57 research outputs found

    Time-dependent quantum transport and power-law decay of the transient current in a nano-relay and nano-oscillator

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    Time-dependent nonequilibrium Green's functions are used to study electron transport properties in a device consisting of two linear chain leads and a time-dependent interleads coupling that is switched on non-adiabatically. We derive a numerically exact expression for the particle current and examine its characteristics as it evolves in time from the transient regime to the long-time steady-state regime. We find that just after switch-on the current initially overshoots the expected long-time steady-state value, oscillates and decays as a power law, and eventually settles to a steady-state value consistent with the value calculated using the Landauer formula. The power-law parameters depend on the values of the applied bias voltage, the strength of the couplings, and the speed of the switch-on. In particular, the oscillating transient current decays away longer for lower bias voltages. Furthermore, the power-law decay nature of the current suggests an equivalent series resistor-inductor-capacitor circuit wherein all of the components have time-dependent properties. Such dynamical resistive, inductive, and capacitive influences are generic in nano-circuites where dynamical switches are incorporated. We also examine the characteristics of the dynamical current in a nano-oscillator modeled by introducing a sinusoidally modulated interleads coupling between the two leads. We find that the current does not strictly follow the sinusoidal form of the coupling. In particular, the maximum current does not occur during times when the leads are exactly aligned. Instead, the times when the maximum current occurs depend on the values of the bias potential, nearest-neighbor coupling, and the interleads coupling.Comment: version accepted for publication in JA

    Ultrafast and low-energy switching in voltage-controlled elliptical pMTJ

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    Switching magnetization in a perpendicular magnetic tunnel junction (pMTJ) via voltage controlled magnetic anisotropy (VCMA) has shown the potential to markedly reduce the switching energy. However, the requirement of an external magnetic field poses a critical bottleneck for its practical applications. In this work, we propose an elliptical-shaped pMTJ to eliminate the requirement of providing an external field by an additional circuit. We demonstrate that a 10 nm thick in-plane magnetized bias layer (BL) separated by a metallic spacer of 3 nm from the free layer (FL) can be engineered within the MTJ stack to provide the 50 mT bias magnetic field for switching. By conducting macrospin simulation, we find that a fast switching in 0.38 ns with energy consumption as low as 0.3 fJ at a voltage of 1.6 V can be achieved. Furthermore, we study the phase diagram of switching probability, showing that a pulse duration margin of 0.15 ns is obtained and a low-voltage operation (~ 1 V) is favored. Finally, the MTJ scalability is considered, and it is found that scaling-down may not be appealing in terms of both the energy consumption and the switching time for the precession based VCMA switching.Comment: There are 28 pages and 5 figure

    Spin-wave mediated interactions for Majority Computation using Skyrmions and Spin-torque Nano-oscillators

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    Recent progress in all-electrical nucleation, detection and manipulation of magnetic skyrmions has unlocked the tremendous potential of skyrmion-based spintronic devices. Here, we show via micromagnetic simulations that the stable magnetic oscillations of STNO radiate spin waves (SWs) that can be scattered in the presence of skyrmions in the near vicinity. Interference between SWs emitted by the STNO and SWs scattered by the skyrmion gives rise to interesting dynamics that leads to amplification or attenuation of STNO's magnetic oscillations. In the presence of strong Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI), the amplified magnetic oscillations evolve into a new skyrmion. These interactions between skyrmions and STNOs are found to be identical for both Neel-type and Bloch-type skyrmions, and are not observed between domain walls and STNOs. These findings offer a novel perspective in processing information using single skyrmions and we propose a 3-bit majority gate for logic applications.Comment: Final Versio

    Electric-field-induced Three-terminal pMTJ Switching in the absence of an External Magnetic Field

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    Since it is undesirable to require an external magnetic field for on-chip memory applications, we investigate the use of a Rashba effective field alternatively for assisting the electric-field-induced switching operation of a three terminal perpendicular magnetic tunnel junction (pMTJ). By conducting macro-spin simulation, we show that a pMTJ with thermal stability of 61 can be switched in 0.5 ns consuming a switching energy of 6 fJ, and the voltage operation margin can be improved to 0.8 ns. Furthermore, the results also demonstrate that a heavy metal system that can provide large field-like torque rather than damping-like torque is favored for the switching.Comment: there are 10 pages and 5 figures in this fil