21 research outputs found

    Endosomal interactions during root hair growth

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    The dynamic localization of endosomal compartments labeled with targeted fluorescent protein tags is routinely followed by time lapse fluorescence microscopy approaches and single particle tracking algorithms. In this way trajectories of individual endosomes can be mapped and linked to physiological processes as cell growth. However, other aspects of dynamic behavior including endosomal interactions are difficult to follow in this manner. Therefore, we characterized the localization and dynamic properties of early and late endosomes throughout the entire course of root hair formation by means of spinning disc time lapse imaging and post-acquisition automated multitracking and quantitative analysis. Our results show differential motile behavior of early and late endosomes and interactions of late endosomes that may be specified to particular root hair domains. Detailed data analysis revealed a particular transient interaction between late endosomesā€”termed herein as dancing-endosomesā€”which is not concluding to vesicular fusion. Endosomes preferentially located in the root hair tip interacted as dancing-endosomes and traveled short distances during this interaction. Finally, sizes of early and late endosomes were addressed by means of super-resolution structured illumination microscopy (SIM) to corroborate measurements on the spinning disc. This is a first study providing quantitative microscopic data on dynamic spatio-temporal interactions of endosomes during root hair tip growth

    Mental Representations and Cognitive Schemata of Ninth Grade Students for the Refraction of Light

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    The current research study deals with studentsā€™ mental representations and cognitive schemata of light refraction. In the study, 213 ninth grade students participated who had taken basic Geometric Optics courses on refraction and Snellā€™s law. The students were given three tasks in which they were asked to predict and explain the phenomenon of refraction. The results showed that the vast majority of them articulated their responses based on representations that were not compatible with the Geometric Optics model. Quite interestingly, the Multiple Correspondence Analysis led to five distinct cognitive schemata resulting from a fixed combination of representations

    Plasmolysis: Loss of Turgor and Beyond

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    Plasmolysis is a typical response of plant cells exposed to hyperosmotic stress. The loss of turgor causes the violent detachment of the living protoplast from the cell wall. The plasmolytic process is mainly driven by the vacuole. Plasmolysis is reversible (deplasmolysis) and characteristic to living plant cells. Obviously, dramatic structural changes are required to fulfill a plasmolytic cycle. In the present paper, the fate of cortical microtubules and actin microfilaments is documented throughout a plasmolytic cycle in living cells of green fluorescent protein (GFP) tagged Arabidopsis lines. While the microtubules became wavy and highly bundled during plasmolysis, cortical filamentous actin remained in close vicinity to the plasma membrane lining the sites of concave plasmolysis and adjusting readily to the diminished size of the protoplast. During deplasmolysis, cortical microtubule re-organization progressed slowly and required up to 24 h to complete the restoration of the original pre-plasmolytic pattern. Actin microfilaments, again, recovered faster and organelle movement remained intact throughout the whole process. In summary, the hydrostatic skeleton resulting from the osmotic state of the plant vacuole ā€œoverrulesā€ the stabilization by cortical cytoskeletal elements

    KATANIN 1 Is Essential for Embryogenesis and Seed Formation in Arabidopsis

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    Cytoskeletal remodeling has a fundamental role, especially during transitional developmental stages when cells rapidly adopt new forms and roles, like gametogenesis, fertilization and concomitant embryogenesis and seed formation. KATANIN 1, a microtubule severing protein, fulfills a major regulatory mechanism of dynamic microtubule turnover in eukaryotes. Herein, we show that three well-established KATANIN 1 mutants, fra2, lue1 and ktn1-2 collectively display lower fertility and seed set in Arabidopsis. These lower fertility and seed set rates of fra2, lue1 and ktn1-2 mutants were correlated to abnormalities in the development of embryo proper and seed. Such phenotypes were rescued by transformation of mutants with functional pKTN1::GFP:KTN1 construct. This study significantly expands the already broad functional repertoire of KATANIN 1 and unravels its new role in embryo and seed development. Thus, KATANIN 1 significantly contributes to the fertility and proper embryo and seed formation in Arabidopsis

    Gene expression pattern and protein localization of Arabidopsis phospholipase D alpha 1 revealed by advanced light-sheet and super-resolution microscopy.

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    under natural conditions. Imaging of tissue-specific and developmentally-regulated localization of YFP-tagged PLDĪ±1 by LSFM in roots of growing seedlings showed accumulation of PLDĪ±1-YFP in the root cap and the rhizodermis. Expression of PLDĪ±1-YFP in the rhizodermis was considerably higher in trichoblasts before and during root hair formation and growth. Thus, PLDĪ±1-YFP accumulated in emerging root hairs and in the tips of growing root hairs. PLDĪ±1-YFP showed cytoplasmic subcellular localization in root cap cells and in cells of the root transition zone. In aerial parts of plants PLDĪ±1-YFP was also localized in the cytoplasm showing enhanced accumulation in the cortical cytoplasmic layer of epidermal non-dividing cells of hypocotyls, leaves, and leaf petioles. However, in dividing cells of root apical meristem and leaf petiole epidermis PLDĪ±1-YFP was enriched in mitotic spindles and phragmoplasts, as revealed by co-visualization with microtubules. Finally, super-resolution SIM imaging revealed association of PLDĪ±1-YFP with both microtubules and clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) and pits (CCPs). In conclusion, this study shows the developmentally-controlled expression and subcellular localization of PLDĪ±1 in dividing and non-dividing Arabidopsis cells

