15 research outputs found

    Towards a full solution of the large N double-scaled SYK model

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    We compute the exact, all energy scale, 4-point function of the large NN double-scaled SYK model, by using only combinatorial tools and relating the correlation functions to sums over chord diagrams. We apply the result to obtain corrections to the maximal Lyapunov exponent at low temperatures. We present the rules for the non-perturbative diagrammatic description of correlation functions of the entire model. The latter indicate that the model can be solved by a reduction of a quantum deformation of SL(2)(2), that generalizes the Schwarzian to the complete range of energies.Comment: 52+28 pages, 14 figures; v2: references revised, typos corrected, changed normalization of SL(2)_q 6j symbo

    Les bolcheviks au Guilan

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    L’arrivée des bolcheviks au nord de la Perse et le renversement du gouvernement de Koutchek Khan, en juin et juillet 1920, comptent parmi les épisodes les plus dramatiques de la révolution au Guilan de 1920-1921. L’envoi d’une escadre rouge dans le port caspien d’Anzali et l’évacuation de la garnison britannique de Rasht, capitale de la province du Guilan, avaient abouti, dans un premier temps, à la proclamation, le 4 juin 1920, de la « République soviétique de Perse » avec à sa tête le chef des partisans nationalistes djangali, Mirza Koutchek Khan. Moscou avait l’intention d’installer un gouvernement de « type soviétique » mais sans imposer de révolution sociale car elle voulait éviter que les djangali ne se retirent du combat pour la libération nationale. Ainsi, en apportant son soutien à cette révolution, le gouvernement de la RSFSR, cherchait moins à soviétiser l’empire du shah qu’à exercer, en agitant la menace de l’« expansion rouge » en Asie, une pression sur le gouvernement britannique afin d’aboutir à un « marchandage diplomatique » entre Moscou et Londres. Il s’agissait d’obtenir des Anglais la levée du blocus économique de la RSFSR en échange de l’arrêt de l’offensive russe en Orient. Toutefois, les communistes locaux étaient opposés à cette « soviétisation de façade » et ils fomentèrent un complot contre le « démocrate bourgeois » Koutchek Khan. Ils réussirent à renverser son gouvernement et à le remplacer par un Revkom fantoche qui tenta de mettre en place une politique d’expropriation des terres. Seul le renfort en troupes russes et azerbaïdjanaises permit à ce Revkom de se maintenir, pour un temps, au pouvoir. L’occupation de fait du Guilan, l’hostilité de la population et les défaites sur le front obligèrent Moscou à entamer des pourparlers avec le gouvernement du shah. Ils conduisirent à l’accord soviéto-perse du 26 février 1921, à l’évacuation des troupes russes et à la fin de la république du Guilan.The Bolsheviks in Gilan: the overthrow of Kuchek Khan’s government. – The Bolsheviks’ arrival in northern Persia and the overthrow of Kuchek Khan’s government in June and July 1920 are among the most dramatic episodes of the Gilan revolution of 1920-1921. First, the stationing of a red squadron in the Caspian sea port of Anzali together with the evacuation of the British garrison from Rasht, the capital of the Gilan province, had led to the proclamation on June 14, 1920 of the “Soviet Republic of Persia,” whose head was Mirza Kuchek Khan, the leader of the Jangali nationalist partisans group. Moscow’s intention was to set up a “Soviet-type” government without imposing a social revolution because it wanted to avoid the Jangalis’ withdrawal from the struggle for national liberation. Thus, by supporting this revolution, the government of the RSFSR was seeking less a sovietization of the shah’s empire than a way of pressuring the British government with the threat of a “red expansion” in Asia in order to bring Moscow and London to the negotiating table. At stake was the raising of the British embargo on the RSFSR in exchange for the cessation of the Russian offensive in the East. However, local communists opposed this “façade Sovietization” and fomented a plot against the “bourgeois democrat” Kuchek Khan. They successfully overthrew his government and replaced it with a puppet Revkom which attempted to set up a land expropriation policy. This Revkom was able temporarily to remain in power thanks only to reinforcements in Russian and Azerbaijanian troops. The de facto occupation of Gilan, the population’s hostility as well as a series of defeats on the front obliged Moscow to start negotiations with the shah’s government. These negotiations led to the Soviet-Persian agreement of February 26, 1921, the evacuation of Russian troops, and the end of the Gilan Republic

