17 research outputs found

    Absence of Domain Wall Roughening in a Transverse Field Ising Model with Long-Range Interactions

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    We investigate roughening transitions in the context of transverse-field Ising models. As a modification of the transverse Ising model with short range interactions, which has been shown to exhibit domain wall roughening, we have looked into the possibility of a roughening transition for the case of long-range interactions, since such a system is physically realized in the insulator LiHoF4. The combination of strong Ising anisotropy and long-range forces lead naturally to the formation of domain walls but we find that the long-range forces destroy the roughening transition.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, revtex

    Streptococcus pneumoniae’s Virulence and Host Immunity: Aging, Diagnostics, and Prevention

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is an infectious pathogen responsible for millions of deaths worldwide. Diseases caused by this bacterium are classified as pneumococcal diseases. This pathogen colonizes the nasopharynx of its host asymptomatically, but overtime can migrate to sterile tissues and organs and cause infections. Pneumonia is currently the most common pneumococcal disease. Pneumococcal pneumonia is a global health concern and vastly affects children under the age of five as well as the elderly and individuals with pre-existing health conditions. S. pneumoniae has a large selection of virulence factors that promote adherence, invasion of host tissues, and allows it to escape host immune defenses. A clear understanding of S. pneumoniae’s virulence factors, host immune responses, and examining the current techniques available for diagnosis, treatment, and disease prevention will allow for better regulation of the pathogen and its diseases. In terms of disease prevention, other considerations must include the effects of age on responses to vaccines and vaccine efficacy. Ongoing work aims to improve on current vaccination paradigms by including the use of serotype-independent vaccines, such as protein and whole cell vaccines. Extending our knowledge of the biology of, and associated host immune response to S. pneumoniae is paramount for our improvement of pneumococcal disease diagnosis, treatment, and improvement of patient outlook

    Data-Driven Analysis of Age, Sex, and Tissue Effects on Gene Expression Variability in Alzheimer's Disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) has been categorized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. AD is a significant health-care burden because of its increased occurrence (specifically in the elderly population), and the lack of effective treatments and preventive methods. With an increase in life expectancy, the CDC expects AD cases to rise to 15 million by 2060. Aging has been previously associated with susceptibility to AD, and there are ongoing efforts to effectively differentiate between normal and AD age-related brain degeneration and memory loss. AD targets neuronal function and can cause neuronal loss due to the buildup of amyloid-beta plaques and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles. Our study aims to identify temporal changes within gene expression profiles of healthy controls and AD subjects. We conducted a meta-analysis using publicly available microarray expression data from AD and healthy cohorts. For our meta-analysis, we selected datasets that reported donor age and gender, and used Affymetrix and Illumina microarray platforms (8 datasets, 2,088 samples). Raw microarray expression data were re-analyzed, and normalized across arrays. We then performed an analysis of variance, using a linear model that incorporated age, tissue type, sex, and disease state as effects, as well as study to account for batch effects, and included binary interactions between factors. Our results identified 3,735 statistically significant (Bonferroni adjusted p < 0.05) gene expression differences between AD and healthy controls, which we filtered for biological effect (10% two-tailed quantiles of mean differences between groups) to obtain 352 genes. Interesting pathways identified as enriched comprised of neurodegenerative diseases pathways (including AD), and also mitochondrial translation and dysfunction, synaptic vesicle cycle and GABAergic synapse, and gene ontology terms enrichment in neuronal system, transmission across chemical synapses and mitochondrial translation. Overall our approach allowed us to effectively combine multiple available microarray datasets and identify gene expression differences between AD and healthy individuals including full age and tissue type considerations. Our findings provide potential gene and pathway associations that can be targeted to improve AD diagnostics and potentially treatment or prevention

    Temporal response characterization across individual multiomics profiles of prediabetic and diabetic subjects

