28 research outputs found

    Expression of factor V by resident macrophages boosts host defense in the peritoneal cavity

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    Macrophages resident in different organs express distinct genes, but understanding how this diversity fits into tissue-specific features is limited. Here, we show that selective expression of coagulation factor V (FV) by resident peritoneal macrophages in mice promotes bacterial clearance in the peritoneal cavity and serves to facilitate the well-known but poorly understood macrophage disappearance reaction. Intravital imaging revealed that resident macrophages were nonadherent in peritoneal fluid during homeostasis. Bacterial entry into the peritoneum acutely induced macrophage adherence and associated bacterial phagocytosis. However, optimal control of bacterial expansion in the peritoneum also required expression of FV by the macrophages to form local clots that effectively brought macrophages and bacteria in proximity and out of the fluid phase. Thus, acute cellular adhesion and resident macrophage-induced coagulation operate independently and cooperatively to meet the challenges of a unique, open tissue environment. These events collectively account for the macrophage disappearance reaction in the peritoneal cavity

    Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor

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    Factor V, tissue factor pathway inhibitor, and east Texas bleeding disorder

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    The Role of Factor XI in Coagulation

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    Monoclonal Anti-human Factor VII Antibodies Detection in Plasma of a Second Protein Antigenically and Genetically Related to Factor VII

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    Several murine monoclonal anti-human Factor VII antibodies were produced using hybridoma technology. Two noncompetitive monoclonal antibodies were used to examine by Western blotting the Factor VII cross-reactive material (CRM) in normal human plasma and three commercially available congenitally Factor VIIdeficient plasmas, and to construct a facile "sandwich " immunoassay for plasma Factor VII. A second, previously undescribed, form of Factor VII CRM was detected in human plasma, which on Western blotting stained with an apparent intensity 5-8% that of Factor VII. This glycoprotein, tentatively called VII*, has a molecular weight 4,500 D less than Factor VII, lacks detectable Factor VII functional activity, does not bind to barium citrate, and is not recognized by a monoclonal antibody that recognizes Factor VII but not a-chymotrypsin-treated Factor VII. VII * was not proteolytically produced from Factor VII during in vitro coagulation or after infusion of human Factor VII into rabbits. As determined by Western blotting, the human hepatoma cell line, HepG2, cultured in the presence of vitamin K, secreted relatively greater levels of VII * in proportion to VII (75%) than that found in human plasma. Warfarin treatment of HepG2 cells decreased the quantity of VII secreted by 77%, whereas it only inhibited the secretion of VII * by 14%. Immunologic studies of the plasmas from a patient on chronic warfarin therapy and an individual given a short course of high dose warfarin therapy corroborated the in vitro synthetic studies obtained with HepG2 cells. The data are consistent with the production of VII * by posttranslational, proteolytic, modification of VII, that, at least in the HepG2 cells studied, occurs intracellularly. However, other mechanisms for the production of VII*, in particular, alternative RNA splicing of the transcript from a single gene, cannot be excluded