    Videoconference teaching for applied engineering technology students

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    Presented at the 2006 Annual ASEE Conference, June 21, 2006 - Chicago, Illinois.The development of a fully-interactive videoconference teaching facility for Applied Engineering Technology (AET) students is described in this work. This facility will provide greater program delivery flexibility by offering a non-traditional educational approach that expands student’s horizons. The new facility will allow all AET students at Drexel, as well as students at remote locations, to participate in the same educational and training process. By expanding training opportunities to students who might not otherwise take advantage of them, due to distance and time, this facility helps reduce the shortage of trained specialists in applied electrical, mechanical, and manufacturing technology. The videoconference teaching courses will be designed for undergraduate AET students and may also be taken by other undergraduate/graduate students at Drexel or by the students of other universities and community colleges who have fulfilled the necessary prerequisites and desire to pursue a BS degree in AET. The inter-institutional class sessions will be carried out utilizing Internet II-based access to high-end video and test equipment of Drexel’s AET electrical, electronics, and manufacturing laboratories. Through remote operation, expensive equipment of the AET laboratories, such as the electronics laboratory, nondestructive evaluation of materials laboratory, and web-enabled robotic assembly station, will be accessible to institutions that cannot afford the equipment directly and which do not have faculty with the expertise and training in these specific AET areas

    Library experience for applied engineering technology students

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    Bhatt, Jay, Genis, Vladimir and Roberts, Joshua. (2006). Library Experience for Applied Engineering Technology Students. In Proceedings American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago, Illinois (US).The full-time Applied Engineering Technology Program at Goodwin College of Drexel University was launched two years ago. This program clearly distinguishes itself from traditional engineering programs. The curriculum places emphasis on the application of theory rather than on derivations and proofs. The majority of courses are fully integrated with training and laboratory experience, extensive use of software and industrial case studies. The information literacy of students plays an important role in the education process. The primary goal of an academic library is to support the curriculum and provide a more successful library experience for students. The communication between the librarian with liaison responsibilities and the academic program is described in this work. During the class-session of the Introduction to Applied Engineering Technology Course, the librarian introduces students to library resources including databases and electronic products, services, programs and policies, as well as to proper communication links between the library and the various colleges and schools. The information skills learned during the process contribute to life-long learning among the students in this program. Several activities such as research skills workshops, informal consultations, electronic reference and virtual chat, and informal mentoring are used to provide informative library experiences to the students. The role of the communication and collaboration among the faculty and the librarian to develop the content for the library skills workshops and assignments to assess the information skills learned are considered crucial for providing enriching library experience. The core information skills that will enhance the knowledge fundamentals form the central theme of this collaboration between the faculty, students, and librarians

    Les bolcheviks au Guilan [La chute du gouvernement de Koutchek Khan]

