87 research outputs found

    Landau Effective Interaction between Quasiparticles in a Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    Landau's description of the excitations in a macroscopic system in terms of quasiparticles stands out as one of the highlights in quantum physics. It provides an accurate description of otherwise prohibitively complex many-body systems, and has led to the development of several key technologies. In this paper, we investigate theoretically the Landau effective interaction between quasiparticles, so-called Bose polarons, formed by impurity particles immersed in a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). In the limit of weak interactions between the impurities and the BEC, we derive rigorous results for the effective interaction. They show that it can be strong even for weak impurity-boson interaction, if the transferred momentum/energy between the quasiparticles is resonant with a sound mode in the BEC. We then develop a diagrammatic scheme to calculate the effective interaction for arbitrary coupling strengths, which recovers the correct weak coupling results. Using this, we show that the Landau effective interaction in general is significantly stronger than that between quasiparticles in a Fermi gas, mainly because a BEC is more compressible than a Fermi gas. The interaction is particularly large near the unitarity limit of the impurity-boson scattering, or when the quasiparticle momentum is close to the threshold for momentum relaxation in the BEC. Finally, we show how the Landau effective interaction leads to a sizeable shift of the quasiparticle energy with increasing impurity concentration, which should be detectable with present day experimental techniques.Comment: 12 page

    Polarons, Dressed Molecules, and Itinerant Ferromagnetism in ultracold Fermi gases

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    In this review, we discuss the properties of a few impurity atoms immersed in a gas of ultracold fermions, the so-called Fermi polaron problem. On one side, this many-body system is appealing because it can be described almost exactly with simple diagrammatic and/or variational theoretical approaches. On the other, it provides quantitatively reliable insight into the phase diagram of strongly interacting population imbalanced quantum mixtures. In particular, we show that the polaron problem can be applied to study itinerant ferromagnetism, a long standing problem in quantum mechanics.Comment: Review paper; published version, 48 pages and 23 figure
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