1,645 research outputs found

    Dayton and the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

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    Even today some people wonder why Dayton, Ohio is called the home of aviation and the mention of McCook, Wright and Patterson fields seems like another mystery. Even the news media before 1910 missed the big story. In Dayton the two sons of Bishop Milton Wright, Wilbur and Orville, bicycle builders and repairmen, thought that they could fly with an engine, and at the same time there was Samuel P. Langley, the head of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C., doing the same thing. The Dayton boys corresponded with everyone they thought would have some experience with flying. Octave Chanute in Indiana, Otto Lilienthal the German glider expert who made many flights before he was killed in 1896, and his understudy Percy Pilcher in England, wrote to the Wrights. By trial and error they found that the air flow charts which Lilienthal was using and which he shared with them, were wrong. They learned that by using elevators and stabilizers they could avoid shifting the weight of the operator\u27s body, and many other things. Since they could find no gasoline engine to fit their needs they had to build their own. Any bicycle enthusiast viewing the Wright Flyer will notice how they used the sprocket chains from bicycles to carry power from the motor to the propeller. Aside from an understanding father and an energetic sister, there did not seem to be many in the Wright hometown who had confidence in Wilbur and Orville. According to tradition, another Dayton boy, John Hertz, a friend with ideas, foresaw the time when rented cars would replace livery stables, and Mr. Hertz suggested that the Wrights should do something useful like building an automobile, while he may have thought that his own son must have been in the sun too long

    Some Approaches to Anguish in Pre-1950 French Literature

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    Brother George J. McKenzie, S.M., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Languages and has translated Jean-Yves Calvez\u27s L\u27Eglise et Societe economique, published by Henry Regnery under the title of The Social Thought of John XXIII. Specializing in the translation of Roman Documents of the Society of Mary, he is the official translator for the Marianist American Provinces

    Biopolymer Surfactant Interactions

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    ABSTRAK Keuangan Daerah adalah semua hak dan kewajiban Daerah yang dapat dinilai dengan uang serta segala sesuatu berupa uang dan barang yang berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan hak dan kewajiban Daerah. Semangat desentralisasi yang melimpahkan kewenangan pengelolaan keuangan kepada pemerintah daerah,  khususnya tingkat kota atau kabupaten membuat daerah mencari cara mendapatkan pendapatan daerah yang sah untuk mendukung program pembangunan dalam bentuk Infrastruktur untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat, di tengah gencarnya program pembangunan perekonomian di berbagai sektor, sehingga berimplikasi kepada pembangunan yang berkelanjutan dan berdampak luas pada penambahan pendapatan masyarakat sehingga pertumbuhan ekonomi meningkat secara positif . Perangkat Daerah yang terkait di dalam proses penerimaan daerah di pacu untuk meningkatkan peluang penerimaan daerah dari semua sektor pendapatan daerah. dengan paradigma pembangunan berkelanjutan (sustainable development) yang harus diimplementasikan oleh pemerintah daerah. Fakta empiris (empirical evidents) menunjukkan penerapan otonomi  daerah  memberi keleluasaan kepada daerah untuk  mendapatkan sumber sumber pendapatan yang sah seperti pajak dalam bentuk Dana Bagi Hasil baik dari Pemerintah Pusat maupun Pemerintah Provinsi dan retribusi daerah dengan luasnya kewenangan pemerintah daerah. Kata kunci : Dana Bagi Hasil, Infrastruktur dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi                                                                       ABSTRACT                                                               Regional Finance is all Regional rights and obligations that can be valued with money and everything in the form of money and goods related to the implementation of the rights and obligations of the Region. The spirit of decentralization that delegated financial management authority to local governments, especially at the city or district level, made the regions look for ways to obtain legitimate regional revenues to support development programs in the form of infrastructure to improve community welfare amid the intense economic development programs in various sectors, thus implicating development sustainable and have a broad impact on increasing community income so that economic growth increases positively. Regional Apparatus that is related to the process of regional revenue is encouraged to increase the opportunities for regional revenues from all regional income sectors. with a sustainable development paradigm that must be implemented by the regional government. Empirical evidence shows the application of regional autonomy which gives freedom to the regions to obtain legitimate sources of income such as taxes in the form of Revenue Sharing Funds from both the Central and Provincial Governments and regional retributions with the broad authority of the regional government. Keywords: Revenue Sharing Funds, Infrastructure and Economic Growt