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    Vladimir L. Genis. The Bolsheviks in Gilan: the overthrow of Kuchek Khan' s government. The Bolsheviks' arrival in northern Persia and the overthrow of Kuchek Khan's government in June and July 1920 are among the most dramatic episodes of the Gilan revolution of 1920-1921. First, the stationing of a red squadron in the Caspian sea port of Anzali together with the evacuation of the British garrison from Rasht, the capital of the Gilan province, had led to the proclamation on June 14, 1920 of the "Soviet Republic of Persia," whose head was Mirza Kuchek Khan, the leader of the Jangali nationalist partisans group. Moscow's intention was to set up a "Soviet-type" government without imposing a social revolution because it wanted to avoid the Jangalis' withdrawal from the struggle for national liberation. Thus, by supporting this revolution, the government of the RSFSR was seeking less a sovietization of the shah's empire than a way of pressuring the British government with the threat of a "red expansion" in Asia in order to bring Moscow and London to the negotiating table. At stake was the raising of the British embargo on the RSFSR in exchange for the cessation of the Russian offensive in the East. However, local communists opposed this "façade Sovietization" and fomented a plot against the "bourgeois democrat" Kuchek Khan. They successfully overthrew his government and replaced it with a puppet Re v kom which attempted to set up a land expropriation policy. This Revkom was able temporarily to remain in power thanks only to reinforcements in Russian and Azerbaijanian troops. The de facto occupation of Gilan, the population's hostility as well as a series of defeats on the front obliged Moscow to start negotiations with the shah's government. These negotiations led to the Soviet-Persian agreement of February 26, 1921, the evacuation of Russian troops, and the end of the Gilan Republic.Vladimir L. Genis. Les bolcheviks au Guilan. La chute du gouvernement de Koutchek Khan (juin-juillet 1920). L'arrivée des bolcheviks au nord de la Perse et le renversement du gouvernement de Koutchek Khan, en juin et juillet 1920, comptent parmi les épisodes les plus dramatiques de la révolution au Guilan de 1920-1921. L'envoi d'une escadre rouge dans le port caspien d'Anzali et l'évacuation de la garnison britannique de Rasht, capitale de la province du Guilan, avaient abouti, dans un premier temps, à la proclamation, le 4 juin 1920, de la « République soviétique de Perse » avec à sa tête le chef des partisans nationalistes djangali, Mirza Koutchek Khan. Moscou avait l'intention d'installer un gouvernement de « type soviétique » mais sans imposer de révolution sociale car elle voulait éviter que les djangali ne se retirent du combat pour la libération nationale. Ainsi, en apportant son soutien à cette révolution, le gouvernement de la RSFSR, cherchait moins à soviétiser l'empire du shah qu'à exercer, en agitant la menace de « l'expansion rouge » en Asie, une pression sur le gouvernement britannique afin d'aboutir à un « marchandage diplomatique » entre Moscou et Londres. Il s'agissait d'obtenir des Anglais la levée du blocus économique de la RSFSR en échange de l'arrêt de l'offensive russe en Orient. Toutefois, les communistes locaux étaient opposés à cette « soviétisation de façade » et ils fomentèrent un complot contre le « démocrate bourgeois » Koutchek Khan. Ils réussirent à renverser son gouvernement et à le remplacer par un Revkom fantoche qui tenta de mettre en place une politique d'expropriation des terres. Seul le renfort en troupes russes et azerbaïdjanaises permit à ce Revkom de se maintenir, pour un temps, au pouvoir. L'occupation de fait du Guilan, l'hostilité de la population et les défaites sur le front obligèrent Moscou à entamer des pourparlers avec le gouvernement du shah. Ils conduisirent à l'accord soviéto-perse du 26 février 1921, à l'évacuation des troupes russes et à la fin de la République du Guilan.Genis Vladimir L., Pichon-Bobrinskoy Olga. Les bolcheviks au Guilan [La chute du gouvernement de Koutchek Khan]. In: Cahiers du monde russe : Russie, Empire russe, Union soviétique, États indépendants, vol. 40, n°3, Juillet-septembre 1999. pp. 459-495

    Enhancing graduate online programs by using digital library services

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    Genis, Vladimir, Bhatt, Jay, and Woodson, Shawn. (2012). Enhancing graduate online programs by using digital library services. In Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas (US).The Master of Science in Engineering Technology (MSET) program was developed at Drexel University to provide a graduate level educational opportunity on a full- or part-time basis. The program is designed to be extremely flexible; it permits the student to select a combination of courses relevant to individual career goals in technology or to provide the foundation for further advanced study. The multidisciplinary curriculum includes core courses and electives in such areas as rapid prototyping, programmable devices and systems, modern energy conversion technologies, lean manufacturing principles, project management, to name a few. The program is currently available entirely online and several of the courses employ web-based laboratory exercises. Through collaboration with Drexel University Libraries, online instructional sessions are planned, designed, and executed. These include: developing quality information seeking and research skills, keeping current with new research, and efficient management of quality references. With technologies available such as Web Conferencing, Chat Reference or Instant Messaging, Email Reference, Course Management System Integration, Blogs, Text Messaging and Telephone service, distance learners receive necessary assistance needed for their projects and assignments through virtual environments. This also helps them discover a variety of information resources available through the Libraries’ website which otherwise they would not have known since they do not come to campus. The information skills learned during the process contribute to life-long learning among the students in this new online program. Assessments mechanisms are envisioned to measure students acquired information skills

