13 research outputs found

    Describing the on-the-job training experiences of bachelor of science in management accounting students

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    This study aims to describe the on-the-job training experiences of BSMA students at Saint Columban College, Pagadian City. A single case study was most appropriate for the research’s proper conduct since this study wants to describe and understand the on-the-job training of BSMA students who experience this program. The findings led the researchers to the conclusion that the research participants described their on-the-job training as a journey of learning, growth, and application of their academic knowledge to the real-world context of accounting and management fields. They expressed a sense of practicality and hands-on learning, emphasizing the transition from theoretical concepts to practical applications. Their narratives show the importance of concrete experiences within their training, followed by reflective observations that allow them to derive meaningful insights. The development of abstract conceptualizations and stage of active experimentation highlights the value of these experiences in shaping their professional skills and development

    Exploring the Experiences of School Information Coordinators (SIC) in the New Normal Education

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    The School Information Coordinators (SIC) ensure efficient communication and information are coordinated and strengthened in their respective schools, especially in the new normal. Despite its successful designation, challenges were experienced in performing their roles, which hampers their effectiveness and functions. This qualitative case study explored the experiences of 12 SIC by interviewing them about their performance of their duties in the new normal education. The School Information Coordinators’ duties and responsibilities in the new normal involve verifying information, facilitating the conduct of information, and helping to address the schools’ issues and concerns. Furthermore, strategies to disseminate information include initiating collaborative efforts, strengthening relationships, being knowledgeable on tasks, and doing technologically inclined practices. Their challenges include poor internet connection and overloading of functions and responsibilities. However, in dealing with these challenges, School Information Coordinators applied resourceful in problem-solving, increasing work efforts, and seeking help and support. School Information Coordinators encountered different challenges, but efforts to overcome challenges were made possible by applying creativity and flexibility to their assigned designation

    Parental Involvement and Academic Performance of Students in Online Class Learning Modality

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    Parental involvement has long been an area of research across the world and is consistently found to have a positive effect on students’ academic performance. The global spread of COVID-19 pandemic, however, has caused disruptions in education systems worldwide including the Philippines, therefore, online education was implemented. During online distance learning, parents’ role in supervising their children’s education was reinforced and appeared to be crucial for some parents. The study used a sample of 49 parents of Grade 12 students at Lala National High School for the academic year 2022-2023. Results indicate a high level of parental involvement in terms of parenting, learning at home, decision making and familiarity with school information. The respondents also showed an outstanding performance during the course of the utilization of the online learning modalities. The study therefore concluded a positive correlation between parental involvement and the academic performance of students

    Describing the significant learnings, challenges, and coping strategies of secondary students in “Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP)” in the normal

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    This study focuses on the tenth-grade students' significant learnings, challenges, and coping mechanisms by investigating their learning experiences in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP)using self-learning modules. The researchers used the qualitative case study method and gathered information through online interviews with the twenty participants who completed their first and second quarters with top grades. The study disclosed the students' significant learnings such as correcting the wrong decision, responsible use of freedom, using the right conscienceandidentifying acts of man and human acts. Students also experienced difficulties learning EsPusing self-learning modules due to a lack of teacher-student interaction and poor time management. However, participants show positivity in coping mechanisms for using internet websites as their learning tool

    Describing the Employer Satisfaction of College of Teacher Education, Arts and Sciences Graduates

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    Higher educational Institutions aim to produce quality graduates. They want their graduates to manifest better skills in their jobs. Thus, this research aimed to gather feedback from employers about the CTEAS alumni. This sequential explanatory research explored the satisfaction of 100 employers with the manifested skills of the College of Teacher Education, Arts, and Sciences (CTEAS) alumni. Through Google Forms, the employers rated the manifested skills of the CTEAS alumni. Based on the results, employers have a high level of satisfaction in terms of the skills of the alumni. They were very satisfied with the manifested foundation, enterprise, technical and knowledge, adaptive, teamwork, employability, and managerial skills. Thus, to sustain in producing fully equipped graduates, the department needs to hone further the foundation and technical and knowledge skills of their graduates

    Walking on Hot Coals: A Phenomenological Study on Dealing with Temptations in the Seminary