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    ABSTRAKPembangunan nasional bertujuan untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang adil dan makmur melalui peningkatan taraf hidup, kecerdasan dan kesejahteraan seluruh rakyat. Dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan nasional tersebut tidak terlepas oleh adanya pembangunan daerah. Sehingga dalam proses memperlancar pembangunan nasional diperlukan anggaran dari pemerintah negara yang diperoleh dari pemungutan pajak daerah. Untuk itulah pemerintah terus berupaya menggali setiap potensi yang bisa digunakan untuk meningkatkan dan mengoptimalkan penerimaan daerah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis jumlah penduduk, PDRB dan inflasi terhadap pajak daerah. Penelitian ini mengguakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian Jumlah penduduk berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap penerimaan pajak daerah. PDRB berpengaruh positif terhadap penerimaan pajak daerah. Inflasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap penerimaan pajak daerah. Kata Kunci    : Jumlah Penduduk, PDRB, Inflasi dan Pajak Daerah ABSTRACTNational development aims to create a just and prosperous society through the improvement of standard of living, intelligence and prosperity of all people. In the implementation of national development is not separated by the existence of regional development. So in the process of expediting the national development required the budget of the state government obtained from the collection of local taxes. For this reason the government continues to explore every potential that can be used to improve and optimize local revenue. The purpose of this study to analyze the population, GRDP and inflation of local taxes. This research uses multiple regression analysis. Result of research Number of population have positive and significant effect to local tax revenue. PDRB has a positive effect on local tax revenue. Inflation has a positive and significant impact on local tax revenues. Keywords: Total Population, GRDP, Inflation and Local Taxe

    A systematic study of real estate core funds : herd behavior and performance attribution analysis

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    Thesis (S.M. in Real Estate Development)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, Center for Real Estate, 2005 [first author]; and, (S.M. in Real Estate Development)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, Center for Real Estate, 2005 [second author].This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 57-58).The returns and portfolio characteristics of core funds were tested for evidence of herd behavior and performance relative to the NCREIF Property Index (NPI), using a proprietary database that included data from 1985 to 2004. Tests performed include descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and attribution analysis. Results indicate that herd behavior tends to be somewhat correlated with the NPI return. Through our disaggregate (fund specific) analysis, we find that herd behavior, where managers base investment decisions on the collective actions of the market rather than their individual beliefs, may be present in the core fund industry. Regression analysis suggests that herding appears to be positively correlated with fund size and negatively correlated to leverage, fees, and persistence from the one-year lag of the deviation from the mean. Performance analysis results indicate that although fund leverage has increased significantly over time, the use of debt has produced little or no additional return to investors. We found that across funds, net returns to real estate fall short of the NPI, and that across time, there is a negative correlation between the performance of the index and fund performance relative to the index.(cont.) Attribution analysis revealed that property selection returns have produced the greatest amount of return deviation from the NPI over time, and that selection and strategy returns are negatively correlated. Regression analysis suggests there is persistence in fund performance in the short term, that a fund's fee is positively correlated with gross returns, although that does not necessarily translate into higher returns to the investor, and that larger funds are negatively correlated with performance.by Valerie Kwong and George Ryan Robison.S.M.in Real Estate Developmen

    Water Pot

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    Song about making ourselves empty so God can fill u

    The Holy City

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    The Church as the bride of Chris

    The Spirit and the Bride

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    Based on Revelation 22:17 Link to Revelation 2