationships and the quality of life. Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), Psoriasis Disability Index (PDI) and the Impact of Psoriasis on Quality of Life (IPSO) questionnaire are all questionnaires used to assess the quality of life of patients with psoriasis and each has one question regarding sexual dysfunction. Several scales were also designed to particularly assess sexual satisfaction in men and women. The aim of this paper is to perform an overview of the existing studies on sexual dysfunction in psoriatic patients

    Genital Male Piercings

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    Body piercing has been practiced for thousands of years all over the world for beautification, religion, initiation rites or status reasons. Genital piercings also have a significant background and have been practiced for enhancing sexual pleasure, chastity, shocking or as a protest against a conservative society. As the popularity of genital piercings increased in the last years, the number of complications is also on the rise. It is therefore important for the medical professionals to have at least basic knowledge regarding this practice, as it might be required in the management of unpredictable complications

    The impact of microscale street elements on active transport of mobility-restricted individuals: A systematic review

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    Background Ensuring adequate spatial accessibility to diverse facilities is essential to shaping sustainable, inclusive cities and increasing the well-being of citizens. However, mobility-restricted individuals are found to have lower spatial accessibility in urban areas due to contextual factors, such as physical barriers. Most accessibility assessments focus on the general population and use the road network, due to the lack of data on how contextual factors influence different individuals and lack of geographical data representing pedestrian infrastructure or accessibility features. Methods We searched three databases: Scopus, Web of Science and PubMed. After filtering for eligibility, we examined the remaining 20 studies to understand the perceptions mobility-restricted individuals (i.e., mobility-impaired, visually impaired, or older adults) have of microscale street elements present in urban environments. Data regarding target population groups, data collection methods used and mentioned street elements were extracted. Results The included works tend to focus on a single population group, and disregard within-group differences regarding mobility capacities. Qualitative methods, such as interviews, focus groups and questionnaires, are most frequently used to investigate individual perceptions. To a great extent, individuals perceive microscale street elements differently depending on their mobility capacities. Even if partial overlap exists between population groups, when considering the frequency with which the street elements were mentioned, the impact on their individual accessibility may differ drastically. Certain street elements were highlighted, which can have a twofold effect, acting as barriers for some individuals and facilitators for others. Conclusion The results show that contradicting needs stemming from between- and within-group heterogeneities, together with the highly contextual character of spatial accessibility, pose extensive challenges for designing a barrier-free space for everyone. The results of this review provide a basis for urban planners and policymakers to design the urban infrastructure from a more inclusive perspective, based on comprehensive knowledge

    Au-delà des murs : l'intégration du musée de l'Ara Pacis dans le centre historique de Rome

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    La construction Ă  Rome du musĂ©e de l'Ara Pacis, conçu par l'architecte amĂ©ricain Richard Meier, suscite depuis plus de dix ans de vives polĂ©miques. Celles-ci dĂ©notent un malaise Ă©vident face Ă  l'intĂ©gration d'une architecture contemporaine, qualifiĂ©e de « gĂ©nĂ©rique » par certains, dans le centre historique de la Ville Ă©ternelle. L'argument principal des dĂ©tracteurs du projet repose sur la thĂšse selon laquelle la complexitĂ© des strates historiques et la diversitĂ© Ă©tonnante des monuments Ă©rigĂ©s jadis qui composent cette ville-palimpseste se trouveraient soumises Ă  de trop importants changements nuisant Ă  l'intĂ©gritĂ© du patrimoine bĂąti. En effet, dans le cas Ă©tudiĂ© ici, ils affirment que le musĂ©e de l'Ara Pacis constitue encore un autre cas de structure inapte Ă  rendre justice Ă  l'image historique et patrimoniale de Rome. Il en rĂ©sulte la question qui est au coeur de la problĂ©matique abordĂ©e dans ce mĂ©moire: le contact d'une architecture contemporaine, qualifiĂ©e de \ud « gĂ©nĂ©rique » par ceux qui dĂ©noncent le culte des « archi-stars », avec un monument de la Rome antique, peut-il enrichir l'esprit de ce lieu complexe?\ud Par une analyse du pĂŽle de la rĂ©ception du monument, ce mĂ©moire vise donc Ă  comprendre les impacts, Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles, de cette construction par rapport Ă  son contexte urbain. En appliquant une approche inspirĂ©e du modĂšle systĂ©mique formulĂ© par l'urbaniste Paolo Colarossi et en recourant notamment au concept de \ud « contemporanĂ©itĂ© anachronique » dĂ©veloppĂ© par l'historien d'art Daniel Arasse ainsi que celui de monument tel que dĂ©fini par Jean Davallon, entre autres, nous proposons une piste de rĂ©solution de l'opposition entre conservation et innovation. Le discours affectif sera donc dĂ©passĂ© par une analyse plus globale. L'approche systĂ©mique utilisĂ©e transforme ainsi un cas statique et isolĂ© en Ă©vĂ©nement. Bien encadrĂ©es, nous soutenons que les nouvelles architectures peuvent actualiser un bien patrimonial tout en faisant surgir de nouvelles valeurs Ă  transmettre dans le futur. Le dĂ©bat provoquĂ© par la construction du musĂ©e de l'Ara Pacis peut aider Ă  approfondir les rĂ©flexions menant Ă  un meilleur encadrement pour des projets futurs. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Architecture contemporaine, Paysage urbain historique, Patrimoine, Mise en valeur, Rome, Ara Pacis, MusĂ©e de Richard Meier, Approche systĂ©mique