    Enhancing Creative Strengths in Engineering Technology Students Through Curriculum and Pedagogy Modification

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    Abstract The paper addresses an early investigation of how engineering and engineering technology students develop and communicate novel, relevant, and creative ideas in selected coursework. A specific goal is to trace how this creative thinking process manifests in their senior design projects, the capstone of the student's educational experience as well as the first step into their careers. The extent to which engineering students' creativity is enhanced as they proceed through creativity infused pedagogy in their electrical and computer engineering (ECE) and engineering technology (ET) courses is assessed. In addition, results of the interaction between learning and instruction as a function of the creativity infused curriculum and pedagogy of ECE and ET faculty and their students as displayed in senior design projects will be evaluated. Specifically, how do the instructors modify their instructional approaches to facilitate creative thinking and behavior in students and in turn, how do engineering students' creative strengths enhance the quality of their senior design projects. Project Description & Goals To address the current demand for creative students, this project aims to assist electrical and computer engineering and engineering technology students and faculty in building a strong and confident orientation towards generating and implementing new ideas in engineering and engineering technology courses related to successful outcomes. Through a new interdisciplinary research collaboration between faculty in engineering, engineering technology, psychology and education, we plan to address the need for understanding how engineering students develop ways of deriving novel ideas and communicating these ideas in the context of the classroom and trace how their creativity manifests in their senior design projects. The goal of this project is to study the extent to which engineering and engineering technology students' creativity is enhanced as they proceed through electrical and computer engineering (ECE) and engineering technology (ET) programs, how ECE and ET faculty modify their instructional approaches to facilitate creative thinking and behavior demonstrated in students and in turn, how engineering students' creative strengths enhance the quality of their senior design projects. This two-year pilot study will assess the development of the creative abilities of approximately 70 electrical and computer engineering and engineering technology students as they progress from junior to senior years in their respective programs. Two measures will be administered to all the students: the Reisman Diagnostic Creativity Assessment (RDCA) will be given to students before and after their courses (some of which will embed faculty creativity training) and the Torrance Tests for Creative Thinking (TTCT) will be given to a random sample of these students as a measure of concurrent validity. To complement these creativity assessments, a smaller sample of approximately 15 engineering technology students will take an Experience Session ETD 351 Proceedings of the 2012 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2012, American Society for Engineering Education Sampling Methodology (ESM) Mobile App Survey reporting their mood states while completing creative problem solving tasks in the classroom. This survey will help pinpoint students' levels of positive and negative mood, intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy [perceived ability], and cognitive engagement with the type of engineering task. The students will use iTouch and iPhone devices to take the ESM Mobile App Survey. Each student will take approximately five surveys a week for 20 weeks over the course of two years, generating possibly 1500 responses, which can be viewed by faculty in real-time. In the ECES study, we will participate as instructors of the ECEE 304, ECES 352 and ET courses MHT 314, MHT 401, and MHT 421-423. Based on the students' TTCT, RDCA scores and ESM Mobile App Survey Responses, the instructors will receive training conducted by the project evaluator to enhance certain areas of creative thinking and behavior in their students, such as fluency and flexibility in thinking. As a result of the training and development, and the data collection and analysis, it is anticipated that faculty will make positive changes in their pedagogy, report on the development of student creativity, and disseminate new curriculum to other engineering and education faculty and students at Drexel University and other universities through websites, presentations and publications