13,555 research outputs found

    The Response of Prices, Sales, and Output to Temporary Changes in Demand

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    We determine empirically how the Big Three automakers accommodate shocks to demand. They have the capability to change prices, alter labor inputs through temporary layoffs and overtime, or adjust inventories. These adjustments are interrelated, non-convex, and dynamic in nature. Combining weekly plant-level data on production schedules and output with monthly data on sales and transaction prices, we estimate a dynamic profit-maximization model of the firm. Using impulse response functions, we demonstrate that when an automaker is hit with a demand shock sales respond immediately, prices respond gradually, and production responds only after a delay. The size of the immediate sales response is linear in the size of the shock, but the delayed production response is non-convex in the size of the shock. For sufficiently large shocks the cumulative production response over the product cycle is an order of magnitude larger than the cumulative price response. We examine two recent demand shocks: the Ford Explorer/Firestone tire recall of 2000, and the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

    The Response of Prices, Sales, and Output to Temporary Changes in Demand

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    We determine empirically how the Big Three automakers accommodate shocks to demand. They have the capability to change prices, alter labor inputs through temporary layoffs and overtime, or adjust inventories. These adjustments are interrelated, non-convex, and dynamic in nature. Combining weekly plant-level data on production schedules and output with monthly data on sales and transaction prices, we estimate a dynamic profit-maximization model of the firm. Using impulse response functions, we demonstrate that when an automaker is hit with a demand shock sales respond immediately, prices respond gradually, and production responds only after a delay. The size of the immediate sales response is linear in the size of the shock, but the delayed production response is non-convex in the size of the shock. For sufficiently large shocks the cumulative production response over the product cycle is an order of magnitude larger than the cumulative price response. We examine two recent demand shocks: the Ford Explorer/Firestone tire recall of 2000, and the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.automobile pricing, inventories, revenue management, indirect inference

    Do macroeconomic variables play any role in the stock market movement in Ghana?

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    This study examines the impact of macroeconomic variables on stock prices. We use the Databank stock index to represent the stock market and (a) inward foreign direct investments, (b) the treasury bill rate (as a measure of interest rates), (c) the consumer price index (as a measure of inflation), (d)Average crude oil prices , and (e) the exchange rate as macroeconomic variables. We analyse quarterly data for the above variables from 1991.1 to 2007.4. employing cointegration test, vector error correction models (VECM). These tests examine both long-run and short-run dynamic relationships between the stock market index and the economic variables. The paper established that there is cointegration between macroeconomic variable and Stock prices in Ghana indicating long run relationship. The VECM analyses shows that the lagged values of interest rate and inflation has a significant influence on the stock market. The inward foreign direct investments, the oil prices , and the exchange rate demonstrate weak influence on price changes. In terms of policy implication, the establishment of lead lag relation indicate that the DSI is not informational efficient with respect to interest rate, inflation inward FDI, Exchange rate and world Oil prices.Stock Market, Cointegration, Toatl derivative, Stock duration, partial differentiation

    Spatial Marketing Patterns for Corn Under the Condition of Increasing Ethanol Production in the U.S.

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    Events external to agriculture have set in motion the conditions for structural change in the marketing of corn in the U.S. These included a rapid increase in the price of crude oil from 40perbarreltoover40 per barrel to over 100 caused by hurricanes, geopolitical events, an increased global demand for energy from countries like China and India, and in December 2007, the U.S. raising the renewable fuel standards. The results of this research show that there could be significant changes in the historical utilization and marketing of corn in the U.S. The change in movement patterns provides one source of visible evidence that a structural change is underway.ethanol, corn, spatial marketing, structural change, crude oil, Agricultural and Food Policy, Marketing, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q10, Q13, Q27,

    Implications of Oil Price Shocks for Monetary Policy in Ghana: A Vector Error Correction Model

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    We estimate a Vector Error Correction Model to explore the long run and short run linkages between the world crude oil price and economic activity in Ghana for the period 1970:1 to 2006:4. The results point out that there is a long run relationship between the variables under consideration. We find that an unexpected oil price increase is followed by an increase in price level and a decline in output in Ghana. We argue that monetary policy has in the past been with the intention of lessening negative growth consequences of oil price shocks, at the cost of higher inflation.Oil price shock, cointegration, vector error correction, impulse response