    Investigating the Dynamics of Nonverbal Communication: Evidence from Neuroimaging in High-Functioning Autism and Typical Development

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    Being able to accurately decode nonverbal behaviors is essential for human communication. However, meaningful information is not only conveyed by static cues, which have already been extensively investigated in the past, but also by subtle movement dynamics. Investigating such subtle movement dynamics opens up new avenues for the investigation of social cognition in healthy and psychopathological contexts. Thus, this thesis investigated the correlates of perceiving and processing dynamic nonverbal social cues in the human brain using fMRI along with behavioral methods. First, we demonstrate the utility and validity of several digital simulation paradigms for nonverbal behavior research in a neuroimaging context. Further, we show for the first time that the observation of nonverbal communicative interactions is modulated by different spatiotemporal factors of perceived movement and that this is associated with both the AON and the SNN. In addition, we contribute to an ongoing debate by showing that in the context of the observation of complex human interactions, there is no biological bias of the AON. Furthermore, we demonstrate for the first time the domain-specificity of the two neural networks AON and SNN in the context of observing complex human interactions. Finally, we demonstrate that HFA is associated with deficits in social processing more so than social perception, but that social perception may rely on other cognitive strategies compared to typically developing individuals

    Les mappings vidĂ©o sur le patrimoine bĂąti comme forme d’hybridation entre Ɠuvre et dispositif de mĂ©diation

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    Les mappings vidĂ©o, ou projections architecturales 3D, sont une forme de spectacle multimĂ©dia qui, lorsque intĂ©grĂ© Ă  un Ă©difice patrimonial, convoque un espace de mĂ©diations multiples. Les effets visuels et l’iconographie, combinĂ©s Ă  la structure et Ă  la charge symbolique de l’édifice, crĂ©ent un espace physique et virtuel que peut expĂ©rimenter le spectateur. Deux exemples de mappings illustrent des stratĂ©gies diffĂ©rentes : le Moulin Ă  images pour commĂ©morer les 400 ans de la Ville de QuĂ©bec sur une structure industrielle et l’Ode Ă  la vie pour cĂ©lĂ©brer le monument iconique de la Sagrada Familia Ă  Barcelone.Video mappings, or 3D architectural projections, are a form of multimedia spectacle that convenes plural mediation spaces when incorporated to heritage buildings. The meshing of the iconography and the visual effects involved in the projection onto a symbolically charged edifice opens multilayered physical and virtual spaces to be experimented by the viewer. Two types of mappings illustrate different strategies : The Image Mill commemorating Quebec city’s 400th anniversary projected onto an industrial structure, and l’Ode Ă  la vie projected onto an iconic monument, the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona

    Why we interact : on the functional role of the striatum in the subjective experience of social interaction

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    Acknowledgments We thank Neil Macrae and Axel Cleeremans for comments on earlier versions of this manuscript. Furthermore, we are grateful to DorothĂ© Krug and Barbara Elghahwagi for their assistance in data acquisition. This study was supported by a grant of the Köln Fortune Program of the Medical Faculty at the University of Cologne to L.S. and by a grant “Other Minds” of the German Ministry of Research and Education to K.V.Peer reviewedPreprin

    Spatial accessibility assessment of homecare workers to the older population in the city of Zurich

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    Access to homecare is paramount for the older population wishing not to move to retirement homes. In Zurich, the organization “Spitex ZĂŒrich” is the public homecare provider, allowing the older population to experience high-quality life at home through regular visits. A major factor for ensuring self-determined living for the older population consists of a detailed understanding of the spatial accessibility to Spitex locations. Therefore, this paper is concerned with applying four different FCA methods for assessing the spatial accessibility of Spitex homecare workers to people aged 65 + in Zurich through the road and bike networks. The modified-Huff-model-three-step-FCA method is found to be best suited for modeling potential spatial accessibility in Zurich. Spatial accessibility index values show similar geographical distributions regardless of transportation mode. The neighborhoods of Seebach and Hottingen are identified as regions with relatively low spatial accessibility. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of the interpretation and the measurement of spatial accessibility, thereby facilitating autonomous living for the older population residing in Zurich, ultimately increasing the inclusiveness of the city
