89 research outputs found

    On graph-like continua of finite length

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    We extend the notion of effective resistance to metric spaces that are similar to graphs but can also be similar to fractals. Combined with other basic facts proved in the paper, this lays the ground for a construction of Brownian Motion on such spaces completed in [10]

    On planar Cayley graphs and Kleinian groups

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    Let GG be a finitely generated group acting faithfully and properly discontinuously by homeomorphisms on a planar surface XβŠ†S2X \subseteq \mathbb{S}^2. We prove that GG admits such an action that is in addition co-compact, provided we can replace XX by another surface YβŠ†S2Y \subseteq \mathbb{S}^2. We also prove that if a group HH has a finitely generated Cayley (multi-)graph CC covariantly embeddable in S2\mathbb{S}^2, then CC can be chosen so as to have no infinite path on the boundary of a face. The proofs of these facts are intertwined, and the classes of groups they define coincide. In the orientation-preserving case they are exactly the (isomorphism types of) finitely generated Kleinian function groups. We construct a finitely generated planar Cayley graph whose group is not in this class. In passing, we observe that the Freudenthal compactification of every planar surface is homeomorphic to the sphere

    Lamplighter graphs do not admit harmonic functions of finite energy

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    We prove that a lamplighter graph of a locally finite graph over a finite graph does not admit a non-constant harmonic function of finite Dirichlet energy

    The planar Cayley graphs are effectively enumerable I: consistently planar graphs

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    We obtain an effective enumeration of the family of finitely generated groups admitting a faithful, properly discontinuous action on some 2-manifold contained in the sphere. This is achieved by introducing a type of group presentation capturing exactly these groups. Extending this in a companion paper, we find group presentations capturing the planar finitely generated Cayley graphs. Thus we obtain an effective enumeration of these Cayley graphs, yielding in particular an affirmative answer to a question of Droms et al.Comment: To appear in Combinatorica. The second half of the previous version is arXiv:1901.0034
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