72 research outputs found

    Physical correlations lead to kappa distributions

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    The recently developed concept of "entropic defect" is important for understanding the foundations of thermodynamics in space plasma physics, and more generally, for systems with physical correlations among their particles. Using this concept, this paper derives the basic formulation of the distribution function of velocities (or kinetic energies) in space plasma particle populations. Earlier analyses have shown how the formulation of kappa distributions is interwoven with the presence of correlations among the particles' velocities. This paper shows, for the first time, that the reverse is true: the thermodynamics of particles' physical correlations are consistent only with the existence of kappa distributions.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Polytropic behavior in the structures of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections

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    The polytropic process characterizes the thermodynamics of space plasma particle populations. The polytropic index, γ{\gamma}, is particularly important as it describes the thermodynamic behavior of the system by quantifying the changes in temperature as the system is compressed or expanded. Using Wind spacecraft plasma and magnetic field data during 01/1995−12/201801/1995 - 12/2018, we investigate the thermodynamic evolution in 336 Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection (ICME) events. For each event, we derive the index γ{\gamma} in the sheath and magnetic ejecta structures, along with the pre- and post- event regions. We then examine the distributions of all γ{\gamma} indices in these four regions and derive the entropic gradient of each, which is indicative of the ambient heating. We find that in the ICME sheath region, where wave turbulence is expected to be highest, the thermodynamics takes longest to recover into the original quasi-adiabatic process, while it recovers faster in the quieter ejecta region. This pattern creates a thermodynamic cycle, featuring a near adiabatic value γ{\gamma} ~ γ{\gamma}a{_a} (=5/3) upstream of the ICMEs, γ{\gamma}a{_a} - γ{\gamma} ~ 0.26 in the sheaths, γ{\gamma}a{_a} - γ{\gamma} ~ 0.13 in the ICME ejecta, and recovers again to γ{\gamma} ~ γ{\gamma}a{_a} after the passage of the ICME. These results expose the turbulent heating rates in the ICME plasma: the lower the polytropic index from its adiabatic value and closer to its isothermal value, the larger the entropic gradient, and thus, the rate of turbulent heating that heats the ICME plasma.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    On the Determination of Kappa Distribution Functions from Space Plasma Observations

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    The velocities of space plasma particles, often follow kappa distribution functions. The kappa index, which labels and governs these distributions, is an important parameter in understanding the plasma dynamics. Space science missions often carry plasma instruments on board which observe the plasma particles and construct their velocity distribution functions. A proper analysis of the velocity distribution functions derives the plasma bulk parameters, such as the plasma density, speed, temperature, and kappa index. Commonly, the plasma bulk density, velocity, and temperature are determined from the velocity moments of the observed distribution function. Interestingly, recent studies demonstrated the calculation of the kappa index from the speed (kinetic energy) moments of the distribution function. Such a novel calculation could be very useful in future analyses and applications. This study examines the accuracy of the specific method using synthetic plasma proton observations by a typical electrostatic analyzer. We analyze the modeled observations in order to derive the plasma bulk parameters, which we compare with the parameters we used to model the observations in the first place. Through this comparison, we quantify the systematic and statistical errors in the derived moments, and we discuss their possible sources

    On the Calculation of the Effective Polytropic Index in Space Plasmas

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    The polytropic index of space plasmas is typically determined from the relationship between the measured plasma density and temperature. In this study, we quantify the errors in the determination of the polytropic index, due to uncertainty in the analyzed measurements. We model the plasma density and temperature measurements for a certain polytropic index, and then, we apply the standard analysis to derive the polytropic index. We explore the accuracy of the derived polytropic index for a range of uncertainties in the modeled density and temperature and repeat for various polytropic indices. Our analysis shows that the uncertainties in the plasma density introduce a systematic error in the determination of the polytropic index which can lead to artificial isothermal relations, while the uncertainties in the plasma temperature increase the statistical error of the calculated polytropic index value. We analyze Wind spacecraft observations of the solar wind protons and we derive the polytropic index in selected intervals over 2002. The derived polytropic index is affected by the plasma measurement uncertainties, in a similar way as predicted by our model. Finally, we suggest a new data-analysis approach, based on a physical constraint, that reduces the amount of erroneous derivations

    Polytropic Behavior of Solar Wind Protons Observed by Parker Solar Probe

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    A polytropic process describes the transition of a fluid from one state to another through a specific relationship between the fluid density and temperature. The value of the polytropic index that governs this relationship determines the heat transfer and the effective degrees of freedom during the process. In this study, we analyze solar wind proton plasma measurements, obtained by the Faraday cup instrument on-board Parker Solar Probe. We examine the large-scale variations of the proton plasma density and temperature within the inner heliosphere explored by the spacecraft. We also address a polytropic behavior in the density and temperature fluctuations in short-time intervals, which we analyze in order to derive the effective polytropic index of small time-scale processes. The large-scale variations of the solar wind proton density and temperature which are associated with the plasma expansion through the heliosphere, follow a polytropic model with a polytropic index ~5/3. On the other hand, the short time-scale fluctuations which may be associated with turbulence, follow a model with a larger polytropic index. We investigate possible correlations between the polytropic index of short time-scale fluctuations and the plasma speed, plasma beta, and the magnetic field direction. We discuss the scenario of mechanisms including energy transfer or mechanisms that restrict the particle effective degrees of freedom.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    The Polytropic Behavior of Solar Wind Protons as Observed by the Ulysses Spacecraft during Solar Minimum

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    We analyze proton bulk parameters derived from Ulysses observations and investigate the polytropic behavior of solar wind protons over a wide range of heliocentric distances and latitudes. The large-scale variations of the proton density and temperature over heliocentric distance indicate that plasma protons are governed by subadiabatic processes (polytropic index γ < 5/3), if we assume protons with three effective kinetic degrees of freedom. From the correlation between the small-scale variations of the plasma density and temperature in selected subintervals, we derive a polytropic index γ ∼ 1.4 on average. Further examination shows that the polytropic index does not have an apparent dependence on the solar wind speed. This agrees with the results of previous analyses of solar wind protons at ∼1 au. We find that the polytropic index varies slightly over the range of the heliocentric distances and heliographic latitudes explored by Ulysses. We also show that the homogeneity of the plasma and the accuracy of the polytropic model applied to the data points vary over Ulysses' orbit. We compare our results with the results of previous studies that derive the polytropic index of solar wind ions within the heliosphere using observations from various spacecraft. We finally discuss the implications of our findings in terms of heating mechanisms and the effective degrees of freedom of the plasma protons
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