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    The seminary life for Catholic seminarians includes aspects of their human, spiritual, academic, and pastoral formation. While staying in the seminary, they may encounter different kinds of temptations that can hinder them from pursuing their priestly vocations. This research explored the diverse temptations diocesan priests experienced when they were still seminarians. This study then explored the diverse ways of managing these temptations for the research participants. Using the transcendental phenomenology design, the researchers interviewed ten priests to explore their experiences on how they dealt with their experienced temptations. After the data analysis, six themes surfaced on temptations: family-related temptations, sexuality, deviation from the seminary structure, the temptation to isolate from the community, the envy of life outside the seminary, and doing things inconsistent with the priestly vocation. To cope with their temptation, they employed strategies such as: cultivating self-discipline, prayer, and reflection, being faithful to the mandates of the priestly vocation, living in the seminary formation process, and adjusting to community life. Thus, the research participants completed their seminary formation and were ordained as Roman Catholic priests

    Exploring the Parents’ Disciplinary Strategies to Promote Children’s Learning Interest

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    Discipline and interest are aspects of parenting that affect children’s behavior and academic performance. This study explores the parents’ disciplinary strategies to promote children’s learning interests. The researchers conducted this study due to society’s issue and observation that elementary pupils have a low interest in learning and manifested inappropriate behaviors inside and outside the classroom. The participants were the ten selected parents with children enrolled in 5th Grade in one of the private Catholic elementary schools in Pagadian City, Philippines. A single case study was utilized. It was found that parents experienced challenges in disciplining their children to promote learning interests due to different kinds of behaviors that the children manifest. The participants identified the following behaviors: Too Much Screen Time in Playing Mobile Games and Being Disrespectful. Despite the challenges they have encountered, they were able to overcome those by implementing positive discipline, offering the problem to God, and effective communication to build good relationships with their children. It is important to be gentle and firm in implementing discipline to promote the learning interest of the pupils. Positive discipline inside the classroom allows the pupils to develop skills of responsibility, resiliency, and proper behavior with the use of positive and negative reinforcements that will motivate them to be interested in learning and excel academically

    Parents’ Motivational Strategies in Modular Learning

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    This qualitative case study explores the parents’ motivational strategies in modular learning of fifteen stay-at-home parents during the school year 2021-2022. Based on the findings, the challenges experienced by parents in motivating their children are difficulty understanding the module contents, managing time, the presence of distractions at home, too much dependence and stubbornness among children, and difficulty retrieving, completing, and submitting the modules. To cope with these challenges, the parents decided to set a schedule, give leisure time, ask for help from more knowledgeable other, and search on the internet to accomplish the modules. In conclusion, the parents’ motivational strategies in modular learning are the giving of rewards, punishment, and words of encouragement. However, despite these strategies, the children are still forced to answer their modules. The researchers suggest that to sustain the children’s learning motivation, parents should consider developing a more active and volitional form of extrinsic motivation

    Time Management Strategies of School Administrators Towards Effective Administration: A Phenomenological Study

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    This qualitative phenomenological study was conducted to determine the school administrators’ time management strategies and how they helped them have effective school administration. The researchers interviewed school administrators of selected elementary schools in the Western Philippines. The study results disclosed that school administrators developed time management strategies such as delegation of authorities, setting clear priorities, managing distraction, making written plans, and setting time tables. These time management strategies were focused on the administrative supervision of the school administrators. These time management strategies could make the school operation smooth and easy and help them accomplish the administrators’ tasks efficiently

    The Roles of Elementary Teachers in Addressing Cultural Indifferences in the Classroom

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    Cultural indifferences among students are rampant, especially in a multicultural classroom. Thus, the teachers become the front liners in addressing these differences inside the classroom. This study aimed to determine the roles of the teachers in solving cultural indifferences inside the classroom. Using the Transcendental phenomenological approach in research, the researchers explored the experiences of eight teachers in Malangas Special Education Center, Poblacion, Malangas, Zamboanga Sibugay, Philippines. These teachers have personally experienced solving cultural indifferences inside their classroom due to having students from diverse tribes. The researchers explored their experiences through one-to-one interviews during their free time in their respective classrooms. Employing the Phenomenological data analysis of Kleiman (2004), the teachers played the roles of adviser, peacemaker, listener, and guidance counselor. These roles helped them address cultural discrimination inside the classroom and establish a peaceful learning environment to facilitate learning effectively and efficiently