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    Abstract Longitudinal deep multiomics profiling, which combines biomolecular, physiological, environmental and clinical measures data, shows great promise for precision health. However, integrating and understanding the complexity of such data remains a big challenge. Here we utilize an individual-focused bottom-up approach aimed at first assessing single individuals’ multiomics time series, and using the individual-level responses to assess multi-individual grouping based directly on similarity of their longitudinal deep multiomics profiles. We used this individual-focused approach to analyze profiles from a study profiling longitudinal responses in type 2 diabetes mellitus. After generating periodograms for individual subject omics signals, we constructed within-person omics networks and analyzed personal-level immune changes. The results identified both individual-level responses to immune perturbation, and the clusters of individuals that have similar behaviors in immune response and which were associated to measures of their diabetic status

    Gene expression microarray public dataset reanalysis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was classified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2014 as the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States (US). The main cause of COPD is exposure to tobacco smoke and air pollutants. Problems associated with COPD include under-diagnosis of the disease and an increase in the number of smokers worldwide. The goal of our study is to identify disease variability in the gene expression profiles of COPD subjects compared to controls, by reanalyzing pre-existing, publicly available microarray expression datasets. Our inclusion criteria for microarray datasets selected for smoking status, age and sex of blood donors reported. Our datasets used Affymetrix, Agilent microarray platforms (7 datasets, 1,262 samples). We re-analyzed the curated raw microarray expression data using R packages, and used Box-Cox power transformations to normalize datasets. To identify significant differentially expressed genes we used generalized least squares models with disease state, age, sex, smoking status and study as effects that also included binary interactions, followed by likelihood ratio tests (LRT). We found 3,315 statistically significant (Storey-adjusted q-value <0.05) differentially expressed genes with respect to disease state (COPD or control). We further filtered these genes for biological effect using results from LRT q-value <0.05 and model estimates' 10% two-tailed quantiles of mean differences between COPD and control), to identify 679 genes. Through analysis of disease, sex, age, and also smoking status and disease interactions we identified differentially expressed genes involved in a variety of immune responses and cell processes in COPD. We also trained a logistic regression model using the common array genes as features, which enabled prediction of disease status with 81.7% accuracy. Our results give potential for improving the diagnosis of COPD through blood and highlight novel gene expression disease signatures

    MathIOmica: An Integrative Platform for Dynamic Omics

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    Job file for the creation/design of stained glass from either the Charles J. Connick Studio (1912-1945) or the Charles J. Connick Associates studio (1945-1986). The job file contains a job number, location information, date of completion, size, contact information, price, and a description of the project. This particular job file contains information on a job located at: Springfield, Massachusetts. Saint Michael's Church

    ANOVA-HD: Analysis of variance when both input and output layers are high-dimensional.

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    Modern genomic data sets often involve multiple data-layers (e.g., DNA-sequence, gene expression), each of which itself can be high-dimensional. The biological processes underlying these data-layers can lead to intricate multivariate association patterns. We propose and evaluate two methods to determine the proportion of variance of an output data set that can be explained by an input data set when both data panels are high dimensional. Our approach uses random-effects models to estimate the proportion of variance of vectors in the linear span of the output set that can be explained by regression on the input set. We consider a method based on an orthogonal basis (Eigen-ANOVA) and one that uses random vectors (Monte Carlo ANOVA, MC-ANOVA) in the linear span of the output set. Using simulations, we show that the MC-ANOVA method gave nearly unbiased estimates. Estimates produced by Eigen-ANOVA were also nearly unbiased, except when the shared variance was very high (e.g., >0.9). We demonstrate the potential insight that can be obtained from the use of MC-ANOVA and Eigen-ANOVA by applying these two methods to the study of multi-locus linkage disequilibrium in chicken (Gallus gallus) genomes and to the assessment of inter-dependencies between gene expression, methylation, and copy-number-variants in data from breast cancer tumors from humans (Homo sapiens). Our analyses reveal that in chicken breeding populations ~50,000 evenly-spaced SNPs are enough to fully capture the span of whole-genome-sequencing genomes. In the study of multi-omic breast cancer data, we found that the span of copy-number-variants can be fully explained using either methylation or gene expression data and that roughly 74% of the variance in gene expression can be predicted from methylation data