    Katanin: A Sword Cutting Microtubules for Cellular, Developmental, and Physiological Purposes

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    KATANIN is a well-studied microtubule severing protein affecting microtubule organization and dynamic properties in higher plants. By regulating mitotic and cytokinetic and cortical microtubule arrays it is involved in the progression of cell division and cell division plane orientation. KATANIN is also involved in cell elongation and morphogenesis during plant growth. In this way KATANIN plays critical roles in diverse plant developmental processes including the development of pollen, embryo, seed, meristem, root, hypocotyl, cotyledon, leaf, shoot, and silique. KATANIN-dependent microtubule regulation seems to be under the control of plant hormones. This minireview provides an overview on available KATANIN mutants and discusses advances in our understanding of KATANIN biological roles in plants

    Arabidopsis Homologs of Nucleus- and Phragmoplast-Localized Kinase 2 and 3 and Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 4 Are Essential for Microtubule Organization[W]

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    Arabidopsis mutants defective in MAPK signaling were found to have aberrant microtubule organization and cell growth. This study shows that two mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase isoforms, mitogen-activated protein kinase 4 and microtubule-associated protein 65, play a role in the organization of cortical microtubules

    Katanin Effects on Dynamics of Cortical Microtubules and Mitotic Arrays in Arabidopsis thaliana Revealed by Advanced Live-Cell Imaging

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    Katanin is the only microtubule severing protein identified in plants so far. Previous studies have documented its role in regulating cortical microtubule organization during cell growth and morphogenesis. Although, some cell division defects are reported in KATANIN mutants, it is not clear whether or how katanin activity may affect microtubule dynamics in interphase cells, as well as the progression of mitosis and cytokinesis and the orientation of cell division plane (CDP). For this reason, we characterized microtubule organization and dynamics in growing and dividing cotyledon cells of Arabidopsis ktn1-2 mutant devoid of KATANIN 1 activity. In interphase epidermal cells of ktn1-2 cortical microtubules exhibited aberrant and largely isotropic organization, reduced bundling and showed excessive branched microtubule formation. End-wise microtubule dynamics were not much affected, although a significantly slower rate of microtubule growth was measured in the ktn1-2 mutant where microtubule severing was completely abolished. KATANIN 1 depletion also brought about significant changes in preprophase microtubule band (PPB) organization and dynamics. In this case, many PPBs exhibited unisided organization and splayed appearance while in most cases they were broader than those of wild type cells. By recording PPB maturation, it was observed that PPBs in the mutant narrowed at a much slower pace compared to those in Col-0. The form of the mitotic spindle and the phragmoplast was not much affected in ktn1-2, however, the dynamics of both processes showed significant differences compared to wild type. In general, both mitosis and cytokinesis were considerably delayed in the mutant. Additionally, the mitotic spindle and the phragmoplast exhibited extensive rotational motions with the equatorial plane of the spindle being essentially uncoupled from the division plane set by the PPB. However, at the onset of its formation the phragmoplast undergoes rotational motion rectifying the expansion of the cell plate to match the original cell division plane. Conclusively, KATANIN 1 contributes to microtubule dynamics during interphase, regulates PPB formation and maturation and is involved in the positioning of the mitotic spindle and the phragmoplast

    Gene Expression Pattern and Protein Localization of Arabidopsis Phospholipase D Alpha 1 Revealed by Advanced Light-Sheet and Super-Resolution Microscopy

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    Phospholipase D alpha 1 (PLDĪ±1, At3g15730) and its product phosphatidic acid (PA) are involved in a variety of cellular and physiological processes, such as cytoskeletal remodeling, regulation of stomatal closure and opening, as well as biotic and abiotic stress signaling. Here we aimed to study developmental expression patterns and subcellular localization of PLDĪ±1 in Arabidopsis using advanced microscopy methods such as light-sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) and structured illumination microscopy (SIM). We complemented two knockout pldĪ±1 mutants with a YFP-tagged PLDĪ±1 expressed under the PLDĪ±1 native promoter in order to study developmental expression pattern and subcellular localization of PLDĪ±1 in Arabidopsis thaliana under natural conditions. Imaging of tissue-specific and developmentally-regulated localization of YFP-tagged PLDĪ±1 by LSFM in roots of growing seedlings showed accumulation of PLDĪ±1-YFP in the root cap and the rhizodermis. Expression of PLDĪ±1-YFP in the rhizodermis was considerably higher in trichoblasts before and during root hair formation and growth. Thus, PLDĪ±1-YFP accumulated in emerging root hairs and in the tips of growing root hairs. PLDĪ±1-YFP showed cytoplasmic subcellular localization in root cap cells and in cells of the root transition zone. In aerial parts of plants PLDĪ±1-YFP was also localized in the cytoplasm showing enhanced accumulation in the cortical cytoplasmic layer of epidermal non-dividing cells of hypocotyls, leaves, and leaf petioles. However, in dividing cells of root apical meristem and leaf petiole epidermis PLDĪ±1-YFP was enriched in mitotic spindles and phragmoplasts, as revealed by co-visualization with microtubules. Finally, super-resolution SIM imaging revealed association of PLDĪ±1-YFP with both microtubules and clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) and pits (CCPs). In conclusion, this study shows the developmentally-controlled expression and subcellular localization of PLDĪ±1 in dividing and non-dividing Arabidopsis cells