100 research outputs found


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    The banking sector is the bedrock of the Nigerian economy, and this industry is known to have contributed in no small measure to the development of the economy. This industry is the enabling hub of national and global payment systems, which facilitates trade transactions within and amongst numerous national, regional and international economic units and by so doing; it enhances commerce, industry and exchange. In performing these various functions in the enabling environment provided by the government through various fiscal, and monetary policies and reforms, this industry has been experiencing a phenomenal distress whereby the banking institutions could not meet their financial obligations to their customers and stakeholders, which led to the liquidation of many banking institutions, lost of deposits by depositors, lost of investments by many investors and the crisis of confidence by the general public. Various researchers and bodies including the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) have done some works to solve this problem. The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has introduced various reforms, yet this problem persists. The objective of this work is to evaluate financial strategy as determinant for sustainable performance growth and an antidote to distress in the Nigerian banking industry. The research method is empirical, and descriptive with the use of primary and secondary data from 1998-2007. Primary data were obtained from a sampled population through the use of a corporate questionnaire, and for the secondary, macro data were obtained from Central Bank and Nigerian Stock Exchange. Multivariate Analysis of variance method (MANOVA) was applied in analyzing the primary data. The results revealed the homogeneity, co linearity, and strong interrelationship between the dependent variables and the independent variables to solve distress in the three types of banks analyzed. With the results obtained, all the five null hypotheses were nullified. Multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the secondary data in conjunction with change in growth model. The results from the two statistical methods revealed a co-movement and correlation between Gross Domestic Product and Bank performance indices in the banking industry. A change in bank performance will have the same directional change in Gross Domestic Product as other sectors of the economy are also affected. The Bank performance indices are strong predictors of Gross Domestic Product. The work recommended a transformational financial strategy model in the work for implementation in the banking industry so that distress can be avoided and totally resolved. The model contains the following indices: sound corporate governance, good investment policy, effective capital budgeting, corporate planning, effective tax planning, effective budgetary control and economic profit of investment. An implementation of the model will give birth to sustainable performance growth which contains the following growth variables: adequate capital, quality earning assets, stable profitability, sustainable liquidity, enhanced dividend paid, and equitable tax liability. Other recommendations are: effective risk assets management, sound training of credit analyst, quality supervision from the industry regulators, and independence of EFCC for effectiveness. However, all stakeholders must be committed to the model and other recommendations


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    The Use of the Data Dictionary in DBMS based on graphs

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    The user of a DBMS has a collection of schemas, programs, methods, etc. . . stored in different locations, all over her computer. At the moment no DBMS offers appropriate tools to manage these collections. In this paper, we propose a graph-based data-dictionary for graph-based database models and languages. This data-dictionary can be used as basis for tools that assists the user in searching large amounts of meta-information. Some example tools are proposed. Aggregation is investigated as mechanism to make the query graphs more compact. 1 Introduction Graph based representions of database schemas gain more and more popularity ([3] for an overview). In such a model classes are usually represented by labeled nodes, while properties and relationships are indicated by directed, labeled edges. Experiments [6] show that these models allow the user to work faster and with less faults. Graph representations are two dimensional and require more place. This means that less information fits on ..


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    Femmes écrivains-journalistes (1880-1940) : questions de genre(s)

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    En Belgique, le tournant du siècle marque l’émergence de nouveaux rapports entre la femme et la littérature. Dans un contexte de débats sur l’émancipation intellectuelle des femmes et de reconfiguration de leur rôle social, on assiste à un accroissement et une diversification significative de l’effectif littéraire féminin. Alors qu’elles ne sont qu’une trentaine à prendre la plume entre 1830 et 1880, les femmes de lettres sont plus de deux-cents durant la Belle Époque et l’entre-deux-guerres,..
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