4,413 research outputs found

    The group therapy process and its effectiveness with chronic schizophrenic patients as a function of the role of the leader.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityA survey of the literature shows that group psychotherapy with the psychoses, since its inception thirty-five years ago, has assumed a position of major importance as a method of treatment. Despite the widespread use of group therapy, research has not kept pace with the clinical use of this technique. The need for experimentation in this area is recognized. There is general agreement on many fundamental issues that require empirical investigation. In accordance with this consensus regarding the need for basic research, it seemed possible to investigate the following three problems: (l) the effectiveness of group psychotherapy; (2) the relative effectiveness of two different therapeutic approaches; and (3) the influence of the role of the leader upon the group process. The focus in this study of group therapy was on the development of interaction as it is related to the style of leadership

    Housing in Model Cities

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    On Textual Criticism and Editing

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    Chemistry And Geochemistry Of The Rare Earth Element Phosphates

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    The REE (rare earth element) phosphates are known to be very insoluble, and thus have potential importance in the immobilization of REE in nuclear waste forms and in ocean environments. The hydrous REE phosphates were synthesized with rhabdophane (light REE) and xenotime (heavy REE) structures from dilute nitric acid at or below 100{dollar}\sp\circ{dollar}C, using the acid hydrolysis of the respective REE-pyrophosphate (P{dollar}\sb 2{dollar}O{dollar}\sb 7\sp{lcub}4-{rcub}{dollar}), over a period of 4 to 6 weeks. These derivatives for several REE were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), powder x-ray diffraction (XRD), differential analysis (DTA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The DyPO{dollar}\sb 4\cdot{dollar}xH{dollar}\sb 2{dollar}O derivative was shown to be dimorphic. The behaviour of a specimen of natural rhabdophane (Idaho, U.S.A.), was consistent with its chemical composition, as determined by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS).;Solubility products of several hydrous REE phosphates were measured using spectrophotometry and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). The pK values (plus or minus 0.2), were found to be La = 24.5 (25{dollar}\sp\circ{dollar}C), Pr = 26.0 (100{dollar}\sp\circ{dollar}), Nd = 24.7 (25{dollar}\sp\circ{dollar}), Sm = 25.7 (25{dollar}\sp\circ{dollar}), Ho = 24.6 (25{dollar}\sp\circ{dollar}) and Er = 25.2 (25{dollar}\sp\circ{dollar}). The solubilities were predicted to decrease with increasing temperature. The hydrous REE phosphates dissolve in dilute acid with first order, reversible kinetics, with equilibrium achieved in 40 days. Seawater REE concentrations were predicted to be on the order of 1-200 pmol/L, the same range measured by other workers.;Anhydrous REE phosphate single crystals, (L. A. Boatner, ORNL) and natural monazite (Petaca district, New Mexico), were found to dissolve much more slowly, so that solubility products could not be determined.;Surface exchange reactions of hydrous and anhydrous phosphates were found to be slow but measurable, (reaction times were several months)

    Noise spectrum of photographic emulsions

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston UniversityIt is the purpose of this thesis to measure the energy spectrum, referred to in this thesis as the noise spectrum, of the granularity of photographic emulsions. This was accomplished by using an optical diffraction device as a spatial spectrum analyzer. A uniformly exposed developed emulsion is illuminated by a plane wave, and the diffraction pattern obtained gives the grain energy distribution; i. e., the noise spectrum, as a function of spatial frequency. The analyzer is composed of a point source which coherently illuminates a uniformly exposed developed emulsion in the aperture of a positive lens, with monochromatic light, and a device for photographing the diffraction pattern at the Fraunhofer plane. The targets were chosen so as to cover the films commercially available and also obtain data on coarse, medium and fine grain emulsions. These films were Royal X Pan, Super XX and Micro-File (5402). Three uniform average densities of 0.28, 1. 00, and 1. 76 of each film type were used. These targets were placed in the target plane (lens aperture) and a picture of the diffraction pattern was taken by placing a sheet of Royal Pan film in the Fraunhofer plane. A picture was taken of the diffraction pattern of each of the nine targets. These pictures were then reduced to density vs. distance traces then converted to energy distribution curves. Some inherent reflected and stray light was discovered present in the analyzer. This reflected and stray light was caused by lens surface reflections and low quality lens surfaces. The energy spectrum of the granularity noise was reduced by the amount of this inherent reflected and stray light which was transmitted through the target. A historical development of previous work done on the problem is presented in two parts, the earlier approaches, and the later application of Communication Theory to this problem. Then the new approaches to the problem developed as a result of this Communication Theory outlook on optics are discussed. The analytical considerations of the Fourier approach to the problem used in this thesis are also discussed. The results of this investigation indicated that the fine grain emulsion had a narrow noise spectrum as compared to the coarse grain emulsion. This proved to be in direct opposition to theory. The theory is presented in the appendix. It was finally concluded that the approach used in this case is invalid because the inter-reflections between the multiple grain layers in the emulsion destroy the true diffraction pattern. A means of verifying this conclusion is also presented

    The adsorption of vinyl chloride and vinylidene chloride monomers on their polymers

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    Following semi-quantitative investigations of the kinetics and equilibria of:- (a) Vinyl chloride monomer vapour adsorbed on polyvinyl chloride; (b) Vinylidene chloride monomer vapour adsorbed on polyvinyl chloride; (c) Vinylidene chloride monomer vapour adsorbed on polyvinylidene chloride; it became evident that, for a number of reasons detailed in the text, it would be worthwhile to study system (a) in detail. Thorough investigations were therefore made at the two temperatures, 25⁰ C and 42.6⁰ C, and in the pressure range 20 torr to 600 torr, with the following results: (i) Attainment of equilibrium, especially at the higher pressures, was very slow and as a result only approximate isotherms could be obtained. These isotherms were shown to exhibit hysteresis. Comparison of the amount of monomer adsorbed at the higher pressures within the above limits, with the amount of krypton required to cover the surface with a monolayer, indicated that multimolecular adsorption occurred. The ascending branches of the isotherms appeared to obey the Freundlich isotherm and the approximate isosteric heats of adsorption calculated from the equilibrium data fell off linearly as the logarithm of the amount of monomer adsorbed increased; as would be expected if the Freundlich isotherm were obeyed. The values of the heats of adsorption found were such that comparison between them and the latent heat of vapourisation of the monomer made it difficult to decide whether the first layer on the surface was chemisorbed or physically adsorbed. (ii) The kinetic data showed that there was always an initial instantaneous adsorption which was reversible towards pressure, followed by a very much slower uptake of monomer. The kinetics of the slow uptake of monomer was studied, at the two temperatures, under both constant pressure and constant volume conditions and was shown to consist of two processes

    Cup products in the etale cohomology of number fields

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    This paper concerns cup product pairings in \'etale cohomology related to work of M. Kim and of W. McCallum and R. Sharifi. We will show that by considering Ext groups rather than cohomology groups, one arrives at a pairing which combines invariants defined by Kim with a pairing defined by McCallum and Sharifi. We also prove a formula for Kim's invariant in terms of Artin maps in the case of cyclic unramified Kummer extensions. One consequence is that for all n>1n > 1, there are infinitely many number fields FF over which there are both trivial and non-trivial Kim invariants associated to cyclic groups of order nn.Comment: 21 pages; in version 3 we changed the title of the paper and we restructured the pape

    Timing and Quality Mean More Egg Dollars

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    You may be able to boost your annual egg receipts by about 10 cents a dozen at present price levels by making a few changes in the practices on your farm. In many instances you can make thtese changes with little or no cash outlay